Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Dawn Has Broke

It's over & I'm not drowning in a sea of tears. No waterfalls. I'm shocked. I've been very close friends with tears of happiness before but for some reason I never got past damp eyes this time. I think it's because I was so satisfied with this series, so extremely content with how this saga ended that I was relieved. I just didn't want to cry anymore. And I didn't need to. I won't feel withdrawals because Edward & Bella sit on my nightstand, all 4 so beautifully aligned, waiting for me to peruse whenever I feel.

It was so beautiful, I can't even imagine a better ending to this past month of obsession. And I can't even fathom how some would be unhappy with this conclusion, as I heard there were many.  

I want to say thank you to this very intelligent, eloquent & beautiful lady for introducing me to this series & for so passionately acting as Stephenie Meyer's unofficial marketing gal. This was the series heard around the blogosphere & she had a lot to do with it. You should just listen to whatever she says, that's all! 

Thanks Lula. You, along with a few others, have reignited my desire to always have a book on my night stand. I just need to keep it out of my lap at stop lights!!!!!


  1. Ok, I must get this book if it kept you obsessed for a month! I love a good book!

  2. I loved the ending as well.

  3. Yeah you! I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed your series and you're happy with the ending. Whew! Ha! Ha! I'll let you know when I finish my current book and embark to at least read the forward of the Twilight series in the store. :o) Still afraid of commitment over here.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  4. While at the bookstore yesterday I noticed she has a new book out...just sayin'....

  5. Ooooh I so need to start this series....

  6. I don't know how anyone could be unsatisfied with the ending either. I mean, it's totally left open for another installment. Who couldn't be happy about the possibility of that? :)

  7. There is a ton of flair about Twilight on Facebook. I immediately thought of you....

    "Because I read "Twilight" I have unrealistic expectations about men."

    "Dear Santa.... I'd like Edward for Christmas."

  8. I spend over an hour in the bookstore today. I'm with you. I read here and there, but I am really addicted again. I have two lined up for AFTER I finish the series!! And, my Drama got Charlotte's Web today. We made a date every night before bed to meet in her room so she can read a little of it to me.

  9. So glad you loved them! Although I finished them a while ago I am still enjoying them through others who are reading them. I've been following your posts and so glad you sited Lula. I will have to read her posts as well. I guess it will be hard to find another book for your night stand to top these so please please let me know when you find one!!!

  10. I reserved this at my library : ). I can hardly wait! The thought of a great new book just makes me want to jump for joy : )! Hope your week is happy!

  11. Totally Totally...been there. I like the Series alot and I think it ended where it needed to end. I am a book addict though....big time. LOL I bought OOO 10 books this weekend. I am so bad but I got the best deals ever! LOL I also Have the Twilight Series all stacked neatly on top of each other. THESE four books are mine to keep and not lend out for some strange reason...LOL

  12. I really need to join the bandwagon and read those books; I'm hearing way too many good things about them NOT to do so.

    By the way, thanks for stopping by the ol' blog during my "Hurricane Hiatus." I am so glad to be back!

  13. I have GOT to start reading this series of books! I am totally out of the loop!

  14. I remember talking to my sister during her last book and she said the same remarks. I am anxious to see the movie.

  15. So there are only 4 books in the series? I thought it was a pretty long series. This also means if the movie does well I'll be stuck looking at that guy for longer than I expected.

  16. Aw. I'm about to cry! Seriously.

    This is so good, Stephanie. I'm glad you finally we'll have to find something else to gush over. Go read my post for today.

    We must discuss this some more...

  17. I liked the 4th book, but LOVED the third book. Eclispe did me in, I was tearing up like crazy on that one! That book was heart wrenching to me. Yes, I still wished Bella and Jacob would have been the ones to get together. But I do like the Jacob and Nessie story too. So, that has to be the next book, Jacob and Nessie. She must continue the series!

  18. ooooh I'm only halfway through the third book, but loving every page! I'm so glad the ending is fabulous! :)

  19. Congratulations Stephanie. You did it! It may take a week or so to get over the obsession, but isn't it nice to have your life back?? I soooo loved those books! I plan on rereading Twilight before seeing the movie in November!

  20. This series is so amazing. Michael and I just loved it! I had a "Twilight" virgin on my plane the other day. She didn't know there were 3 other books. She'd never heard of the series until she bought it at the airport that day! Who hasn't heard of this series??

  21. I'm with Angie...I would love another installment, although I was satisfied with the ending. Glad you enjoyed the books too!

  22. Hang on...the movie is coming. I hope it doesn't disappoint!


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