Monday, July 11, 2011

A year.......

Are you there? Wouldn't blame you if you didn't answer. After all, I left without even leaving a note, after 2 years of being together. It wasn't you, it was me. Really. Life happened, the good & the bad. I needed a break. My plate was full.

I am back now & hope you'll have me again. I'll make the dinner, if you just help me with the dishes. K?

See you shortly with something delicious....and it just may come from my newest addition to the family...


  1. Me, Im here!! Im happy you come back, love your lovely recipes! I will come back soon!!! huggs, gloria

  2. What a nice surprise!!!!!! Totally forgiven.

  3. OH MY GOODNESS! Welcome back. I can't wait to see what yummy treats you have in store for us.

  4. Yes!! I am here!! I check back ocassionally to see if you are blogging again and I had a welcome surprise today :-)
    I am excited to see what fun recipes and interesting things you will share with us again!

  5. Bring on some yummy dishes! Glad to see you back!

  6. I am sooo glad that you are back. (and okay) I check almost every day! I still use your recipes quite often.

    I now have another thing to look forward to!

    No pressure there ...huh?


  7. So glad you're back! It happens to the best of us... Looking forward to more of your delicious recipes!!!

  8. So glad you are back! Missed you!

  9. Woop Woop!! Looks as though you and I both took a break. You once asked me how I had time to juggle all I had on my plate, well, reality sucker punched me in the face and I had to slow down! So, welcome back to you and I can't wait to see whats next!

  10. HI my sweet little friend. I am still in GA and have been so busy here and my blog has been ignored lots over the last year. Anyway Hope all is great down there!

  11. I'm still here! I missed you but am super glad you left the blog up. I still periodically troll for recipes, even in your absence! :o)

  12. I'm here too!!! Can't wait to see more!

  13. Welcome back! :) Look forward to yummy recipes.

  14. Oh wow....a blast from the past! LOL I will always be here for you! It is great to hear from you again, take all the time you want. I am on a blogging break myself right now. School is out, and I'm relaxing! Hope to catch up soon. Screw the recipes, I want to see how big Tristan is!

  15. Stumbled your blog. And oh, welcome back. Hope to check more blogs from you.

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  16. A blogging break? You and me both. I'm glad to see you are planning on coming back. Hope to see some delish recipes soon.

  17. hi there! just popped over to see if you were still here and i'm happy to see that you are! i've moved my blog from thepracticalgourmet.blogspot over to hope you'll stop by! :)

  18. Hello there!!!! Miss you and your smiling face... or words that are typed, but I can still tell you're smiling :)

    Haha, hope things are well. Love the new family "addition."



Something delicious to say?