Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's My Birthday, Got My Car Fixed! - Wordful Wednesday

Yup, I'm 37 on this Wednesday & I admit that I do enjoy the attention that comes from being the birthday girl. I think everyone should celebrate themselves so I shall, as it is my turn!

Since last week went over so well with my video (gosh I never thought embarrassing myself could feel so good), I figured I would continue with that trend by sharing a photo progression of my life. CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ENLARGE.
American Idol audition


I was not happy taking that photo above as a child. But as I got older & into makeup & hair, I guess I didn't mind posing as one of the best NY girls in the world. Do you remember the perfect Duck's arse hairstyle in the back. Well, I wish you could see the one I was sporting. I think I won something for that once in school.

And then the prom came, the one I missed because of too many Long Island Iced Teas. Well, we got there after many stops but I can't remember much of it. Let's say it took many years for my girlfriend to forgive me that I ruined her dress. I know she'd be wearing it today if I hadn't. Ahem. I couldn't tease my hair enough. I think some of the boys felt the same.....heh.


Terry took the top left pic as we started dating. We got engaged 7 months later, married on the beach in Key West a year after & then became pregnant just 3 weeks later.

If I could've picked my husband from a catalog I would have ended up marrying the same man. And my son Tristan makes me a better woman. They both truly are gifts from God, as are my family & friends. So, if you were to ask me what I want today for my birthday, I'd say I already have it.

But an immersion blender would be great!!!!

Just wanted to sneak in another picture of me, mom, sis Lauren & Dad from June of this year. My sis Andi & brother Bruce are missing from the pic.

Thank you for celebrating my birthday with me today!!!!!

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


  1. you are gorgeous- love the hair from the 80's!! you, your sis and your mom look a lot alike!

  2. I am early but Happy Happy Birthday. I hope that it is the best day EVER and you in the blue dress is to die for.

  3. Happy Happy Birthday! Love the photo journey:)

    BTW, I made your almond chicken bake tonight and it was delicious!

  4. Happy Birthday! Love the pictures!

  5. Happy birthday! I loved the before and after photos. I had my birthday a few weeks ago and I agree its nice to have something to celebrate about yourself.

  6. Happy Birthday!

    Love your 80's look. The hair, the blue, the bow on the front of the dress...

  7. Happy Birthday tomorrow!
    Looks like you have a wonderfully full life, but an immersion blender is a nice thing to have. I can't believe with all the cooking you do, that you don't have one.

  8. Happy birthday!!! I hope it's a wonderful birthday!

    I hope you have a blast! :)

    Precious mosaics btw... love the 80's dress. Too hilarious (don't we all have a dress like that lurking in our past??) Ha! But seriously, you rocked it.

  10. Happy Birthday! You are just gorgeous, btw!

  11. Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy! I love your different pictures... Ahh, the 80's- so fun!

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I absolutely LOVE you prom hair - not many could pull off that style!!

  13. Happy Birthday! How great of you to share your photos from the past and present with us!

  14. Happy, happy birthday, Baby!!! You look mah-ve-lous!!!

  15. I think you are so pretty! Happy Birthday! You look WAY young!

  16. Look at you you hottie!! You had the aquanet rocking in the 80's too!! ( didnt we all?? ) Isnt it so cool to see all the years layed out like that , my kids get a big kick out of seeing me whe I was their age... They didnt think I was a hottie, but boy I did!! Your pics are really cute! L A

  17. Happy Birthday!! And you were totally rockin' the Dolphin shorts......oh and the Pebbles hair do!

    Great pictures of your later years too!

  18. You gave up the big hair with grace. You SO would have rocked Wedding Singer. :)

    Happy Birthday to one of my favorite bloggers......and one of the prettiest too! :)

  19. Happy Bert Day! Who's Bert and why are you celebrating him today?

    I made something especially for you on your special day of Bert. Go here


    (I didn't actually make it but I did finded it for you.)

    Make sure you triple stick it to the man today! (I mean at work perv.)

  20. This one too


    Can I borrow those pink shorts? All of my underwear are dirty.

    Could they BE any shorter hoochie mama?

  21. Happy Happy birthday to You!!!
    I love that you shared those pics..they are great! I have many pics where my hair looked exactly like yours in the prom picture..too funny!

  22. Stephanie,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I just loved your "then" pictures. Wow! Classic. you are such a beautiful person. I'm so glad I've gotten the chance to get to know you here in our little blogging world. I hope you get everything your heart desires and more. : )


  23. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Stephanie...
    Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!

    For your birthday, my wish is that someone else would cook for YOU! You totally deserve it!

    I love ya, girl...hope you have a great day!

  24. Hey, it's my birthday, too! 35 for me. Although my dear daughter (who is 8) gave me a card this morning on which she wrote:
    "Your 35, if that's a good thing, but you look like your turning 28"

    Where do they get this stuff? I never complain about getting older. Sure beats the alternative.

    Happy Birthday! I'm so glad I wasn't the only one with big hair pics on my blog today!

  25. happy birthday, young lady! the photos are a hoot. i'm impressed with your pregnancy photo. i looked like that at about 6 weeks (it was not pretty).

    what a wonderful life and a beautiful family. lots to be thankful for and lots to enjoy over the next 40, 50, 60 years!

  26. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I LOVE the picture of the dress and hair!

  27. Happy birthday!

    So, did you really read Twilight at stop lights? That's too funny!!

    And you were an incredibly cute pregnant woman! You didn't get fat at all! Lucky. And I love the prom dress.

    AND my son's name is Tristan, too!

    You sure you are not from Texas? That's some awfully big hair!!

  29. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Love the pics.... you have a great family. thanks for sharing

  30. Happy Birthday! LOVE the flashback pictures and I LOVE even more the clothes in those pictures! whoohoo for the 80's! I think the pink shorts are my favorite. Were you wearing roller skates that day?;)
    You can totally tell you and your sister were not adopted in that last picture too--awesome family photos!

  31. Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing all of the fun photos! I hope you have a wonderful day! Do something extra special for YOU!

  32. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day.

  33. Happy birthday!! I must say I LOVE the teased hair! ;)

  34. i love the 80's garb...i was right there with you. but i think you look happiest with the fam!

  35. Saw you over at 7 clowns! It is always fun to look at pictures in a time line like that.

  36. Happy Birthday, Steph! I loved all the pictures - and you just have to love the 80s! You had great hair!!!

  37. Happy Birthday! Love your pictures. Have a special day!

  38. Happy Birthday!! We're the same age. Absolutely love the 80's rock hair, the bigger the better!! lol

  39. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Great pictures too! Love the 80's pics! haha

  40. What a great way to look back at your life. I love the photos! Happy Birthday, sorry I'm posting a day late. Hope you had a wonderful day!

  41. What a great way to look back at your life. I love the photos! Happy Birthday, sorry I'm posting a day late. Hope you had a wonderful day!

  42. What a great way to look back at your life. I love the photos! Happy Birthday, sorry I'm posting a day late. Hope you had a wonderful day!

  43. You are just the hottest mom ever (besides me)!!

    Happy Birthday!!!!

  44. Happy birthday, Steph. Those pictures are great. Totally 80's and NY/NJ. Love it! Have a wonderful day filled with friends, family and food. Oh, and wine!

  45. I definitely remember the duck's butt hair. Doesn't everyone. Very cute WW.

  46. ooooh HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hope it's a good one.

    such a great post! and even better photos. :) you are beautiful. and little Tristan is too cute.

    I'm glad I missed the 80s as a teen though. hehe.

  47. Happy Birthday! The picture in the blue dress is priceless.

  48. Happy, happy birthday. I love the look down memory lane. The hair and the blue dress are so from the 80's! I know a lot of people who had that hair!

  49. Happy Birthday to you!! Hope you had a great one!:)
    Love all the pictures, then and now.

  50. Happy birthday! I too love the attention and love a birthday brings :)

    I really enjoyed your photo story thru the ages. I might have to do the same. It would provide a lot of laughs.

  51. Happy Birthday Steph!

    You have a great outlook on life. Blessings indeed!

    And let us talk about your hair and clothes for a minute. I can tell we are roughly the same age as I too had three of the hair styles and wore some of the exact outfits.

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

    Happy birthday once again.

  52. Okay, I'm a day late...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You in the blue dress is 80's fabulous, my dear.

  53. Happy Birthday! Great photos!!! Love them! The prom pic is the best! Have a lovely day!

  54. Happy Birthday! Great pics!

    I made your mexican chicken crostada tonight and we LOVED IT!!!!!!

  55. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
    I hope that you have a FANTASTIC time!

  56. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday (37 times over!)

    (LOVE the scarecrow cake. You have to post pics after you make it.)

  57. Geez... women DO get better with age!

  58. How sweet!! Happy Birthday!! Love all the pics too. You look great and have such a beautiful family!!

    Oh and "Ditto Frigga" LOL Yeah it does sound like it'd mean something...

  59. Oh Yeah! If I had your phone number I would SO be singing Happy Birthday TO YOOOOOU!!!!!!! I hope you had a FABULOUS birthday because it is certainly what you deserve. WOOHOO! I love all of the pictures - and the prom dress - ugh, could it have been any more fab? Don't think so. You rocked it out!

  60. How did I miss this post?!!! Happy Birthday girl! I LOVE those old pics with the rockin' hair and all. You better believe I rocked giant hair in my jr high and high school days. It makes for some great laughs!

    You are gorgeous my dear, love all the photos of you and your fam! Enjoy your b-day week!

  61. O.k. I get how I messed up. You posted a day early. You share the same b-day as my hubby. Hope it was a great day.

  62. Hope you had a fabulous birthday! Love all the pics!

  63. What great pics!!
    Looking forward to looking in on you again!

  64. I am SO far behind on getting to WW, too. I LOVE the fact that you're not ashamed of your old pics...they are classic - especially the one with pink shorts and too short top!! Maybe someday I'll get there... :-) Happy beleated bday!

  65. OH Man, I didn't see this yesterday!! 37, uh? I turn 36 in a couple of weeks! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Your pictures are great.

  66. I love the then and now photos! And the family photos. You're adorable.

    I love that you would pick your husband out of a catalog. hehe

  67. Happy Birthday..a little late! :)
    I just love your blog and thanks for the comment about my friend who passed away...an amazing man!
    Also, I love the pumpkin cake...too cute!!!

  68. I am so sorry I am late with the birthday wishes, but if it makes you feel any better, I haven't visited anyone else's blog either as I have been swamped!

    Happy Birthday, I hope you had an awesome week!

  69. I did a flashback friday post this week to celebrate my birthday too! I love the prom pic, thanks for sharing!

  70. Happy Birthday!! Awesome pics!!!

  71. Happy Birthday a little late! Now, I'm off to drool over some of your yummy-looking recipes!


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