Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Las Paletas Con Mi Amiga

{ Las Paletas is a Mexican ice pop made with whole fruit & the freshest ingredients in flavors you won't normally find in the frozen food aisle. Click on the link above to see how they'll be featured on Food Network this month. }

In late May I was blessed to be able to visit Kacey of Chronicles of a Mommy. We had been corresponding, exchanging surprises in the mail & talking for about 1 1/2 years & it all started through blogging. 

This was special. 

We have Angie & Wordful Wednesdays to thank, for that is where we started seeing one another's blog. I am so happy I met this lady for she has enriched my life far more than I ever expected. It just goes to show that a woman doesn't need a certain number of friends, she just needs the right kind. 

Visiting with Kacey was:

waking up with family

like a picnic in the park

easy like Sunday morning { before church }

And meeting Kacey was especially like....

making a friend for the rest of my life!

Kacey took me to a little hot spot for something cool to snack on after lunch. It was Las Paletas, a popular place in the art deco section of Nashville where you can get ice pops made with the freshest ingredients with the coolest combinations of flavors.

Right away I knew I wanted the cucumber chili ice pop. It was amazing!!!!!! Talk about refreshing but with a bit of heat, something you wouldn't normally expect in an ice pop & exactly why I dig it.

So as soon as I got home I started researching on how to make my own at home. While there are many recipes out there I came up with my own variation & loved it. Oh how it brought back so many sweet & cool memories. 

2 cucumbers plus an additional half cucumber, divided
1/8 cup lime juice
1/4 cup agave syrup
1/4 - 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
Dash or 2 of crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 tsp salt

Place empty ice pop molds in the freezer to chill. Dice 2 cucumbers with skin on into 1 inch pieces. Puree in food processor or blender until smooth. Strain into a medium bowl through a fine mesh strainer, pushing out the juice. You will have about 1 cup of juice. Set aside.

Peel the remaining half cucumber & cut into little pieces. Set aside.

Add the lime juice & remaining ingredients to the cucumber juice. Pour some of the mixture into each mold, leaving about a 1/2 inch space at top. Stir several pieces of fresh cucumber into each mold. Place lid on the molds & freeze for 2-4 hours. 

Run warm water over molds to loosen pops. Enjoy.

{ Food for Thought }

I used the larger amount for both the cayenne & crushed red pepper and while I loved it so, I think I will use the lesser amount for a more subtle heat.

Lovingly Linking to Wordful Wednesdays at Seven Clown Circus


  1. Looks like you had a nice visit.
    I have to think about those cucumber things. They sure do sound different.

  2. That is so cool that you got to meet. :)

  3. ooh la la. That looks yummy. Great you got to meet a new friend too.

  4. How awesome that you met up! I LOVE meeting my online friends :)

    That looks and sounds so yummy!

  5. Yum! Could you, like, Fed Ex one to me on dry ice right now? That's not asking too much, is it?

  6. las paletas= seriously one of my very favorite spots in nashville. my boyfriend lives a 3 minute drive, or 15 minute walk, away :)

  7. AWE. :( I didn't know I could get all teary over an ice pop post. LOL Love you girl and I always giggle when I think about what you must have been thinking when I was making such a big deal out of popsicles. Ha! Now you know! Glad you enjoyed yours!

  8. What a fun time you had. This is one creative recipe - they look refreshing and tasty.

  9. thanks for sharing...
    and yes, it does look like you made a friend for life

  10. First HI! Second it looks like a fun trip! Third...when you coming to Savannah? Fourth...Those Ice Pops are HMMM a NEW Thing for me. I have not ever heard of it but I will have to check it OUT! How did you little one like them? That is something I am wondering?

  11. So awesome that you've met such a wonderful friend! Isn't blogland crazy??? I still can't get over the connections and friendships I've made. Awesome.

    What a fun idea for the ice pops!!

  12. Now that is something I would have never ever thought to try!

  13. Awwwwwww, I love the head on the shoulder. SO sweet!

  14. Cold and spicy. A combo I never contemplated. How long were you in Nashville?

  15. How fun y'all got to meet.

    That pop sounds like a margarita at a cafe here in town. Cucumber/jalepeno margarita. Yum.

  16. Very healthy and refreshing for those wonderful children!

  17. Those sound so interesting and incredible. And it looks like you had a blast. I'm very happy for you.

  18. Hey, friend! You won the custom name sign in my giveaway last week. Can you email me so I can pass along your info to the winner? Thanks!

  19. These look gorgeous! Ice lollies are something I have never attempted to make, but then looking out the window at the heavy rain, I remember why. I'll save this for a sunny day. Must buy some moulds :)

  20. Ok, AWESOME!!! Those ice pops look so cool, I want to make my own flavors! How fun! And looks like such a great visit with such a wonderful (new) friend!! :)


  21. Hi there! Those look so refreshing, I could use one right now. It is so friggin' hot here right now. I've missed you! I too, have not been in cyber world a lot lately. Just busy with life I guess. I hope your doing well and are enjoying your summer. Hope to talk soon.

  22. The Las Paletas phenomenon is fairly new to me. Yours look and sound delicious! I look forward to trying them, and checking out the Food Network feature. Cheers to you and your Amiga!

  23. I love meeting blogging frioends in real life. I have made several really good friends through this journey!! Those pops sound awesome and refreshing. I will have to try them out!

  24. I have to try these! Great post!

  25. Ohhh that looks amazing. I have to try those. It's soooooo right up my alley. Glad you guys had so much fun.

    Happy Friday!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's for Dinner

  26. You are both so beautiful : )
    I love that you could meet a blogging friend and have such a wonderful time! I am not a huge spicy fan, but I am a freeze pop fan : ) I put my crystal light in the popsicle mold every single week : )

  27. What a refreshing summer treat! Glad you're enjoying the summer :)

  28. Dear lovely paletas and lovely pictures, send yu huggss, gloria

  29. I have been dreaming of Paletas all during this hot month of August. There is nothing better & I love your combination of cucumber & chilis~yummy!! **Your cute kid pics make me wish my girls were still little!!

  30. Sorry just getting back to you. Sounds like a lovely get-together. I had to take my blog down. I had some crazy lady who hates my husband's company put 2 and 2 together and take all the personal information off of it and put it on her hateful website. Ugh. In case you were wondering what happened. :-(

  31. Looks like you had blast! La Paletas looks nice and delicious!!!

  32. they look delicious! Love the photos of you and Kacey!!


  33. You ran across my MIND! HOPE all is great!

  34. i am missing you around the blogworld! hope all is alright.

  35. Girrrrrrrl, I miss ya!! Hope all is well with ya and the fam :) Oh yeah, and in your kitchen too ;)

    We're coming to Fl the end of October, yay for warm weather again before we get into the COLD up here!! :)


  36. I completely missed this post! Those look so good and I am so jealous that you were able to meet each other! I love both of your blogs!@

  37. Hey lady! Long time no blog (which is unusual for you, but has sadly become normal for me lately LOL!) Miss you and hope all is well! Love and hugs!

  38. Been thinking about you... coming your way in just over a week, yay!!! :)


  39. Been thinking about you... coming your way in just over a week, yay!!! :)


  40. Been thinking about you... coming your way in just over a week, yay!!! :)


  41. Hey you...it's been awhile since you blogged. I am hoping all is well in your world.

  42. This adventure was way cool! That ice pop has my vote for delicious and refreshing!
    I see that you have been amiss as well. I,too, was preoccupied with my adorable little munchkin, a new member to our family!

  43. Hey there, Steph! It's been a long time; hope all is well! Just wanted to let you know that I have a new blog, shalliflex.blogspot.com from which I'll be posting from now.

  44. Sending love. Miss you big bunches. Xo

  45. Hope all is good in your neck of the woods! Happy Holidays!

  46. These sounds soooo good, but maybe for summer and now for the freezing weather we have now!

  47. Yum!! I can't wait for summer to try out these popsicles. I love our blog, there's a lot of variety and fun recipes.

    I hope you'll check out mine sometime :)


  48. Hi there! Hope all is well and just want to say I miss seeing you around. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and are having a good New Year! Come back soon....

  49. omg, When we used to live in california, my mom and i used to make thoses when I was like 6. with like Koolaid though; haha that sure sounds different!
    I hope your having a great day xo


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