Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dip & Dinos

I have shared this dip with you before but with the holidays coming up & because this is the first time I have my own pictures, I wanted to post it again. It is a family favorite, my sister & I have been making it for years. And since it is so easy, I never even factor it in to my timeline when entertaining. It always has a spot. Even those who don't love artichokes have loved this dip!!
(2) 14oz can quartered artichoke hearts, drained & cut up (2) can original Rotel (diced tomatoes & chiles), drained (1) cup mayo (1) cup grated parmesan cheese (2) tsp garlic powder (1) tsp worcestershire sauce Preheat oven to 375. To minimize cleanup, drain artichoke hearts in one side of the colander & the Rotel in the other side. Let sit for a few minutes. Roughly chop up the artichoke hearts in half. Pour into a shallow baking dish. Add mayo, parm cheese, garlic & worcestershire. Combine well. Bake for 30-35 minutes until nice & bubbly. Let stand for 10 minutes. Serve with Scoops!!!
My Thoughts: Too easy. This dip tastes perfect warm or at room temperature so it's perfect for taking right out of the oven & bringing somewhere. Even people who don't love artichokes have loved this dip. It's a must try. While it's not spicy at all, it does have a little kick. So, if you are on the cautious side at all, just buy the mild Rotel instead of the original.

*** *** ***

Here's pics from last weekend when we saw the live show Walking with Dinosaurs. It was an awesome experience & worth the money. It's based on the award winning BBC TV series & depicts the evolution of these dinos & their daily interactions with one another. I was amazed at how incredibly real they looked.

Click on pics to make larger.

We went with Tristan's girlfriend Emily who he has known since he was 8 months old, and her mom. How cute do they look together?


c said...

I love artichoke dip and I love Rotel. What a great combo! Definitely trying this. I also love Giada's recipes - aren't they great?

FROGGITY! said...


Maria said...

The dip sounds awesome!! I love artichokes! The kids are too cute for words!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

that sounds yummy!

i love the pictures of the kids, they are so sweet! holding hands and arms around each other with big grins. too cute!

~Marie~ said...

Oh what fun with the Dinos! The dip sounds yummy. I may have to use it for a holiday cocktail party and gift exchange my best friend is hosting.

Carrie said...

You had me at artichokes...*gulp*

I so wanted to go to that show when it was in Detroit, but I couldn't talk my hubby into going with me and I was too embarrassed to ask any other adult to go with me. boo-hoo

It looked AWESOME!

Kristina P. said...

I am having a Christmas party in a couple of weeks, and was planning on doing an artichoke dip. This one sounds great.

Think it would work in the slow cooker?

Tam said...

The dip sounds great and easy! I love easy these days! OOO that show looks like so much boys would go wild over that.

talk to you soon,
take care!

Lump said...

oh my goodness they are too cute! :)

mmmm the dip sounds wonderful.

Leslee P said...

mmmmm, sounds so yummy! I will have to try it. I am always looking for a good dip recipe... In my family, we normally end up filling up on dip and viggies before dinner is even served... It is so fun to stand around, snack and catch up on lost time...!

Claremont First Ward said...

Tristan and his girlfriend are adorable. I'm glad you decided to share the recipe again b/c I don't remember it?

Carrie and Jim said...

Dip looks great. I liked seeing the pictures from the show. And the girlfriend pics way too cute. Does it make you sad? They start loving others so young. sigh~

Alyson | New England Living said...

I've heard of that show! Looks awesome.

And that dip - wow!

Jen said...

The dip looks awesome, I love artichokes.

I just saw that this was coming to our town in December and the commercial made Hayden stop in his tracks. It is worth it you say? How about for a 4 year old? Did it freak you out, they looked so real on TV?

Rebecca said...



YUM YUM YUM!!!!!!!!

And... Tristan and Emily are adorable!

Sweet Pea Chef said...

Adorable pictures...

Michelle said...

I love artichoke dip and I love the dish you put it in.

Super cute kiddo pictures.

michelle matthews said...

Oh those two little ones are so cute.
This sounds delicious! I printed it out! Thank you!

Scary Mommy said...

That dip sounds awesome!! And I love the tip about the crock potpourri. Yum.

Erin said...

The dip has officially been added to our munchies list for next week! I, too, love the smell of the holidays...great idea using a crock pot, so sneaky :) Fabulous as usual !

Anonymous said...

Love the photo of the kiddos. How cute are they?

Anonymous said...

wow, that looks yummy! I will be adding this to my holiday food list!

Casey's trio said...

I LOVE artichokes and can't wait to try this recipe:) And the best part is that it looks super easy to make!

Rhea said...

That looks yummy. I like easy recipes.

Tristan and Emily are ADORABLE together. Wouldn't that be wild if they ended up getting married?! Sorry too soon for that, I know. It's nice to have close friends from babyhood.

FROGGITY! said...

well dang! i meant to comment on this earlier and just forgot! probably too excited! haha

i love hot artichoke dip. and ro tel is always a hit with me as well!

how awesome about the dinos! LL is 'into dinosaurs' right now. she loves them! what a fun outing.

Lump said...

oooh check my blog...I gave you a little something. ;)

sassy stephanie said...

You are so sweet! usual....Yuuuuuuuuuuuuum.

Honey Mommy said...

That walking with Dinos exhibit looks COOL!

The Blonde Duck said...

So precious!

I never thought of mixing artichokes and rotel!

Kacey said...

The dip - fab - the boy - even more fab. And his girlfriend? Mr. Tristan has good taste. Little cuties! Ha! Ha!

Helen Ruth said...

Oh kewl, you made the dip again. My daughter and I used the leftovers and added a small can of chicken with a sprinkle of cheese. We ate it for lunch. Very tasty!

One of these days soon, I'll be posting my to-die-for fiesta dip. You can make a meal out of this dip -- it has the rotel, beef, cheese, beans, etc.

Deanna said...

So glad you reposted this because I obviously missed it before and you are right, it is perfect for the holidays!! I hope it doesn't give my pregnant sister heartburn, but if it does... more for us! hee hee

Deanna said...

So glad you reposted this because I obviously missed it before and you are right, it is perfect for the holidays!! I hope it doesn't give my pregnant sister heartburn, but if it does... more for us! hee hee

tiarastantrums said...

the dip looks delicious!!

love the boy with his girl!

Ronnica said...

I think I got it here, but I made that recipe a few months ago. Delicious! I might make it over the holidays if I can convince my family to let me. =)

Yellow Beads said...

It won't be long now before you hear "I'm not holding a GIRL's hand, yucky!" :))

Lula! said...

Oh, I have missed you. So. Dang. Much.

We will discuss THE movie after you've seen. We will have a LOT to discuss. Yes, we will.

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

This looks really delicious! I'm going to link to it in my weekly Things to Write Home About post.

Unknown said...

Awww. Even little people find love too.

Rajesh said...

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