Monday, November 17, 2008

Pecan Caramel Cheesecake

Awesome weekend! We visited Madagascar, went Walking with Dinosaurs, spent time with friends, ate a good meal with family; a nice balance of good things! More on the live experience with the Dinosaurs to come but if you're considering going, it's definitely worth it!!

We spent time at my parents house yesterday & since I promised them I'd bring a dip, appetizer & dessert but was running short on time, I cheated a bit on the last & decided to go with this Sandra Lee recipe which uses 70% ready-made products with 30% fresh. This turned out way beyond my expectations & I would definitely make it again. I've never used the no bake cheesecake packages & while I won't make a habit of it, it was nice for a change.

I can definitely see this on my dessert table at Thanksgiving. Everyone loved it!!!

2 boxes real cheesecake dessert mix, Jell-O No Bake
3/4 cup butter, melted
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 tblsp water
2 1/2 cups cold milk
1 cup butterscotch caramel sauce
1 cup chopped pecans, toasted
1/2 cup packed golden brown sugar

Line bottom of 9 inch springform pan with parchment paper. Mix the 2 packages of crust (from cheesecake dessert mix), the melted butter, sugar & water in a large bowl until well blended. Reserve 1 cup of crumb mixture for topping. Press remaining crumb mixture onto bottom of prepared pan (not up sides).

Combine the 2 packages of cheesecake filling & the cold milk in another large bowl. Beat for 3 minutes or until smooth & thick. Fold 1/2 cup of caramel sauce into cheesecake mixture. Pour mixture into crust lined springform pan. ***Mix reserved crumb mixture with 1/4 cup of caramel sauce, pecans & brown sugar. Sprinkle mixture on top of cheesecake***

Refrigerate cake at least ***5 hours*** or until set. Run warm knife around pan sides to loosen cake; remove pan sides. Transfer cake to serving platter & drizzle with remaining ***1/4 cup of caramel sauce.***

My Thoughts:

*** I am not sure how they expect you to sprinkle any mixture once that mixture has been combined with sticky gooey caramel sauce. So, I ended up having to spread it, if I could even call it that, carefully over the cake with my fingers. I then toasted more pecans & filled in any spots. This took a lot of patience & while this came out awesome, I won't do it the same next time. I recommend to warm up 1/4 cup of the caramel, drizzle it on top of the cheesecake mixture. Then, mix only the crumb mixture with the pecans & brown sugar & sprinkle that on top.

Then, right before serving, you can warm up the remaining 1/4 cup of caramel sauce & drizzle that over the cheesecake, letting it drip down sides.

As for the setting time, I set it for 5 hours but it needed more time. Ideally, make the day before. If not, set for at least 7 hours.

Click Here to Print Recipe

And for a little more sweetness:


sassy stephanie said...

Ok, seriously? That is sin on a silver platter. Yummy.

Anonymous said...

Yummy for the tummy.

What time are you coming over to cook my Thanksgiving feast again?

Rebecca said...

That is a cute dog! What kind of dog is it??

Cheesecake... I am in charge of dessert for Thanksgiving here, maybe I will have to try this! Yummy!

Tam said...

YUMMMMMY....YUMMY..That looks heavenly.

OOOO YOU little one is so cute and HIS DOG...cute cute cute. What a great Scrapbooking picture!

Maria said...

Look at that dessert! Double yum!!
And I love the picture of " a boy and his dog...super cute!!

Melissa said...

YUMMY dessert.... I'm sure I couldn't get it to look as good as yours!! How was the Walking with Dinosaurs?? I wanted to take my kids, but wasn't sure if it would be too dark and scary for them!!??

Pam said...

Oh my. Rich and decadent. Can I have a slice (or two)? Cute picture of "a boy and his dog".

JMBMOMMY said...

This looks heavenly! Cheesecake is my fav!!!

Kristina P. said...

My goodness, this looks amazing!

Oh, and I'm going to be making chocolate covered bacon this week, and posting all about it on Friday.

I did a post about it a while back, and since I can't find it to buy, I'm going to make it. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Jen said...

I love Sandra Lee stuff. She cooks like I do. I don't have time for all the fresh and wonderful thing, don't get me wrong I would love to cook that way.
Anyway, looks good and love the boy and his dog.

FROGGITY! said...

Haha- I love the 'sin on a silver platter' comment! That is the gist of what I thought too... muy delicioso!

Happy Monday!

Lump said...

I just know I could eat that whole cheesecake. I wouldn't share any of it. ;)

love the photo of the little one!

Carrie said...

It is going to be torture to read your posts now. I just joined Weight Watchers.

I, I will survive! As long as I know how to love.....

Coco said...

I have never had luck with the no bake but trust you enough to try this.

You are seriously preventing me to have any weight loss. But totally worth it.

And you babies are the sweetest ever!

Lorie said...

Oh! I am in charge of a dessert for Thanksgiving! THis one looks yumm - O

Courtney said...

wow. that's QUITE a cheesecake! my husband would adore that...if he's good maybe i'll make it. ;)

michelle matthews said...

Wow! Yummy!!!!! My husband will love this! I have to make it for him.
Cute pic of your little man and dog!

Scary Mommy said...

Yum. Yum. Yum. And I love a reipe that lets me cheat and use ready made crap. I might have to try this one- it looks too good to pass up!

Mo said...

Dang it woman. I am trying to back away from the sweet tooth that seems to have taken over lately and here you go with temptation through the monitor.

The boy and his dog picture is great. I love the doggie smile and your son, oh my he is so adorable.

On another note, I will be mailing your cd later this week. I finally got around to burning the cd last night and of course it was an excuse to break out some stamps and paper too. Now I just have to get a padded mailer and off it goes.

Kacey said...

Oh now that just looks divine! And Tristan? I could just eat him up he looks so darn sweet!

I'm not too familiar with making cheesecake. This looks fun and super yummy though. Do you think it woul dtravel well or does it need to be refrigerated?

Tiffany said...

Man Alive woman, you are killing me with pecan goodness... and the sweet boy!

The Blonde Duck said...

Yum. That's all I can say. There's too much drool to speak...

Sweet Pea Chef said...

Thanks for the tip on "spreading" the topping. This looks amazing.

Ritch in Love said...

There go my thighs

Unknown said...

This might be my most favorite thing you have ever posted : ). I love all things cheesecake : )!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sounds uber yummy.

Love the photo of your doggy and little guy. They are adorable.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Geez, I gained a pound just looking at it! YUM!

Kiera said...

I need this right now..RIGHT NOW! Why must you live so far away? said...

oh yum!!!!!

Michelle said...

I'm I the only one that doesn't like pecans?? :)

Cute snap!

Casey's trio said...

YUUUUUMMMMMY! Thanks for sharing.

Life, Love And Lola said...

I think I just gained 10 lbs reading this!

Anonymous said...

Found your blog via tattooedminivanmom and I think I'm in love... ahhh someone else who shares my love of food and recipes.

Consider yourself bookmarked!

Honey Mommy said...

That looks SO good. I don't even want to think of how many calories are in there!

~Marie~ said...

I wish I liked nuts, because I would be all over this. Cheese cake is my fave, even with my dairly allergy which makes me break out like a teenager with raging hormones. LOL

Claremont First Ward said...

Your extra sweetness is adorable beyond words. What a great picture. And, the mushrooms and cheesecake look so great. I'm thinking about doing both for Thanksgiving.....

Jamey said...

Wow this looks just heavenly!

Tabitha Blue said...

I love easy... and this looks so yummy too! Perfect combo.

Oh and that photo is cute!

Unknown said...

I'm in love. I took a small bite this time. I'm heading to the gym.

Tina Butler said...

seriously that looks so good. I love pecans and in a cheesecake terrific.

Erin said...

I adore your dog! I could really use a furry guy like that on this excruciatingly cold New England Morning.

Anonymous said...

That pic is adorable~

Unknown said...

This looks divine.