Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The End of a Birthday - A Wordful Wednesday

A card labeled “Mom,” sitting there on the shelf
With his beautiful little handwriting, a present in itself

Flowers from a lover, husband & dear friend
All the beautiful colors of a
love that’ll never end

A dinner celebration at a quaint & charming spot
gourmet paradise, no other place could top

A hidden treasure nestled in a beautiful little town
A boy taking after his momma,
exploring what’s around

To add more sweetness to a most lovely night
Shared among
family, a confectioner’s delight

So all in all a happy birthday indeed
It feels
so good to be only 23!!

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


tiarastantrums said...

cake looks divine- did you make?
I ADORE hand written cards as well - and save them all.
Restaurant looks fab!
Glad you had a great BDay !!

Claremont First Ward said...

I LOVE how you wrapped up your birthday, and I'm SO excited that you were first. Yahoo for you! :)

jori-o said...

happy birthday to you! and those sweet little hand-written cards are precious!

Lump said...

the little one is so adorable and the cake makes my mouth water! :) happy birthday once again!

Anonymous said...

You were first because Mr. Linky wanted you to be first! :):) Love this post! You deserve the very fitting gourmet restaurant for your birthday, afterall it would have to top the gourmet that you provide every week! Everything about it was "divine"! So happy for you!

Jen said...

Wow, I am so impressed. What a great way to tell about your birthday and that cake, goodness it is almost to pretty to eat, almost.

Susan said...

Happy Birthday! That cake is making my mouth water.
You have some really special guys in your life...lucky lady!

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

Ahh that was so sweet! Happy Birthday! Sounds like it was such a special day!

The Nice One said...

Wow! I hope that it's as good as it looks...you deserve a very wonderful and special day!

Lorina said...

Looks wonderful. What a great night. Happy Birthday.

Kameron said...

I love the story you told with pictures and with your poem!

Finding Normal said...

Love the MOM card!
That cake looks amazing!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

Happy 23rd Birthday!!
I love your post - its really cute (love the rhyming)

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Happy Birthday to you! It looks like a fabulous time. A magical WW to you!

Kacey said...

So happy you had such a wonderful celebration!So, I have an idea for your next video - you know, ala your AI, running man audition tape. You should totally start rapping your Wordful Wednesdays! Seriously, you have fabulous rhyming skills and those skills need to be showcased. We could even come up with a saucy rapper name like...Stephalicious. Ha!

sassy stephanie said...

What a great post. Hope you saved me a piece of that cake.

threesidesofcrazy said...

Looks like you had a super birthday and that cake looks amazing! Thanks for stopping by.

Lula! said...

This was THE best post, Stephanie!!! You are blessed...and you deserved every bit of this.

Helen Ruth said...

WOW! What a birthday! (((HAPPY BIRTHDAY!))) Gorgeous cake too! YUM!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! What a wonderful way to celebrate - Happy Birthday!!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

Beautifully written and I love the photos! Glad your day was great!

Rhonda said...

Great post! And AMAZING cake!! Wow!

Happy birthday!

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday! Looks like you had a great one. Those flowers are beautiful, and no gift can ever beat something given to us by our children.

Anonymous said...

Happy 23rd birthday liar!!!

Joyce said...

Happy Birthday!

What a lovely post. I enjoyed your poetry, too. :)

Ritch in Love said...

I can't believe I didn't drop by on the day of! Happy Birthday to a fun Blogland Friend!

Marcie said...

Everything looks so nice! What a wonderful family you have to share your life with! Happy Happy Birthday!

Suzann said...

Happy Birthday! It appears that an incredible day blessed you on your birthday.

Deb said...

cute post. looks like quite the special day... perfect for you since included great food. the cake looks amazing. hope the year that follows is as special as the day.

The Mrs. said...

Sounds so amazing!!!

Susie said...

That was a touching and well-written account of a wonderful birthday:-) Beautiful:-)

Homegrown Family said...

awesome looking cake! Happy birthday my 35th is tomorrow. My throat clinches every time I say that number. 26 was hard 30 was awesome and now 35 ugh. Maybe its because grey hair has popped up this year. LOL
Erika @ Pioneer Homemaker

Homegrown Family said...

awesome looking cake! Happy birthday my 35th is tomorrow. My throat clinches every time I say that number. 26 was hard 30 was awesome and now 35 ugh. Maybe its because grey hair has popped up this year. LOL
Erika @ Pioneer Homemaker

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

Happy Birthday - great post!

Carrie and Jim said...

Glad to read that you had such a wonderful day. That cake looks amazing, I wish I could have a piece of that...

Anonymous said...

Happy 23rd. Great cake.

My mouth watered over the fried green tomatoes post.

Unknown said...

Happy WW! Happy birthday from my village to yours...

I invite your blog readers to see America's First Family!


S Club Mama said...

Happy birthday!!!

That cake looks AWESOME! Oh that's what I want for my next bday.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

wow! sounds like an incredibly perfect and wonderful birthday!

i want a piece of that cake! yum!

Jamey said...

Love that cake, looks like you had a wonderful day!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!!!!

That cake looked absolutely sinful and your son is such a cutie!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! The cake looks divine and so wonderful to see your little guy's writing. My daughter is learning her name and I never thought I would be so excited over the writing of a name.

Maria said...

Yeah for birthdays! Looks like you had the perfect day! I am glad!! I love the flowers and that cake looks super tasty!

Brandy said...

Happy Birthday! It sure looks like it was a special day.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great birthday! That place looks so cozy! And the cake?! Looks amazing!

girlytwins said...

Sounds divine. What more does a mom need than a yummy cake, home made cards, a delicious meal and gorgeous flowers? Happy birthday.

Tam said...

OMG what a great great way to spend your Birthday! LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures and OOO your SON is beyond cute! Cuteness just exploded on my computer screen! The flowers ROCK! Did I mention that YUMMY look cake...it is making me drool. OOO and I will MIA for a week but will catch up with YOU soon!

Tabitha Blue said...

Now, THAT is a prefect day... and perfect birthday!!! Loved the way you told the story of it too. Sweet :)

SarahHub said...

What a wonderful way to tell the story of a wonderful day! Happy birthday!

FROGGITY! said...

what a sweet post! :) happy birthday to you (again)! and that cake is GORGEOUS. the best part is the card... well, and the flowers... and ... well, it's all sweet!

Mc Allen said...

awww, what a special day!! Happy birthday and your family is precious!! LA

Unknown said...

Looks and sounds like a fabulous birthday!!

Got any cake left?!

p.s. love your poem!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness-you are so talented!!

stefanie said...

Looks like it was fantastic from beginning to end!

The Blonde Duck said...

Congrats! Love the crossed out age at the bottom!

Kim said...

What a wonderful birthday you must have had. That is just perfect! Happy b-day.

Yellow Beads said...

wow, you are truly blessed Steph :))

Erin said...

Happy Birthday Steph! I have been checking out your blog for a while and using your recipes often...thanks! I love the fabulous restaurant you went to ...I hope your night was wonderful!

Heather said...

It doesn't get any more perfect than that! Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome birthday. BTW, your pumpkin crisp was a big hit at both mine and my husbands hospitals a couple weeks ago. Thanks for the awesome recipes.

On The Wings Of Love said...

.....sounds like you had a fun birthday - blessed indeed !

Thanks for commenting on my Cozy Corners post.

If I could add some of your AMAZING dishes to my corners we'd really be in business : )

.......can't wait for the broccoli dish .


Erin said...

I love getting cards too and it's something a lot of people don't do anymore! It's a shame! It sounds like it was the perfect birthday!

Can't wait to see the new recipes!

Unknown said...

This looked like a LOVELY Birthday! That son of yours is TOO cute! I LOVE his card! I love the flowers. I LOVE the cake : )! I am so glad you had a special Birthday!

Unknown said...

The place looks pretty cool, but that cake has me drooling all over my keyboard.

Angela said...

Everything looks wonderful! I am so happy you had a great day! And I agree with others - that cake looks to die for!!

The Rockin' Wife said...

What abeautiful birthday. I love the flowers, the cake and the restaurant. All so special. Just like you!

I tagged you with a little question thingy..you know, in your spare time.

Casey's trio said...

Happy Birthday. Looks like you had a lovely celebration.

Laila said...

Sounds perfect! I'm so glad you had a fantastic day. Thanks also for your kind words about my friend Albert, my mother appreciated it too.

??? said...

All I can say is you BLOW me away with your talent!!

I hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!