Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Breakfast Potato Skins

My best friend Jennifer & her family visited from NY this weekend. We had a blast eating lunch at a tiki bar on the lake, watching the kids play & visiting Animal Kingdom. I would share with you some pics but I don't even think I got one picture of her & I together. It's sad actually. I guess I'm a better foodie than a friend since I got pictures of breakfast I made one morning. I really enjoyed having a full house & spending a couple of hours in the kitchen each morning being the short order cook.

Oh, here's a great one of The Tree of Life at Animal Kingdom. We stood there trying to capture as many of the over 300 animals carved into this tree. It's beautiful. You need to double click to really appreciate!

{ Tree of Life in Animal Kingdom }

Back to the breakfast. I cannot wait to make these breakfast potato skins again & again & again. I have been wanting to ever since I had them at a restaurant once & thought maybe I could do better at home. I am a stickler for every bite having a bit of goodness & I think some restaurants just forget that.

These were easy, fun to make & just downright delicious. What's better than eggs, potatoes, cheese & bacon together ????? Aside from the bacon, these are healthy if you cook your eggs in cooking spray & have a gentle hand with the cheese. And you can always use turkey bacon.


{ Printable Recipe Here }

4 baked potatoes such as Idaho
6-7 eggs (you may have a little leftover)
Salt & Pepper
Shredded cheese, such as Colby Jack (about 1 cup)
Bacon, cooked & crumbled
Sour cream, reduced fat
Fresh chives, chopped

Pierce potatoes with a fork in several spots. Bake them in microwave in 5 minute intervals until fork tender. 4 potatoes roughly take 12-15 minutes. I like to rotate mine as well & turn them over halfway through cooking time to ensure even doneness.

Set potatoes aside to cool slightly. Preheat oven to 375.

Cut potatoes in half length-wise. Leaving ¼” wall, scoop out pulp & reserve for another use. Bake in oven for about 10 minutes just until the shells crisp up a bit. While they are cooking, scramble eggs just until set. They will cook further in oven. Season with a little salt & pepper.

Sprinkle a little cheese in the bottom of the potatoes.

Divide scrambled eggs between all. Then add more cheese on top as well as crumbled bacon.

Heat in oven just cheese is melted & bacon is warmed through. Serve with sour cream & chives.

No food for thought today. These are too easy. Just use whatever cheese makes you happy & enjoy!!!!!!

And if you want something just as easy but even healthier, what about a ham burrito without the burrito?

{ I created these by cooking up some Virginia baked ham fresh from the deli & rolling it around some sauteed onions with a scrambled egg & a little cheese }

Can't wait to be by to see what everyone has been up to. I have been MIA for a few days & starting to have blogger withdrawal.

Oh, see this car? It's also a boat. No joke. As we sat eating lunch by the lake, this was in the water. We thought it was just a boat that looked like a car on the top but then it rolled onto land & drove up to park.


  1. Great idea. I would have never thought to put eggs in potato skins.

    Love the Tree of Life!

  2. What a fabulous idea for breakfast!!
    I have seen a magazine article about those car/boat things.
    Pretty cool:)

  3. Sweet Jebus, I have died and gone to heaven!

  4. Those potato skins look AMAZING!
    I don't do breakfast very well, but I would eat those.

    They're low-fat and low-cal, too, right? Thought so.

  5. Yum!! I can't wait to try these. We make big breakfasts almost every weekend. Not sure that my little man would like them, but my girl will, and he does love bacon, so maybe he'll try (or at least pick off the bacon!)

    Tomorrow, I'm going to try your chicken soup from last week!

  6. Thanks for the recipe, they sound really good. Love that tree, it is so beautiful. Cute boat/car!
    Glad you enjoyed your company.

  7. I love the idea of these for breakfast!

  8. Awesome boat/car! I am in love with these breakfast potatoes! I am always hunting good breakfast dishes for a crowd! Thanks!

  9. I am making this egg/potato dish this very weekend! Yummers!

  10. That's an awesome idea. I think I will steal sorry borrow this little recipe for my Sunday brunch. It looks delicious.

  11. You are not helping my diet! But I still love you!! These look delicious!

  12. You are killing me... they look so fantastic!! I can't wait to try these babies out.

    What a neat tree - I can't believe how many animals are carved on it. Great photo.

  13. What an awesome idea - I love it and will definitely be making these!! Glad you had a great time with your friend :)

  14. yum! those look good and i know i can whittle down the calories! throw a little salsa on it...maybe some avocado...

    oh, my! i must. get. to. the. kitchen. now.

  15. That tree is truly incredible! I've never seen anything like it. And wow - this is a great breakfast idea! I love it!

  16. Get out, that was my dad's dream car! A boat/car hybrid, how funny!

    Okay, I would totally help you eat those for breakfast, what a great idea!!! I want some now...

  17. OMG! This is a great idea! I even love the ham burrito!

  18. Oh my goodness. That is SO cool! I just love the car/boat! And I love those potatoe skins too! They look yummy to the max! We went to Disney World after I graduated from college and I thought the Tree of Life was SO amazing. It was one of my very favorite things!

  19. I am a huge fan of breakfast. I never thought of making breakfast potato skins. Such a great idea.

  20. I just made skins a few weeks ago with little reds and they were yummy. Yours look awsome, with a twist!
    That tree is BEAUTIFUL!! I would love to have a painting of that! It must look so neat in person.
    Have a wonderful weekend, and hope all is well!

  21. those are some nice looking potato skins. about the pictures, it is better to just enjoy the moment anyways, sometimes pictures can break up a rhythm and seem unnatural.

  22. Those potato skins look awesome! Hubby would love those. I'll definitely be trying that recipe out. Thanks.

    Just became a new follower!

  23. Love that tree! And I never would have thought to serve potato skins for breakfast but why not?

  24. Oh my gawd! I think I just drooled on my keyboard, and I don't even eat eggs!

    Here from SITS!

  25. First the potato skins had me salivating, and then the boat/car had me laughing.

    This may very well be perfection in a post. Rest assured that I will be serving potato skins for breakfast tomorrow!!

  26. oh, wow! You had me at breakfast!! yum, yum yum! I adore potatoes. These last few months since I gave up trying to even approach lower carbs have been SO happy, as I have returned to my beloved pasta and potatoes. I can't wait to try these!!

  27. I have never heard of breakfast potato skins, but I KNOW my boys will love them. I am going to make these for our "breakfast supper" tomorrow night. Yummy!

  28. Wow that looks great! That's going to be my breakfast tomorrow! Thanks!!!

  29. What a great idea! These would be GONZOOO in seconds in my house!!

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  31. I never thought about serving potato skins for breakfast. Great idea!

  32. I would of never ever of thought of that. But such a great idea! I love potato skins.

    Thanks lady!

  33. Oh my goodness, we were at Disney, and Animal Kingdom last week. I would have flipped if I ran into you!!

    Sad, yes, about photos. I met up with a friend of mine there too and we don't have one photo together either!!!

  34. I should know better than to stop by here when I'm hungry.....just catching up, I hope.


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