Friday, January 16, 2009

Not So Fat Fridays - Peach & Pepper Fajita Chicken & Creamy Garlic Dressing

Today I bring you a dish I made for dinner this week as well as a creamy but low fat dressing made with non-fat yogurt!!!

The chicken dish couldn't be any healthier but I do warn you, it is not a saucy or even slightly wet dish. But it is a nice change of pace especially when your body might be craving goodness after being bad for a few days. I loved the natural sweetness of the red pepper & peaches alongside the fajita seasoning of the chicken. And if you're careful not to overcook your chicken, the moistness goes a long way in this dish. This is simple & Not So Fat Friday!

~ Peach & Pepper Fajita Chicken ~

4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
Fajita seasoning
2 tblsp olive oil
1 1/2 large red bell pepper, cut into thin strips
2 medium fresh peaches, cut into thin slices

Pound chicken in between wax paper or saran, to flatten a bit. This will tenderize it and make it so moist & delicious. Sprinkle both sides with fajita seasoning. In a large skillet cook chicken in 1 tblsp of hot oil over medium high heat for 8-10 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle, turning once. Transfer chicken to a serving platter; keep warm.

Add remaining 1 tblsp oil to skillet; add bell pepper. Cook & stir for about 3 minutes. Gently stir in peach slices. Cook & stir for 1 to 2 minutes more until heated through. Spoon over chicken.

{Click Here to Print Recipe}

~ Creamy Garlic Dressing ~

1/2 cup plain yogurt
1/3 cup bottled Italian salad dressing
1 clove garlic, minced

For dressing, in a small bowl stir together yogurt, salad dressing & garlic. Serve over your favorite salad.

{Food for Thought}
I used Paul Newman's Light Italian & this was incredible. I tried non-fat Italian & didn't like it at all. Top this over your favorite salad & add a little freshly grated parmesan cheese. It goes so well with this dressing.



Elizabeth said...

Wow. This looks amazing!

Deanna said...

I can't wait for the fresh peaches in summer to make this again!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i am in love!!! sounds so delicious! ok, stupid question, but i have never, ever pounded chicken it just to flatten?

Tina said...

Looks delicious! I have a recipe that's similar, but doesnt have the bell peppers. Yours sounds better!

Unknown said...

Yummm....that sounds great! I popped over from "Living and Loving in Texas" and am impressed by all your simple but delicious sounds recipes.

Erin said...

That salad looks great!

Alyson | New England Living said...

My mouth is watering. Yum!

Ritch in Love said...

Lately I've been following the Eat Clean Diet and this recipe is perfect for what I'm trying to accomplish right now!

Coco said...

This will be perfect for a nightly dinner. We have fajitas without the tortillas and cheese quite a bit, this will be a nice change of pace. I love sweet with my meat.

Kristina P. said...

I never would have thought about peaches with fajitas! Awesome!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...


mommy4life said...

Sounds wonderful! Thanks!

Tina Butler said...

That looks awesome and low fat to boot. You would of never guessed by the picture. I love to use peaches to cook main dishes.

Jaysi said...

Sounds fabulous!! I really can't wait to try out the dressing. I am a salad junkie!!

tiarastantrums said...

perfect - I need a recipe for tonight - although I don't have any peppers and I am NOT going outside today!

Leslee P said...

That looks so yummy!

Lump said...

so I've started a low carb diet... well, not me. The BF is on the low carb diet, so my household is practically carb free. and these two dishes look perfect for him. YUM!

Jen said...

Oh, that just looks so good. I am so adding it to my list.

Unknown said...

Yum! Yum! Yummy! I want to make this on Sunday before Kaishon's Birthday party for my parents and Gary : ). And of course I will give some to Kaish, Sabria and Naji too!

FROGGITY! said...

oooh! i like the looks of that. a good dressing is hard to find, so i will have to try this out. i love a little variety! have a great weekend!

Rachel said...

I love love love your posts Another great dish!

Claremont First Ward said...

I've never had peaches with my fajitas, but it sounds so delicious!

lynette355 said...

OH my sounds good

cant wait for peaches to come back in season

Jessica said...

Looks great! I'd never have thought to put peaches and peppers together. Yummy! And the dressing is a great idea. We've been making our own dressings for a while. It's really easy and yummy.

Smores for Breakfast said...

Mmmmm....yummy! I love Fridays! I use yogurt in everything lately. I even just read a recipe that said to mix greek yogurt with low fat sour cream to top baked potatoes!

Nazarina A said...

What an innovative idea, adding the juicy peaches to the fajitas! I am sooo going to try this as well.I can envision how your son was licking his lips !Great idea!

Chef Chuck said...

WoW, the sweet peaches and peppers, I like that mix! plus, Chicken looks good!
Thanks, Chuck

The Blonde Duck said...

I love not so fat Fridays! This looks great.

Sandy said...

sometimes the simple tastes the best. thanks for sharing :) happy weekend!

Jenny said...

Looks incredible! I love all of those flavors, have a great weekend!

jewelstreet said...

Better late than never. I don't know how I forgot. Anyway, this sounds delicious, and I can't wait to try it.

Rhea said...

I love the colors in the top dish. Beautiful! Yummy looking too.

Angela said...

Oh yum Steph, this looks amazing and you know I am all about the healthy balance right now. I will definitely try this. I have been pretty good this past week - turkey and avocado sammies for lunch most days, and lots of fish this week (salmon and char...yummy!) Hopefully I can keep up the progress next week!!


Maria said...

I love healthy recipes! Looks good! Hope you are having a nice weekend!

CC said...

Oh. My. Yum!

Baby Favorite said...

I would never think to make fajitas w/peaches, and yet it looks REALLY good!

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of adding peaches! Yum! Thanks for the idea!

Maki said...

Oh my goodness, they look sooo amazingly delish!!!

Giada is one of my favorite lady - she is gorgeous and she can cook!!!

Thank you so much for supporting my big day past Wednesday - it meant a lot to me...

Have a delicious week and please stay in touch:)

jo@blog-diggidy said...

wow, that chicken looks amazing!!!i might just have to try this recipe1 sry i havent been around much. i havent been well lately, hope to be around more!!

Lula! said...

Not only does this look like it tastes fantastic, but the presentation of it is just glorious--love all those colors on the plate. And I love the looks of that dressing, too.

OK, this is the year when we get SERIOUS about your cookbook, girl.

Pam said...

What a bright, colorful and tasty meal.

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious! I've been looking for healthy mexican--tough combo to find! :)

Life, Love And Lola said...

YUM! I would have never thought of adding peaches!

Unknown said...

Great blog and some (ok all!!!) wonderful sounding meals!

sassy stephanie said...

Looks so yummy. I know I would totally dig it, but I cannot for the life of me get Sweetie to eat sweet peppers. I have tried it every way, but no go. I don't do green peppers but love all the others.

I have tried to steer clear of sour cream and use yogurt instead. Have you tried yogurt cheese? Yum. I'll have to try using it in dressing.

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