Monday, October 27, 2008

Tuscan White Bean & Garlic Soup

Weekend was awesome, the weather continuing to cool off more & more. There was quality time with family, dinner sidewalk-cafe style in our quaint little town, running around on a Sunday afternoon, getting fun stuff for the house, indulging in wings & beer, & some sampling of more of Giada's goodies from her new cookbook I am loving.

I also got a lot done around the house which just felt incredible - Fall cleaning, organizing......

This soup was excellent for lunch with my parents, served with some fresh Ciabatta bread. I will definitely be making this again with just one change. See my thoughts below. And aside from the cream, this was very healthy!

See those little things to the left of the pumpkin? Those were little linguine fritattas from Giada but one of many things that just don't come out right some time. They're from her new cookbook & while they have potential there are so many things I would change if I were to make them again.

2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 shallots, chopped
2 sage leaves
2 15-oz cans cannelloni beans, drained & rinsed
4 cups low-sodium chicken broth
5 cloves garlic, cut in 1/2
1/2 cup cream
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Place a medium, heavy soup pot over medium heat. Add the butter, olive oil & shallots. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the shallots are softened, about 5 minutes. Add the sage, beans & garlic & stir to combine. Add the stock & bring the mixture to a simmer. Cook gently for about 15 minutes. Pour half of the the soup into a large bowl. Carefully ladle 1/3 to 1/2 of the soup into a blender & puree until smooth.

Be careful to hold the top of the blender tightly, as hot liquids expand when they are blended. Pour the blended soup back into the pot. Puree the soup remaining in bowl. Once all the soup is blended & back in the soup pan, add the cream & the pepper.

Keep warm, covered, over very low heat.

My Thoughts

Per the instructions I only blended half of the soup but I am starting to think I should have blended all of it. Although I do like having the beans whole in the soup I would have also liked this a bit thicker. So, next time, I will blend most of it & add another can of beans to the soup to leave whole.


Kristina P. said...

Man, I could really use some of that soup with my bolonga sandwich I'm eating.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

wow, this looks great! i am definitely going to try this recipe!

sassy stephanie said...

Oh man, I love soups like this, esp when the weather is cooling off. And ciabatta...mmmmm

Lump said...

perfect timing for Dallas! as the weather is finally starting to get cool! :)

Maria said...

I am glad you tried this one! I saw it in the book and it is on my list. Looks great!! Thanks for the tip at the end!

scargosun said...

If I have my kitchen back this week, I'll puree the lot of it (I LOVE my immursion blender) and let you know. Maybe, I'll scoop out like a cup or two and puree the rest.

Elizabeth said...

This looks perfect for the colder weather!

Jen said...

Oh yes, I am hearing the call of soup. I want to make chili, there is your recipe and then I make a black bean chili. This soup looks good.
I really have to read Giada's book. Remember I bought it, well it still is just sitting on the cupboard calling to me. Every time I start, life gets in the way.

FROGGITY! said...

yurm! that looks delicioso!

the bread and soup... perfect for a windy and cool day like today. p.s. halleluia, it's cool in NOLA. finally.

i do wish i was on the east floridian coast, though ... i heard that there were some massive swells this past week...with great're a lucky girl to live in FLA!

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Sounds like it's really becoming fall around your neck of the woods! I'm jealous!

jo@blog-diggidy said...

yummy!! i love soup in the fall!! it just makes me feel all warm and cozy!! hugs and prayers...

Carrie and Jim said...

It's amazing how when the cold weather comes my only heat source comes from hot food and drinks. This looks really good. Maybe, I'll make it this week.

The Blonde Duck said...

It looks delicious to me! It's just now dropping below 80 here. Maybe I won't have to wear shorts on Thanksgiving!

Rebecca said...

Tuscan and Garlic all in the title - this has GOT to be GOOD!!!

Anonymous said...

Yummy, I love beans and garlic. I also love soups so i will have to try this for sure!

Angela said...

Oh my goodness, I totally missed the fact that Giada has a new book out. HOW did I miss THAT? LOL!

The tuscan white bean and garlic soup sounds awesome. That combination reminds me of an "Italian Hummus" recipe I saw Rachael Ray make, with white beans, garlic, lemon and tahini.

And we also tried to do a few things around the house this weekend - the weather is just too nice to pass up the chance to do stuff that sort of gets me outside, like cleaning windows, LOL! I refuse to allow this injury to take me completely out of commission.

Anonymous said...

Yummy, this sounds really good. I'll have to try this one.

HiHoOhio said...

Perfect on a cool fall day!

Jenny said...

Oh my goodness girl, you've got me drooling over here. Looks perfect and hearty!

Sweet Pea Chef said...

Another great recipe!

I posted a response to your question about my popeye calzones on my site...

Kelley with Amy's Angels said...

Since it's been, like, 30 degrees here over the last two days (I finally turned on the heat...), this soup sounds SO GOOD.

And the crusty bread is a BONUS!

Deb and Blake said...

Such a pretty & rustic soup! I can't wait to give it a try.

Wendelyn DeMoss said...

Yummy! We love beans at our house. White and black are our favorite in any form. Also, cannot go wrong with garlic!!!! Thanks!

Pam said...

Can't get much better than fresh soup and hot bread. I love white bean soup and yours looks great. I am with you - I like it thick too.

Anonymous said...

Wanna come fall clean/organize my house? You can cook for me too. It'll be a great vacation for me...I mean you.

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh yummy.......looks seriously delicious.

Michelle said...

Yum, I love soup!

Carrie said...

This is going to get made in my house this week! Oh joyous garlicky beans!!

Unknown said...

NOw that's some good looking food.

Anonymous said...

This soup looks so yummy - I can't wait to try it. You might like the white bean soup I made recently...
I'll be back to try some of your recipes!

Mrs. Buck said...

yum, this looks warm, cosy and delicious!

Anonymous said...

So simple, so so tasty...a real Italian classic, making the most of simple ingredients, with no embellishments.