Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Girl Time & Pomegranate Mimosas - Wordful Wednesday

Girl time - we all need it!!!!! Last week, both my best friend Tammy & I were a bit stressed & needed to get together. Honestly, I have been in a major funk for the past 2 weeks & am just starting to slowly get myself out, or at least I hope. 

What helps is a lovely evening with a best friend! I am so fortunate Tammy lives just a couple of miles away. So, she came over in her PJ's which fit right in with my attire, something probably from the day before, with the way life has been lately, & we shared a few appetizers, including the flatbread & shrimp veggie wontons, as well as a new cocktail.

The wonderful people over at POM Wonderful sent me a complementary case of their all natural pomegranate juice. It came a few hours before Tammy was coming & since I forgot to buy the white wine for the sangria I planned to make, the pomegranate juice came in handy.

Say hello to my little friend, the POM Mimosa. All you need is: 

1/2 oz. freshly squeezed pomegranate juice or POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice
1 glass of dry champagne
1/2 oz. Cointreau

Pour champagne into a champagne flute. Add pomegranate juice & float the Cointreau on top. If you don't have Cointreau then orange juice may be a nice addition. Go visit POM Wonderful for other great recipes!

Do I need to mention we polished off the entire bottle of champagne???

Tammy also got a little play time in with Nash & has since got a little doggie herself!

Here's to friends. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you. The time I spend with you each day is Girl Time too & I need it!

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


tiarastantrums said...

oh - FUN and delicious - and that pup - oh my - she is so stinking cute!!!!

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Ohhh, I love anything pomegranate. Those look very refreshing!

Hootin Anni said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, I'd love to have one of those drinks myself. But since you both finished off the bottle, guess I'll wait 'til next time.

Love the puppy!!!

My W W is about a family movie that I've watched several times, but just last time, I saw something that I've never seen before...can you see it? Come on over and test your vision skills.

Happy Wednesday.

Life, Love And Lola said...

Yum! And isn't Pomegranate suppose to be The New Wonder Fruit? Girl time ROCKS!

Anonymous said...

The pup is just poised for action but your friend doesn't look so sure about all of

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful and delicious girls night. I'm still loving the doggy.

Jen said...

I am so coming to you next girls night. The drinks sounds heavenly and good for you too, right!?! ;)

Kameron said...

I love friends that come over in jammies!! You don't ned to go out to have a nice time. My best friend comes over and we end up talking for hours just having a glass of wine. I am going to try your mimosa idea next time!!!

Rachel said...

Girl time is the best and much needed. The drink sounds fabulous!!!

Allison said...

Yummy sounding drink!

I love spending time with my girlfriends, too! Sounds like you had a great time.

Happy WW!

Deanna said...

Girltime is priceless. I drove fours hours to Birmingham to spend some time with my BFF. It was just wonderful. So glad you had girl time too.

Maria said...

Girls nights are the best!!

Michelle said...

Girl time is a good thing and I love POM juice!

So how is the job hunt going?

michelle matthews said...

How fun! It is always a great feeling to spend time with good girlfriends. I'm glad y'all got that time together. I hope you are getting out of your funk! I know that jammies all day feeling!
These recipes look and sound delicious!
Thank you for your sweet comments!

Lula! said...

I need that. Now. Just add it to the list of things I want you to make for me.

It's a very long list.

I'll have to stay 7 days. And will gain 70 pounds.

Good times.

Lump said...

love love love girl time!! and I definitely need to try out those mimosas next time I have some girl time. or maybe I'll just try them before that. ;)

Claremont First Ward said...

Good friends are such a blessing! SOunds like a great time!

Tam said...

OO that was a great POST! Hope things are going GOOD!

~Marie~ said...

That mimosa sounds yummy. Sorry you have been in a funk. It happens to the best of us at times. Try to stay positive.

Cupcake Dessert said...

those look super yummy!!! and the puppy is looking adorable as always!!!

Susie said...

Love the cocktails!!

girlytwins said...

You are very lucky to have such a great friend to de-stress with.

And those drinks look delicious :) Yummy!

Unknown said...

How nice to have a good friend so close! That cocktail looks quite tasty! : )

Mandy said...

You are making my already grumbling stomach grumble even more. That looks devine!

Anonymous said...

What a great time, I so have to try this recipe!!!

FROGGITY! said...

that looks like one good time!!! nothing wrong with a little champagne!

Simple Daisy said...

I make those at christmastime!! Super yummy!!!

debi9kids said...

OH YUM! Those sound just wonderful!!! (and so pretty too)

Happy WW!

Jenni said...

I love your doggie! And the drink looks YUMMY!

Sara said...

Sounds like a fun time! Of course the food looks great too.

brionyskerjance said...

having close friends near is such a sounds like an awesome time!

Sarah J. said...

A happy Valentine's day to you...thanks for the post!

Tina Butler said...

How fun it all looks so good. I wish I was there to enjoy it with you Steph!!! Happy Valentines Day to you and your family.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry you have been feeling a little blue. Me too! Pajama dates are the BEST!

Angela said...

Oh yum! You have combined two of my favorites! Pomegranate and champagne! I have to ask - how did you get that case of POM juice? I love that stuff but it's so expensive! I have started buying the frozen Welch's 100% pomegranate and it is pretty good...a little cheaper, anyway.

Looks like a wonderful "girls' night in" and I agree - I am so thankful for my girlfriends and for YOU my friend! I am sending you a big hug to get out of your funk!

And Pixie sends puppy kisses to Nash!)

Heather said...

I want to come over for mimosas and shrimp wontons!!! Looks like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I loved this idea but my friends and family aren’t big drinkers so I substituted the champagne with Kristian Regále Pomegranate-Apple Sparkler. It worked out great! Refreshing and delicious! Great for kids too!.

Anonymous said...

Hey just becoming a member, glad to be in! I glimpse forward to partcipating and have go through a whole lot so far, so hello!

Sooo anyways, adequate info about me, see you all-around and hello again haha.

BTW, what can I do to change the time zone for my account? It's kind of weird having the time like 5 hours off lol