Friday, September 26, 2008

Beer & Cream Cheese

I'm so happy it's Friday. It's been a rough week with getting over the flu, getting back into the swing of things & most importantly, my father in law has been in the hospital since Sunday night. Since then, he has had many tests & scans, 2 stent surgeries & now gall bladder issues. I want to send prayers his way.
On to other things, I hope to cook a bit this weekend & get back to some real recipes. Although I have so many yet to share that I've already made, I don't like to post them until I have my own picture to accompany it. Oh, I already set up the printing option as well. Thanks for voting.

I made some vegetable cream cheese last night that was awesome & I wanted to share it. It rivals any cream cheese I have had, store bought or otherwise.
Vegetable Cream Cheese
1 envelope Lipton Recipe Secrets Veggie Soup Mix
2 8 oz pkgs cream cheese, softened
2 tblsp milk

In medium bowl, combine all ingredients; chill 2 hours. Makes 2 cups. It's nice you can make this as lowfat as you'd like.

Click Here for Printable Recipe (the recipe is on the back of the Lipton box) :)

I also wanted to share a beer I bought & tried yesterday evening. It was like pumpkin & spice in a bottle, but subtle. Perfect for this season!!! I loved it. If you like ales & Blue Moon I think you'll really like this.

I wanted to tell you how Tristan is keeping tabs on my progress with the Twilight series. He sweetly asks me each day how far along I am as he calls the book by its name. I tell him once which one I am reading & he always remembers it. Yesterday, he says "mommy, you're almost done with Breaking Dawn." Yes, I am. I can honestly say I'm a little nervous about the emotions that will take over me on that last chapter. But there'll be Midnight Sun, Edward's perspective of Twilight, that will keep me from having withdrawals. UPDATE to clarify: Midnight Sun is an online draft version of a book that got leaked. It's not another book though. It tells of Twilight from Edward's perspective.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!


  1. We have a bagel shop that makes fresh bagels. I can hear them screaming my name after seeing this spread!

  2. The cream cheese looks so good and easy. Great that you added the print function.

    Twilight - hmm, don't know how to break it to you. But.........production has stopped on Midnight Sun. Early drafts of a few chapters were leaked and Stephanie decided against writing it.

    BUT not much longer until Twilight the movie!

  3. Yummy cream cheese idea! I can eat that on veggies, too. Man would I love to crawl into the screen and eat that bagel (I'm gluten free).

  4. That explains it all now. I was wondering where Superwoman had gone and now I know. Not a big fan of beers like that, but it looks like it was needed.

  5. I didn't even know there was going to be another book - I would like to see what happens to Jacob and the pack and the new baby.
    BUT I have to say I didn't like Breaking Dawn as much as eclipse - I really wanted Bella to pick Jacob!

  6. I love vegetable cream cheese! I will totally be using this!

    I also love the links for printable recipes - thank you!!!

  7. found your blog on SITS! I'm enjoying it!

    and I think I need to try out your dip. YUM. and definitely the Shipyard beer. = )

    I just finished the third book of the Twilight Series. I had no idea I would be so hooked. haha!

  8. Yummmmmm. That looks so good! And like even dork in the kitchen me could pull it off!!

    Thanks for all your nice comments today!

  9. That cream cheese looks so good! Perfect for a little brunch I am planning in the fall with my girls.

    Have you ever made your own bagles before? They are so good and pretty simple.

  10. Ooo, I so want to try that beer.

  11. Blue Moon came out with a pumpkin beer this season too. I thought it was pretty good. Have a great weekend!

  12. I will keep your father-in-law in my prayers. I hope everything goes well with him, and that he will be able to go home soon.

  13. That look yummy. I think anything pumpkin flavored would be good, even beer. ;)

  14. Sending prayers YOUR way!!!!

    OOO I so will not go near the LEAKED out MIDNIGHT SUN....NOPE I am holding OUT for a while! HMMMM SO What you want to READ after you have finished? OUTLANDER is a GREAT LONG LONG SERIRES that WILL take a good long while but then again...OOOO Jamie rivals Edward in my world!!!! YEAH sigh Jamie and Edward SIGGGGHHHH.......

  15. Yes, Harvest Moon. I couldn't remember the name. I tried it a couple of weeks ago...Pretty good!

  16. What an easy way to do veggie cream cheese. I have made it another way, but this is much, much easier!

  17. Mmmmmmmmmm...beeeeeeeeer (she said in a Homer Simpson voice)

    Cream cheese does sound yummy and easy!! I like easy.

    I almost bought BD today so I would finish Eclipse! I am about half way through, so maybe I can actually sit still enough to finish it this wkend!

    Hope your dad-in-law gets home soon. Will be praying for him.

  18. This will be fun to make next weekend. I'll have to pick up the goods at the grocery. YUM! I'm glad to hear you're getting back in to the swing of things and feeling better. I'll say a little prayer for your FIL. I hope he gets better soon and you enjoy your time this weekend! {Hugs to you}

  19. Sending good thoughts to your father in law. The dip sounds great - simple, easy but delicious.

  20. Sending prayers your way for your father in law..And I just committed to a book club, so I too am finally starting Twilight!

  21. I'm sending you an e-mail NOW, 'cause I have way too much to say here...

  22. Mmmmm...that cream cheese recipe sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing.

  23. as for the "stint surgeries", don't you mean STENT procedures? It's just medical me, getting any kind of stent is not surgery, but considered an invasive procedure=even if they have it in a surgical setting. NO LESS scary to the patient or their families, but still not surgery. Where were his stents placed??(getting a stent is WAY better than having surgery!)
    I hope he's OK

  24. Do you know how much I love cream cheese?

    So much.

    Do you know how much I love pumpkin spice goodness?

    So much.

    Do you know how much I love beer?

    So much.

  25. That dip looks delicious! I'll have to try it next time I have a get together! Thanks!


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