Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Inn Love with B&B's

Hi all. I have been MIS. Missing in sickness. Just coming around from something that felt like the flu. I have missed seeing what's going on in your neck of the woods so I will be catching up today & tomorrow. More than halfway through Breaking Dawn with all the rest time I had. Still in love with those crazies............

Bed & Breakfasts - they're one of my passions. I fell in love with them about 15 years ago while visiting my grandma in New Hampshire with my parents & sister. I remember seeing the clawfoot tub at the foot of my parent's bed & my mouth dropped open.

At that time, I started researching B&B's online here & I was simply amazed at being able to look at all the rooms. There were a couple of places where I'd call to reserve & would be flexible on the date just so I would have a specific room. Whether it was the jungle room or the library room or maybe the aquatic room, each would take me away to another world for a weekend. There were also a few B&B's I would visit just for the B&B itself, not caring the town it was in, knowing we would find fun somewhere. Here are a few....

(Click to enlarge)

The romance, the charm, the home cooked breakfasts, the wine hour, the cozy common areas where guests gather & talk or quietly read a good book, & all the beautifully decorated individually themed rooms. They take my breath away & make me feel like a kid in a candy store.

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


tiarastantrums said...

Gorgeous! I love those old cottages/mansions as well - BUT I never got used to eating breakfast after a major night of (well you know) with strangers??

sassy stephanie said...

Oh man, you got it too? I guess at least it was all at once, instead of passing around the germies for weeks! Hope you guys are feeling better.

Jen said...

They do look awesome. We are going to a B&B in a couple weeks, I can't wait.

Claremont First Ward said...

I was just starting to get worried about you! I'm glad you are on the upswing, but boo hoo what you were sick. Can't wait for you to finish Breaking Dawn. I can see why you love to find great B and B's!

scargosun said...

Glad you are feeling a little better. I LOVE B&B's. I discovered them when I was traveling a lot in my early 20's. I found I could get great discounts for long stays and weekday stays and it was SO much better than an impersonal hotel. My fave is the Azalea Inn in Banner Elk, NC.

Maria said...

I always wanted to have a b and b since I was little. I still think it would be fun!! We have some cute ones in Utah. Maybe someday it will still happen for me:)

Tam said...

ONE of my passions is to stay at AS many b and b's across the US! LOL LOL

Kacey said...

Welcome back! I'm sorry you weren't feeling well! Glad you got your reading in though. I was going to tell you...I went to the store with all intentions of delving in to those crazy books. Do you REALIZE how MANY pages there are? OMG! So, just FYI, I won't be joining the cool crowd because I am officially intimidated and I'm afraid of commitment. :o) Sending {HUGS} your way for a full recovery!

The B & Bs are gorgeous.

Elizabeth said...

I've always wanted to stay at a B&B...maybe your post will encourage me to visit.

Pam said...

I've never stayed in a B&B but after this post, I will!

Anonymous said...

I've never stayed at a B &B but have always wanted to. The ones you have up are BEAUTIFUL! Hope you feel better!

Lula! said...

I love B&Bs, too. Asheville as some amazing ones that we've stayed in.

And if you ever opened one AND were the head chef, I'd be taking weekend trips there on a every-other-month basis. We would eat and drink Blue Moon and discuss our Edward love. Over and over again.

Feel better!

The Blonde Duck said...

I hope you feel better! Drink lots of OJ!

Unknown said...

I love B&bs. I haven't been to one in a long time. Gotta put that on the to-do list. Feel better.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

love B&B's, but haven't stayed in one for a number of years...kiddos are way to loud and there' snever enough room for us all. i do love ur pics...the architecture is fab!

Mo said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon. Being sick is never fun.

I'd like to personally thank you and give you a grrrr face for being the one to propel me into the Twilight series. I read the first book in about three days and am getting th rest of the series from a friend this weekend.

Can we all say bye bye to getting anything done? :)

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

Sorry you're sick!

I love B&Bs too. I love the bottom right-corner pic. Hubbie and I stayed in one in FL and another in Vancouver that were delightful. Can't believe I didn't write down the names. Also... we did our 10-year anniversary at one in a small town in UT. I thought it would be hokey, but it was so nice. They had all of the great services any hotel would have, but with all the charm.

Happy WW!

Shell in your Pocket said...

I love Bed& Breakfests, too! The best ones are on the island of is a dream!
-Sandy toes

Angela said...

Something else we have in common, LOL! I love B&B's too (especially the breakfast part, but then you know I love food!) Your photos are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

B&B's look so charming and I would personally love to stay in one someday. I'll have to do some research and see if there is one close to home.

AutoSysGene said...

That yellow house is beautiful. I'd like to live in it instead of visit it! :)

Stephanie said...

I've never stayed in one, but always thought they were interesting. It's something I'd like to do.

Wendy said...

Glad you are back! We live in an historic town with many bed and breakfasts. Our entire downtown is actually full of historical buildings from 1889 (Land Run). I too am a nut about old buildings!

Jessica said...

Looks like you visited some great ones. I love B&B's too. The best one I ever visited was in England at the Isle of Wight! Great post!!!

Jenny said...

I soooo need a B&B vacation! Love your pics!

Deanna said...

Glad you are feeling some better. I love B&B's. I need one NOW!

Unknown said...

You know, I have never been to one. But I have ALWAYS wanted to. Breakfast is such a scrumptious meal! is LUNCH and Dinner... :). Thanks for sharing all of these pretty pictures. I will be sure to let you know when I go.

Yellow Beads said...

Hope you are feeling better!!! Hubby and I have stayed at two B&Bs in Florida--so much better than hotels!

Anonymous said...

Check out :