Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Movin' on up!

I have been feeling down. Nothing in particular has me there but that's where I have chosen to be, down. They say it's a choice, right? Either way, I don't like it. While I feel like I am on my way back up, it was important for me to give myself a few reminders of what's making me happy lately:

Wonderful recipes marked & ready for me to try:

Old photos recently found, of me:

And my mom:

The "Perfectly Chocolatey" Chocolate Frosting, so easy to make you'll never want to buy store bought, recipe here:

Seeing Tristan's face & name in a printed book:

And being able to picture what he'll look like in a suit some years from now:

A wine glass swap & gift from Casey:

Meeting a blogger friend, Ronda, for the 1st time & enjoying one another's company as much as we do eachother's blogs

Ronda & Me

Working so close to home & school where I can have lunch dates with this little guy:

And lastly, to you all - I am sure you know the feeling, when you're just not quite right, yet you know you'd be worse if you didn't have bloggy friends & wonderful inspirations just a click away!

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


starnes family said...

Isn't that truth? I love this weird bloggy world we live in!

Glad you like the glass. I like it, too!

FROGGITY! said...

# 1: you should not feel down, dahhling, because you're gorgeous. own it.

#2: coffee and chocolate bible... yes, please.

#3: your mom is a betty.

#4: loving the spongebob and son!

hope you feel more uplifted in the days to come!!

Mommy Mac said...

Hey mama!!!

No down and outs anymore!

I am pouring a cocktail in your honor as we speak!

Getting ready to make hot ham-n-cheese sandwiches steamed with crunchy bacon and make homemade potato chips in the deep fryer...

You bring that there chocolate cake over for dessert and we will call in even!!!

Being down is no fun...just remember it is the acknowledgement of being down that lets you know that you remember what if feels like to be on top of the world happy!


.mac :)

Erin said...

1. EWWW to the BLATANT SPAM that is the comment above mine!
2. DEF. know the feeling, and have been in the same boat recently!

Tam said...

I think lots of people are walking with you on this particular path right now. FEEL ME beside you? LOL It seems to be that everything is off and not quite right. I loved your list. WOW that picture of YOUR MOM Rocks. I love Old photos of family! Well I hope you find a different path and pull me along with you to that path. BIG HUGS!

Jen said...

I am in love this you. This was a great post.

Ronda said...

Hi there!
Don't be down. I agree with everything Froggity said, just keep reading that over and over. But I do know what your feeling. You just can't put your finger on it. That is how I was for the last 2 days.
I love your post, and your mom is beautiful. You were so cute too!
Make something out of that chocolate bible----that might help!


Kacey said...

That picture of you as a little girl - ADORABLE! Too adorable for words! And your Mom? Oh my goodness - she is gorgeous!

I'm sending lots of hugs your way my dear. ;D

Pam said...

Great post! It's important to remember what we are thankful for - it keeps us going.

Here's something to make you smile... New Moon will be out next month :) :) :) :) :)

More Than Words said...

It's great to reflect on even the littlest things that make us happy!!! Those were great pictures!

Liz Mays said...

When you're surrounded by all of those wonderful things, it would be hard to stay down for long. :)

Unknown said...

Excellent photo montage. Nice way to thank or think about those things and people that make you happy. Glad things are looking up.

Reeni said...

I'm sorry you've been down! If I could take it away for you I would. This was a sweet post - lovely pictures - cute book and reminders of all to be thankful for.

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

Hope you're feeling better soon, when I get in a funk I try and journal my gratitude each day to find my way out - great list!

Susie said...

Everyone has their down days but you have a lot of reminders to be happy:-)

Michelle@DomesticationoftheSingleGirl said...

Great pictures!!!


Lula! said...

You're so blessed...
Loved the picture of you as a child...
and your beautiful mom...
and Tristan in a "suit."

I also need that icing recipe...now...on this plane. Where I'm writing this comment from 38,000 feet. (Woo-hoooooo! Free WiFi!)

Michelle said...

Those are good things to bring you up! You can see how much Tristan looks like you in the picture of you as a child.

girlytwins said...

I would imagine that anything in that chocolate bible would brighten your day :) Sorry you are in a funk, been there recently.

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

Lets have a drink....and some chocolate!

tiarastantrums said...

I'm getting in a funk - but it's b/c of this cold weather!!

Life, Love And Lola said...

I'm here to lift you up...

Love the pics...You are so stinkin gorgeous and your recipes rock the house! HUGS!!!!

Not sure what to cook for him...He's a meat and potato kinda guy. Thoughts?? Oh, and he's italian so I don't think it's wise for me to go that route...I'm sure his mom's cooking rocks.

Kat @ For the Love of Chaos said...

I love this post! Sorry you're in a funk... but you've got an awesome family :) Great photos - thanks for sharing!!! *hugs*

Gloria Baker said...

Dear, Im feeling down now, a crazy day yesterday and well you know, many things together.I really understand you I hope you feeling well soon I love your blog, xxgloria

Nice pictures!!!!

Jenni said...

Lots of good stuff there!

That frosting made my mouth water!

Tam said...

HI just popped over after the kids are bed to SAY HI and let you know that this was a really good healthy post. Take care!

Joyce said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog and Spanx story. I wish the header was my yard but I took the photo last winter at the Philadelphia Flower show and the theme was Tablescapes so it made for a perfect header photo. If you are in Philly when the flower show is there make sure you go even if you do not garden as it is incredible. I am off now to whip up some pumpkin woopie pies that I have been eyeing since before the wedding:)

Kameron said...

It is so true! Every time I need to pull myself out of a funk I try to write a list like that, even just in my head! I hope you are feeling on the up and up really soon!

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

What a great post!

That frosting looked delicious!

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

I want to be whatever religion it is that has THAT as its Bible. Convert me, please.

Serendipity is Sweet said...

Hope you are feeling happy again soon.
I need that cookbook!
Your little guy is so cute!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Woop woop for bloggy meet ups! I can't believe the amount of amazing women that I've met through this experience!

Heather said...

Can't wait to see some of those recipes. Already drooling! I love the picture of your mom.

Coco said...

Just reading this. So sorry you are in a funk. It happens to the best of us, and it is just the pits.

But you sure do have a lot to make you happy. Tristen is just gorgeous. And your hubs isn't so bad either....

Angela said...

Hugs and love and keep looking up!!

Very cute pics, and the frosting looks awesome!

Unknown said...

I just loved this post so much. You are an inspiration! I am forever in a cooking funk, but when I come here I always feel hopeful : )

LOVE the picture of you when you were young. Your Mom is so beautiful!

The book looks AWESOME! Very cool! And I LOVE love LOVE that you can have lunch dates with your baby. The time just flies SO quickly.

I just shed a tear as I typed that.

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