Thursday, November 12, 2009

Slow Down & Savour....

The holidays are upon us & soon we'll all be rushing around preparing for family, friends & celebrations. Now is a good time to talk about how you slow down & savour the right moments. If you do, you’re going to win something delicious right here! But first…

I try to slow down & savour life as much as I can. I’m not always successful but when I am, you can find me sitting outside on a Saturday morning enjoying a cup of coffee under the palm trees. Or bench side, watching my little guy make friends at the park. And of course, in the kitchen perusing recipes & cooking with not only every last utensil but with all of my heart. Cooking something like this….

{Cheese & Apple Gallette}

~ Printable Recipe Here ~

Apples & cheese, tossed with brown sugar & pecans & a bit of butter, baked in a pie crust….oh my…you must make this now -

I received this recipe from Alouette along with an amazing giveaway package. The gallette was absolutely incredible & easy to make. I enjoyed it last Sunday with my best friend over a glass of white wine as we were savoring the last bit of our birthday celebrations from October. I love to drag out savor a celebration.

I have been cooking with Alouette cheese products for a long time & just love them. This Cheesy Zucchini & Red Onion & Flatbread is amazing & one of my favorite appetizers. I don't do many giveaways & will only giveaway what I would want myself...

That's why I was so excited to give away this, courtesy of

Gourmet Fall Cheese Tasting Party Giveaway
(Valued at $150)

  • Two toned wooden cheese board with accessories tucked away in 2 swing out drawers. Stainless steel accessories include fork, knife & spreader as well as a corkscrew, bottle stopper & drip ring.

{ I love the shape of this cheese board }
  •  Cheese markers (not shown but really cute)
  •  Customized Cheese Rating Cards with Pens for a Party of 10

{ How cool is that? They will say whatever you want them to. }
  •  Alouette recipe cards for entertaining
  •  Alouette coupons
  •  Slow Down & Savour Tips
All you have to do is comment & tell me how you slow down & savour life. For an extra entry, just post about this on your blog & tell me that you did. Giveaway ends on Monday at 12 noon.

In the meantime, go ahead - slow down & savour something good this weekend! 

{ Then Go See Mom Trends Friday Food }


Kristina P. said...

Fun giveaway! I'm a big fan of massages.

KatiePerk said...

Pedicures are my way to slow down! Fabulous giveaway! I love this idea!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

fun!! getting my hair done is one of my favorite things - I love having someone wash and dry it for me, and make me look all pretty. I also love that it is something I can do regularly without breaking the bank!!

Chef E said...

Ummm even as I am eating my own food yours look really great, and I wish I was having some of that apple dessert, and I would still come back for the flatbread :)

Maria said...

That flatbread is calling my name. I like to read, exercise, watch movies with the hubs, and BAKE:)

Anonymous said...

a leisurely day of sleeping in, throwing on my favorite pair of comfortable jeans and heading off to the salon for a pedicure while snacking on that flatbread!

sassy stephanie said...

OMgosh these look so tasty. I love love love cheese.

I really enjoy sitting outside on our porch, listening to the 'sounds of the country', which includes the kiddos laughing and playing.

Liz Mays said...

I climb into bed and read a book and that sort of brings me back to a peaceful place. :)

Ronda said...

Wow, I don't know how I missed this one! You never cease to amaze me with your recipes!
Ya' know how I slow down? I come right on down here to Maryland, by myself, a day early, with my dog and a glass of wine and relax. Get my recipes ready, and head on into the Holiday rush 2 weeks early!
One of these day I would love for you to visit!

Pam said...

What a great giveaway!

I take a long hot bubble bath while reading a book to slow down and savour life.

Unknown said...

I like to take baths to savour. I also plan on slowing down and savouring the cheese and apple gallette. That looks marvelous!

Tina Butler said...

Boy do I need to slow down and savor the moment. As mothers there is never a moment to slow down just for us. I love a nice hot bath to relax. But it always has the sound of little hands banging on the door. Mom whatch doing? I need this and I need that. LOL so sometimes its hard.

Melissa aka Equidae said...

that looks gorgeous...can europeans join? anyhow, just in case, my savour/slow down is my son....i just stop all to play with him andsavour the moment

Patty Herbert said...

Great contest. I love a nice hot bath to relax.

Nancy said...

To slow down and savour the moment I usually spend time outside in nature. I love going for long walks in nearby parks and enjoying the quiet and unwinding.

I just printed the recipe for the Cheese and Apple Gallette that looks delicious. Let's see if my comes out looking as good as that picture:)

Pixframe said...

Rainy days, like today, are the ones that give me a chance to slow down and curl up on my sofa and read a good book.

Anonymous said...

I love to relax by reading a magazine with a cup of tea or baking something yummy!

couponchicky @ yahoo (dot) com

Christina said...

First, I have to get this out of the way: I was already hungry. The pictures just made me ravenous.

So unfair.

Second, I'm trying to savor life by creating moments of connection. Yesterday I wrote three letters/emails to people that I really wanted to feel loved. Today I'll be baking all day for a birthday celebration in the evening. I think making time to show other people how important they are is a way to truly appreciate their presence in your life. :-)

Patricia C said...

I relax by taking a hot long bath and follow up with a glass of wine

Liza said...

Sitting by the roaring fire early in the morning at my sister's house, reading her newest cookbook. It only happens when we visit her, but it ranks up at the top as far as most relaxing moments go.

Jen said...

This looks awesome! Please enter me.

I like to slow down by grabbing a mug of grown up hot chocolate and sitting by the fire place. It a perfect end to a cold winter's day. Makes me want snow now.

Lifeofkaylen said...

I like to slow down in an ultra-hot bath with a good book from the library.
Great prize package!!!

The Blonde Duck said...

How about you make another one of those great tarts, and I'll come over to eat it with you? :)

Laura said...

For me sitting in my favorite chair, reading a good book and sipping on some wine. Doesn't happen often enough! I have been reading your blog for sometime now, I am not sure how I stumbled accross is but it has been enjoyable. I rarely comment but thought your give away was an awesome one. Thanks.

Laura Fornshell

Stereos and Souffles said...

When I want to relax and reflect, I sit out by my pool without a book or any music on and I listen to the sounds of the birds in the trees and the other nature noises. My husband will come out and ask me what I'm thinking about and I'll say absolutely nothing. :-)
But I could be tempted to do it with cheese!

FROGGITY! said...

I shall be savoring life this week by doing absolutely nothing with the people I love the most! Sitting by the beach, sipping some sort of spicy tea. And this is an AWESOME giveaway. I will put it at the top of my blog! (And the food looks mighty nice too, lady!!)

Gloria Baker said...

this look absolutely yummy and delicious, love it! gloria

swisspotluck said...

Nestling into the couch accompanied by a hot water bottle, a pot of tea (with milk), a good book, and the kitties curled up next to me. This is particularly relaxing on very cold, grey, and rainy days.

Lana said...

I take a "bath" by myself or at least try to! (With my gang there is always someone around.)

Blessings to you!

lana @

Unknown said...

I think we are eerily connected lol....I am doing a cheesemaking kit giveaway/recipe contest lol.

I slow done and savor life by making sure we have meals at the dinning room table. Sometimes we are eating laughing and talking for hours. Its so much fun.

Hey..hey you need to enter my recipe contest!

Reeni said...

Your apple and cheese gallette looks absolutely delicious! Love the combo together.

Slowing down is hard when I'm so busy. But the best way for me is to get out of the house(where most of the work happens) for a leisurely lunch or dinner like I did yesterday with my Mom.

~dab said...

I always try and take 10-15 minutes each day and just RELAX -- it could be a long bath, driving with the windows down and the music up, curling up with a good book and some Alouette cheese and crackers, or even just talking on the phone with a friend.

~dab said...

I don't have a blog but I did tweet about this contest :)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Wow! That's quite a giveaway!
Love it!

KatBouska said...

Mmmm...slow cookin' meals are my favorite. Love it all!

Jane said...

aawww, I slow down and savor every moment. Just remember that there is nothing more important than Right Now!

The past is gone and the future hasn't decided what it is up to yet. Slow down and let it happen.... ♥

Anonymous said...

good morning!

come by my post, i've got something for you...

Nazarina A said...

I have not been here in ages! How are you?
Mmmm! I salivated just looking at your cheese tarts!Yum!
I love to meditate because there are always so many people that need my attention!

Simple Daisy said...

I drink lots of vino while listening to jazz!!! Ahhh.....
Oh and I remember that I can't please everyone all the time!!

Unknown said...

That cheese & apple gallette looks phenomenal. I'm drooling.

Nicole Feliciano said...

we never watch tv when we eat and we always use nice table settings! thanks for the contest and I love the slogan!

tiarastantrums said...

(I'm not entering- you know I don't drink) but just wanted to say HA HA - I don't - maybe in a couple of years!!

sascha said...

I slow down a savor life with a good book, a warm blanket, and a good glass of pinot.

Sharon Schoepe said...

We make sure to take some time each day to turn off everything electronic and just listen to some soft music and relax. It's a great way to end the day.

mineola said...

Cooking something that requires a lot of prep work, such as a great batch of chili or perhaps a chicken corn chowder soup - I enjoy the process of selecting the ingredients, getting everything together & staged & then cutting, chopping, sauteing & preparing each ingredient. I love to dedicate a slow Saturday morning to this - and finally, wised up & bought a Mandoline type slicer recently! :D

This also allows me not to have to rush around or drop what I'm doing to prepare at least a few meals- I can pair the dish with salad, bread or just a dollop of whatever & I have extra time to sit down & enjoy it. So I enjoy the process on many levels plus there's a layer of extra "comfort" & a sense of plenty when I just know I don't have to concern myself with putting out a meal.

The other way is to prepare a bunch of small dishes & finger foods so there's a little endless parade of delights- cheese of course in this cheese freak house (even the cats love cheese!) - This one is more of a special splurge than a mainstay- another reason why it's extra extra fun to do.

sue14625 said...

darn after seeing this the soup i am having today does not look so good ty for hosting this tasty giveaway

Patty Herbert said...

I like to relax by reading a good book and taking a hot bath.

LeeAnn P. said...

After the kids are in bed DH and I like to just sit together with a good cup of coffee or tea and just talk about our day. It really helps us reconnect and relax.

Tomi C said...

My drive home is my slow down time. I usu. wait till the 4:30 PM rush is out the door and exit the office about 4:45 or so. It's amazing how much of a difference there is in commute traffic and it's about the ONLY time I have to myself before heading home to the busy-ness that comes from being a wife & mother.

Farmer Jo said...

I love a walk with dog and hubby!

Susannah said...

Oh my! Apples and cheese. My father used to say, "Apple pie without the cheese, is like the kiss without the squeeze." Love your recipes. Cheese is one of my favorite foods. (I'm a Canadian-born cheesehead!)

Your giveaway is lovely. Count me in!

e-Mom @ Susannah's Aprons
susannahsaprons dot gmail dot com

BeautifulDisaster311 said...

All my life it's been hard for me to slow down. I'm one of those go, go, go people so it's definitely a challenge! When I do, though, there's nothing sweeter in the world than being able to REALLY observe what's going on around me.

Life in Beverly Hills said...

I slow down my life by cooking a family favorite dinner, set the table and gather all of us around to enjoy it and chat. Putting smooth jazz on the stereo helps set the mood!

debi9kids said...

OH wow! FABULOUS give-away! So right up my alley! Mmmm...cheese and wine :)

To relax and savor the moments, I just like to go outside, sit on my porch and watch the sun set over the mountains

Cheeky Kitchen said...

What a lovely giveaway, Steph! Thank you!
To slow down and savor...I gather my family around the kitchen table, plop a big bowl of popcorn atop, and play games until the night grows late. Oh! It makes me so anxious for a slow Thanksgiving week, I may not be able to wait for a whole seven days.


S3XinthePantry said...

Ahh... the first recipe sounds wonderful! Just found your blog.

Unknown said...

I slow down and savor life by making sure we all eat dinner together at least 3 times a week : ) Even though the food is terrible : ( normally. We always go around the tables and say our highs and lows too!

Angela said...

Snifflesnifflesniff!!!! I am so sad I missed the giveaway!! We did not get back till end of day Sunday and I have been running around like a crazy person ever since!! It looks like an awesome package and I too love Alouette!

Hope you are having a GREAT week!! Hugs!

Sheila Rae said...

Great Blog!! I am now following you.

Come check me out, and say hi :)

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