Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crab Cakes & Celebrations

Thank you to everyone for your birthday wishes yesterday. I knew celebrating with you all day was going to be fun!

Getting back to recipes, I made these crab cakes a couple of weeks ago as a little appetizer to our meal. We really enjoyed them. Just like other recipes of its kind, there are SO many variations but I liked all the ingredients in this one, especially the Old Bay. I also used fresh crab meat, the $17.99/lb GASPin the little container, which I thought was worth it.

My Thoughts:

In the past I've used canned crabmeat for other crab recipes & have had success while another time I had to throw away what was usually an amazing crabdip in a bread basket, because it was too fishy. And that time I used the fresh!!! Maybe I just got a bad batch. So, I am curious to know about your experiences. I served these with a seafood dipping sauce I picked up at a seafood market. It had a little kick which really complemented the crab cakes.

Click Here for Printable Recipe

We had a few leftover so Tammy came by to snag up the rest. A restaurant had these as their leftover boxes so I asked for a few extra. I just love 'em!!!!!

Speaking of Tammy, our birthdays are on the same day although I am a few years older, so for the last 9 years we have a tradition of exchanging our gifts over a cocktail as well as doing something special together. Some of our bday adventures include swimming with the dolphins at Sea World, a day at the spa, a trip to Busch Gardens & a girls weekend at a beautiful B&B. This year, we plan to visit Aquatica, Sea World's new water park, & enjoying one of those dinner prepping places where you put together fresh meals to have in your freezer, all the while sipping a glass of wine & celebrating friendship & birthdays!
Here we are the night before our birthdays. I had fun putting together a hodge podge of things for Tammy, neatly tucked in a beautiful box. Organic pumpkin spice coffee, tissues with her initial, thank you cards, pinch bowls for spices & some holiday stickers. Not shown is a red mini colander because don't we all need one of those! Tammy gave me one of my favorite Pinot Grigios as well as a beautiful candle & green tea cookies. Yes, our gifts are usually culinarily inspired. There've been waffle makers, sushi making kits, you name it!

Happy Birthday to all the October babies!!!!!


  1. Oooh, I love crab cakes! I can't wait to try this recipe! I'm always on the look out for one that's better than mine! Thanks for sharing;)

  2. Whoo Hoo for October Birthdays! ;)

    Love the crab cake recipe! BTW, Did I tell you I made the pumpkin crisp thing for a family get-together, and it was a huge hit!!

    Thanks again!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday! Glad it was so great.

    I love crab cakes in restaurants, but have never made them at home. Yours look delish.

  4. Crab cakes, along with crab legs, cheese grits, and tiramisu, would be my final meal on earth, if I got to choose.

    I. Love. Crab Cakes. Forever and ever amen.

    Love your little are onto something here, Stephanie. I'm going to remember this when your direct-sales food company goes worldwide and I am vice president of your company. Yeah, I just appointed myself to that position.

  5. Oooo, I love crab cakes! I've never made them, I'll have to try now!

  6. WOOHOO! Looks like! I am so glad you enjoyed your birthday and I hop you have a fabulous weekend celebrating.

    LOVE the crabcakes they are my fave! I only get them once a year though at the beach because I am a bit initimidated to make them at home. Maybe I'll try....

  7. I love the gifts that you gave each other, they look so fun. What a great friend you have. It must be nice to have that. I would so love to get a sushi making kit as a gift.

  8. Bring on Thanksgiving! LOL!! I have never liked Halloween, it just isn't my gig.

    Crab cakes though - I love those!

  9. Glad you had a good birthday! And how fun is that that you have someone to share it with!

  10. Crabcakes are my fave and I am always looking for a new recipe.

    I like to put them on a kaiser roll with tomato and onion, a great sauce. YUM!!!

  11. I love crabcakes and don't get them that often. What a fun birthday treat!

  12. Such great Birthday ideas too!! I want a birthday twin now... :)

    Oh, and your food always looks so good, it makes me wish I liked seafood. I may have to pass on this recipe. LOL

  13. What a GREAT birthday! Those crab cakes sound amazing. If I getmy kitchen back I will give them a go. BTW, you can get those take-away cartons at They sell them in large amounts but if you are a baker or give food away for the holidays, you'll definitely use them. :) I have Chineese take-out ones.

  14. ooooh yes Crab cakes. One of my favorite and these sound so good.

    What is better than good friends, good wine and good conversation?! :)

  15. What a great friendship you have.....and what great gifts you exchange. Here's to more birthday celebrations! :)

  16. Glad you had such a lovely bday. What fun to share it with a friend!

  17. I am glad you had a great birthday!

  18. so glad you had a good day. Now, I love love love crab cakes and have never made them! (I like them at Dexter's--have you had them--yum!)

  19. Your birthday dinner sounded so fun! Happy Birthday!

  20. Happy belated birthday, Stephanie! I'm glad everyone made you feel so special. Joe's sister's birthday was yesterday, so that will help me remember yours too. I guess all the nicest girls are born in October. Those crab cakes look so good! I love those, but feel intimidated to make them. Maybe if I reread your post enough times, I'll feel like I could give them a try.

  21. Happy Birthday a day late!! I love the gifts you and Tammy exchanged...and the photo collage showing it! Awesome!!! Very cool you share the same birthday.

  22. Could your glass of wine BE any bigger?

    Glad you had a good day!

  23. Love your crab cakes and the packaging delish! You are right Old Bay makes those crabbies!

  24. The crab cakes look delicious. I am glad you had a great birthday with your friend.

  25. Happy belated birthday!! I think I found a new inspirational food site, I may just have to cook more - the crab cakes look so yummy!!

  26. I have used crab meat from a can many times and never had an issue or taste problem...but the fresh stuff is the bomb...and so darn freakin' expensive.

    Crab cakes. Mmm... Gotta do those soon.

    Happy Belated Birthday!!!

  27. Those look incredible! Love the homemade take out!

  28. I shouldn't have come here with my growling belly!!

    Now I am STARVING!! That looks so yummy!!!

  29. I was so glad to read this post about your birthday. What a great time to have a friend to share it with! Also love the gifts that were exchanged! I also read your post and saw the cake. You are so full of great ideas! That bundt makes a great mold. Congratulations for getting the vote of approval from your sons friends!

  30. First of all, Happy birthday! Mine was the 27th so I'm right there with you! Isn't so nice to have a special friend to share things like that with? Me and my BFF went to a Coldplay concert and pretended we were 21 for the night, which explained the headache the next day! Anyway, I digress... For crab cakes I would definitely say you have to go with fresh crab meat. Some other recipes you can get away with canned, but this one is all about the lump crab!

  31. I am late wishing you Happy Birthday! So sorry. The crab cake recipe looks wonderful. My little guy just discovered crab cakes and he LOVES them!

  32. Good stuff. Looks like you had lots of fun.

  33. These look good! Crabcakes are Gary's most favorite thing! I have mixed feelings about fresh and canned crab meat also. I usually get fresh, unless it is insanely expensive! Sometimes things do taste a little fishy.

    PS You both look SUPER YOUNG!


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