Thursday, January 8, 2009

Spinach & Brie Topped Artichoke Hearts

Thanks to everyone for your good luck wishes, I really appreciate it! Some of ya'll had some fun ideas on how to spend my time now that I lost my job. HOWEVER, I can't be a SAHM to a child who isn't home & I also can't take an endless vacation to cook & blog. Nice thought though!!!! The only thing to do now that I lost my job is, well, find another one. I am sure there will be natural downtime in between the search & interviews to enjoy some stolen moments, like picking up Tristan a bit earlier & cooking a nice meal at 5 rather than a quick one at 6. But to just lay back & enjoy indefinite time off is just not in the cards.

I am easing into tomorrow's Not So Fat Fridays with a little healthy appetizer I made last weekend when my parents came over for dinner. We really enjoyed these!

(1) 9 oz box frozen artichoke hearts
2/3 cup cooked chopped spinach
1 tsp lemon pepper
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder
18 thin slices of brie

Pre-heat broiler. Prepare artichoke hearts according to package directions. Combine spinach, lemon pepper, salt & garlic in a small bowl. Top each artichoke heart with the spinach mixture & brie. Broil until cheese melts, about 1 minute. These are best served warm.

My Thoughts:

I bought frozen spinach & prepared according to the package directions, squeezing all the excess water out. Next time I make these, I may saute fresh spinach in some fresh minced garlic. The original recipe did not call for garlic at all which surprised me so add more if you'd like. For the brie, the smallest wheel you can buy will suffice. There will be leftover.

{Click Here to Print Recipe}

Stay tuned tomorrow for a healthy but delicious dinner and dessert!


Rachel said...

Good luck on the job search.

That appetizer looks delicious and easy to make; I will definately try this one for sure!

Jaysi said...

So sorry about the job! Sometimes these things really are blessings in disguise. I am so glad that you have a positive attitude about the whole thing.

These sound delicious. I can't wait to try them.

Anonymous said...

That's got to be delicious.. it's everything I love.

tiarastantrums said...

love your great attitude - and these look delicious!

Erin said...

2 income family here too.
Sounds SUPER yummy!!

Kristina P. said...

How do you always come up with the most awesome, delicious recipes?!?!

Jen said...

I was sold just from the title. Yum Yum!!!!

Pam said...

Clever appetizer using delicious flavors. YUM.

Michelle said...

Those look so good.

PaperCourt said...

Yum. Thanks for sharing.

michelle matthews said...

Oh these look soooo good!

Please keep us posted on the job search. I was just thinking earlier how I wished you had a cook book! You could get famous cooking and that can be your new job!

That is really cool how we have a lot in common from the tag post! :)

Jessica said...

That's a fun idea. Looks delicious!

Mary said...

That looks soooooo good!!!

FROGGITY! said...


Tam said...

YOU HAD ME AT BRIE! I heart brie like most people heart Edward Cullen! Brie Brie....OOO how I love thee! Any party, home party or anything I have to bring something...I always find a way to BRING a BRIE something or I will so include this in my BRIE file!!!! DID I mention I love Brie...LOL

Life, Love And Lola said...

All of my faves! Yum! I'm totally making this!

jewelstreet said...

I cannot wait for Not so Fat Friday as I'm starting my local Biggest Loser tomorrow.

Btw, your state flower is the orange blossom. Duh! lol. Just kidding. Didn't know until I looked at my list.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Yes, the change in lifestyle when going from two incomes to one would be a difficult one. I would be remiss if I didn't say that I wouldn't dream of being at home if we had to change our lifestyle substantially. I wish you the best of luck on your job search.


PS: During your upcoming stolen moments, I will be looking forward to more yummy recipes like this one. :)

FROGGITY! said...

hey- in response to your comment on my post: if we ever move to florida (which is indeed a possibility...we LOVE it there...) we should get together! we can make NEW connections! i am sure our kids would get along, too. :) it's a small world, you know!

Anonymous said...

OMG! 3 of my fav things in one recipe!?!?!?! artichoke hearts, brie, spinach!!!

Rhea said...

I'm sorry about your job. Hope you find something better in the cards.

And those look yummy. wow.

Deb and Blake said...

My mouth is watering...bring me a huge plate! :-) I can't wait to make these!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Ok, I may just move in with you! Those look divine!!!

Good luck on the search!

Jason, as himself said...

I can just taste it now. Mmmmmm...I'm hungry.

Unknown said...

Looks like something I saw on Top Chef the other day. I guess my blog has been causing a little trouble. Hopefully I fixed it.

debi9kids said...

mmmmmm... sounds delicious!

Good luck job hunting! I am sure you will find something that makes you happy!

sassy stephanie said...

I need something for a party tomorrow night...could you send those my way?

Enjoy the mexi!! Remember....doors will be opening!

Debra Owen said...

This looks yummy!

Sorry about the job thing. That's tough. We chose to go to one income when I gave birth to the twins. it's a tough transition, and we're still making lifestyle adjustments. Good luck. I'll be thinking of you.

scargosun said...

I missed your post about the job! Sorry! This recipe looks delightful (pun intended).

Kacey said...

Sounds super delish my dear!

Life, Love And Lola said...

OMG! Please come visit! Is there an email link on your blog? I can't find it.

Life, Love And Lola said...

Nevermind that ^^^^. I found it.

Anonymous said...

Yummm.... these looks delish and healthy sans too many carbs. Thanks for sharing!

Reeni said...

SITS sent me to see you delicious creations! These look amazing!

Unknown said...

I like these a lot! I hope you find a new job that is JUST PERFECT for you! I don't think I could ever be a just stay at home mom either. I do like being home a lot, but I find it makes me a little LAZY!