Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday Suitcase of Stuff

I am not a huge weekend blogger but it gives me good opportunity to post things I normally don't. Tristan just wanted to say good morning & thank everyone for prayers for his grandpa who is out of the hospital & being watched closely. He also wanted to show off his two birthday presents from my best friend Jen from NY. A super cool apron & baseball hat. Yes, my boy is going to know how to cook & play ball! He wants to make the ladies happy already. 

I am 2 chapters away from my heart breaking the end of Breaking Dawn. Really, I have been savoring this end for a while. I even stopped last night purposely & thought when will it be best to break down & cry. So, this afternoon, I have scheduled the conclusion of this sexy, crazy, beautiful love story & the start of my mental breakdown. Actually, while I KNOW there will be tears, I think I am going to be happy with the ending!

I made a dish last night that was a flop. Just nothing special at all like I thought it would be. So, hopefully the rest of the weekend will yield some tasty items!!!


  1. I don't think Tristan could possibly get ANY cuter! Oh my goodness. Smart little guy wanting to make the ladies happy. Mama has taught him well. :o)

    I'm glad to hear that your FIL is doing better. What a relief! I hope his recovery continues and he feels better soon.

    Enjoy your weekend. Enjoy savoring the last bit of your book. I'm sure you will. I'll try not to worry about your mental well being. I know you'll pick your self back up. Ha! Ha! Crazy lady. :o)

  2. I'm popping over from Even The Nice Ones award post. I totally know what you mean about Twilight. I just finished book 1 and I am trying so hard to not jump right into the others. I want the series to last forever. Btw, my kids know Edward Cullen on a first name basis. If that is wrong, I don't want to be right.

  3. I think that I really NEED to start reading Breaking Dawn. I so want to know what you are talking about

  4. He is so darn cute! You will be in trouble in a few years when he starts breaking hearts!

    Hop back into the original. Maybe it will make you feel better. I already got my copy back from Sweetie's aunt, b/c I KNOW I want to read it again.

  5. Such a cutie pie!! Happy Birthday to him. He'll be a catch!

    Ok, so now I really need to start reading. Sigh. I'm SO far behind. Like, never even started it. I don't even feel like I could catch up now. :)

  6. Love the airplane apron--that is SO cool!


  7. That is the cutest apron! I need to find one of those for my little guy.

    (I hope that wasn't one of my recipes that flopped on you. If so.... sorry!)

  8. I just LOVE the apron. What perfect presents. Your friend is smart! Sorry about your flop. I have had so many cooking adventures this weekend. I kept meaning to take pictures so I could blog about them, but I never got around to it. : (!

  9. I'm so glad your FIL is feeling better. Do you think you could find out where she got that apron?

  10. LOVE LOVE HIS apron and HAT. I am glad to hear that your FIL is feeling better.

  11. Cool stuff going on in your neck of the woods. Thanks for catching up on the blog. Tell'em ladies love a man that can cook more than Hot Pockets and chicken nuggets.


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