Monday, March 9, 2009

SITS Spring Fling & Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays.

The SITS Spring Fling is today! 

For those of you living under a rock who don't know by now, that stands for The Secret's In the Sauce, a blogging community dedicated to supporting one another in the way of comment love. Today, SITS is hosting a major giveaway carnival where there will be prizes every hour. Everyone in the SITStahood is also hosting a giveaway on their site. Visit HERE to see details.

{For my giveaway, I thought it would be appropriate to give away some cookbooks. While a couple hold a special place in my heart, I am willing to part with them for a fun cause. For one entry, just tell me what your favorite dish is (not something from my blog). For two entries, put me on your blogroll.

The winner will be randomly selected & I WILL CONTACT YOU Thursday! I will also make a variation of the dish you mentioned & link to you when I do. Giveaway closes 11:59 PM EST. 

The Cowboy's Cookbook - I had to have it, how else could I know how to make Son of a Bitch Stew & Texas Longhorn Chili.

On to more love............

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I am just loving Thai more than ever lately & when the urge hits, there's nothing I can do but give in. This dish was so easy to throw together & so delicious. Even if you don't like yellow curry, you may find you love red curry. Such different flavors. I like it spicy so I added in a bit more red curry paste to my coconut milk. 

1 (14 oz.) can lite coconut milk, divided 
1 1⁄2 tblsp red curry paste
1 tblsp brown sugar
2 kaffir lime leaves, minced (optional)
1 lb. large shrimp, shelled & deveined
2 tblsp fish sauce (or soy sauce) 
1⁄4 cup basil, chopped (I used dried)
Jasmine Rice

In a wok or heavy skillet heat half a can of the coconut milk. Stir in red curry paste & cook until well blended. Add the remaining coconut milk, brown sugar & kaffir lime leaves & bring to a boil. Reduce heat & simmer for 5 minutes. Add shrimp & cook until shrimp are orange-pink in color, about 1-2 minutes. Stir in fish sauce & chopped basil. Serve with Jasmine rice. Makes 4 to 6 servings.

{My Thoughts}

I did not use fresh basil for this which is just fine. Remember when substituting dried in place of fresh, to use 1/3 of the recipe amount for fresh. Also, I did not use kaffir lime leaves. If you have an aversion to fish sauce you can use soy sauce instead.  But I promise, you can't tell it's in there, it just contributes to the overall flavor.

For More Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays, please visit Lisa at Blessed with Grace.


KatBouska said...

I'm obsessed with cookbooks right now, so count me in for sure!!

Rachel Ann said...

I am learning how to be a better cook so count me in!

Simply AnonyMom said...

Those cookbooks look so very fun!!!

AP Mommy said...

My favorite dish is Chicken Tortilla Soup right now.


Those cookbooks look great!!

Kristen said...

I love grilled shrimp with a light garlic pasta!

KatieSaysSo said...

I am so in need of cookbooks. I have zero!!! haha. Count me in!

Megan said...

I love cookbooks. Seriously. Obsessed!

In this house we love chicken enchiladas. Mmmm....

Mamarazzi said...

oh honey...i need some more cookbooks!

AND i must follow this blog..

Happy Spring Fling SITSta!

Sandy said...

I can not get enough cookbooks! Thanks:0)

Happy Spring Fling SITSta!

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

i would love to give these to my hubby as he is the cook. He makes an incredible seafood chowder.

Wendyburd1 said...

I need to learn to cook so pick me!!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i would be in cookbook heaven, pick me! my favorite dish would have to be my husband's chicken P=parmesan. it is heavenly. no...really, it is.

on a side note, i made the vegatable tian you posted about a little while ago + it turned out delicious! i took pictures of the before it baked + i couldn't wait to eat it that i hope to post someday.

Carla said...

Add me in! Thanks SISTA!

Scary Mommy said...

Of course you offer the best prize!! My favorite recipe is Chicken Marbella from Silver Palate--- it's my go to for nice dinners. :)

LenaLoo said...

Cowboy Cookbook? Gotta have it! My favorite dish is actually from a weigh watchers cookbook, it is for ginger and turkey steamed dumplings... basically, you mix up ground turkey, spinach, fresh ginger, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, and a little sesame oil in a food processor and then stuff into round rice wrappers and steam, dip in gyoza sauce or soy sauce mixed with sesame oil and vinegar... Sooooo good! (And only 1 pt each if you do WW) Happy Spring Fling!

Mimi said...

Oh, I would love to win.

My husband makes me a pasta with tomatoes, feta & pine nuts in a garlic cream sauce that will curl your toes! Yum!

Sarah said...

Great cookbooks! I don't know that I have a favorite dish...but I love Chicken Marsala.

Unknown said...

Cookbooks have a special place in my kitchen too

Anonymous said...

Hmm can't say I necessarily have a favorite food.. I do love anything that has veggies in it.
Love that name.. Son of a Bitch Stew LOL it reminds me of those hot sauces "kick ass" etc.

Unknown said...

What a nice giveaway : ). My favorite food in the whole world is salmon. (This week : ) it does change from week to week!) Hope your week is happy and bright.

Carma Sez said...

I love a good Eggplant Parm

Barely Domestic Mama said...

Count me in! My favorite dish right now is this awesome Cheesy Meatloaf with oats. I know it sounds weird, but it is soooo yummy. I will be having some for lunch.

April said...

I love cookbooks! You can never have too many is my view of the world. My favorite recipe (that is so bad for me!) is Fettucine Alfredo with Scallops.

Unknown said...

I have so many cookbooks, and can never have enough (its an addiction) Where in FL are you? We live in Gainesville.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I lurve cookbooks. However it's rare that I find one that I actually use the recipes. I can get inspired by them. But follow them exactly, not so much.

michelle said...

ohhh I NEED them! I love cookbooks and never buy them! I want to become a follower and check out all your great recipes! Because I'm need like that (like your button says)! I can't find your "follow me" button! OH lAW

Casey's trio said...

Hmmmm....I love a good cookbook. So, I'm trying to make carnitas in the crockpot tonight and hope they turn out!

Janelle said...

Count me in as another cookbook fanatic!!! Thanks for doing the giveaway!

sassy stephanie said...

And here I thought you were giving away your personal services!

*gasp* Is that who I think it is? LOL

Lauren W said...

Oh man... I collect cookbooks and could always use more!
Anyway... I think my favorite dish at the moment is pretty much any seafood pasta :)

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

Anything called "Son of a Bitch Chili" HAS to be good!

Happy Spring Fling!

Jingle said...

We make these Chili Beef tacos - it's a WW recipe, actually, and they are SO good! A favorite in our house!

bigjohnsgirl said...

My fave recipe is Ham Puffs. It's a mixture of ham, cheese, onion, pepper. You roll up crescent rolls into mini-muffin pans and spoon the mixture on top and bake it! They are so yummy!!!

Kim said...

Yum I love cookbooks. Hmmm my favorite recipe is probably a long-time family recipe of chocolate chip cookies. Love them. Have a great day!

The Avid Reader said...

Count me in, please! I'm trying to expand my cooking skills (currently minimal). My favorite meal is chicken marsala, although I've never made it for myself!


My favorite dish to make is lasagna. I know, not too fancy, but always good stuff! :o)

Joy <--visiting from SITS

Tiffany said...

I love cookbooks! My favorite dish is any kind of pasta in a flavorful, rich creamy sauce.

Unknown said...

This would be ideal for my recipe blog! I love to get new cookbooks!!
Come see my giveaways, too!
Life is Sweet


Steph, I added your blog to my Blogroll link, which is on my sidebar:

Decor To Adore said...

Oh I love shrimp!

Kiera said...

Steven has been craving Thai food lately too. This dish looks especially good. I think I'll suggest that he makes this for us. :) So glad he can cook.

Did you find a job yet??

brionyskerjance said...

i love the asian theme you've been on...i can't wait to try this :)

Michelle said...

Oh, I love cookbooks!

I have you as a favorite, but I would be more than happy to add you to my very small blog roll list. :)

Michelle said...

Duh, you are already on my blogger roll call. Shows you how I rely on my followers list doesn't it?

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Anything pasta in this house! Thanks for entering me!

Brandy said...

I'm all about some pasta so I'd have to say lasagna or baked ziti loaded with cheese....mmmmmmmm. In fact I made lasagna yesterday and it was delicious!

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

Oh fun. Happy SITS Spring Fling. One of my fave recipes is my Green Chili Lasagna. Here is the link

Also, I am adding you to my blog roll. Seems silly that I have not done it before, duh!
Oh, the shrimp look great, of course.

Pam said...

I love this recipe - your shrimp look perfectly cooked. MMMM good.

Tricia said...

Our family favorite is my lasagna, easy and delish!

Adding you to my blogroll.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i was really hoping you were giving away a night of cooking some of these delish dishes for me. stinko. fine, i'll take the fab cookbooks, but i still have to cook. oh it!

come by and get in my custom coffee cozy giveaway!!!

capperson said...

I'm in love with cookbooks and one of my fav. recipes is Thai it chicken :)

Annikke said...

I LOVE cookbooks!

Kristina P. said...

Pretty much anything with chocolate!!!

And you should come enter my giveaway too!

Pamela said...

I love cookbooks! That red curry shrimp look sooo yummy, I wish the giveaway was you coming to my house to cook, I know my hubby would love that dish!

Pamela said...

ooops, I forgot to tell you my favorite recipe (was distracted by the shrimp). My favorite recipe is Aussie Chicken from

Anonymous said...

Love to cook and to eat! Come and see my blog on wednesdays I have a couple of recipes to share!

Pamela said...

You are now officially on my blog roll...can't wait to try out these recipes!

tiarastantrums said...

right now my fav recipe is spicy chx curry thai soup from 2004 best of gourmet

Coco said...

You have been on my blogroll forever!!
My fave appetizer is simple, my crab bites.
1 stick of butter
1 can of crab
1 jar of sharp cheddar
garlic powder to taste
english muffins

Can't get easier than that!!

Laurel said...

I am a total sucker for cookbooks and how is it possible I have never see your faboo blog before?

Favorite dish ... chocolate chip cookies don't count? Hmm, I'll say Beef Tenderloin with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce. Once a year.

Lisa M said...

Hmm. my favorite dish is..linguica and ziti :)

Shannon said...

I'm always looking for new recipes!

My fave dish would be anything Italian... from just basic spaghetti to chicken parmesan... or lasagna... or baked ziti...

Now I'm hungry.

Tamara B. said...

My favorite dish is Lamb Kabobs on the grill.

Reeni said...

Your Red Curry Shrimp looks fantastic! My favorite tough...Pumpkin Waffles with Fried Chicken and Caramelized Onion Gravy!

Anonymous said...

Yum! Count me in!!

Anonymous said...

Cookbooks? Cool!

valerie2350 said...

great assortment of cookbooks!

Amy said...

Oh yes yes... I am in! Giveaway for cookbooks! Oh yeah!!

Hugs.. Amy

Mo said...

Moving my rock out of the way now...when you get a chance, come on over to my place and get your lovins.

auntrene said...

I love Cookbooks. I have tons of them and love them all. I couldn't part with them. I love anything Paula Deen has in her books. I also love Rachael Ray's Big Orange Cookbook. Guy Fieri.. oh oh oh, Guy.. I love his book. WE love Guy at our house.
favorite recipe...My Grammy's cole slaw recipe. I don't know, there is magic in her cole slaw, I love her dressing she made for it. I am thrilled to be able to make it, just not quite as good as Gram but close.
Love Spring Fling

scottsgal said...

that grilling cookbooks looks great count me in please

msboatgal at aol dot com

Wacie's Way said...

I love love love cookbooks!! Count me in!

Chris said...

Oh my family would love new cookbooks!

Ginny said...

My favorite meal is either homemade macaroni & cheese or baked manicotti... I'm all about the comfort food! I would love to win these cookbooks because I'm a newlywed and I'm just learning how to cook!!

Tam said...

HMMM Favorite Meal...that is hard. Toss up between seafood and Pasta for me. I love LOVE LOVE a GOOD LOW COUNTRY BOIL! YUM SHRIMP POTATOES, CORN, SAUSAGE!!!! OOO I sound all southern again! LOL

Tam said...

O I follow you! Hey is SISTA doing the secret in the sauce anymore????? HMMM if they stopped that...HMMMM there might be need for a new team of FOODIES to start a blog like that??????

Aubrey said...

My hubby would SO thank you personally if I won! I am trying to make more home cooked meals! This would surely help!

Oh! And we used the steak chart you so graciously shared. We had the most perfectly grilled steaks over the weekend!


You are also now on my blogroll!

Aubrey said...

oh! and my fave dish??

Shrimp Scampi, Chicken Enchiladas with extra cheese and Mashed Potatoes. Hey! It could be the main dish! LOL

Nessa said...

My favorite dish? Well, I really love my tamale soup, but I adore a nicely cooked ribeye as well.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Great idea, love that sitsahood!

My favorite dish, hmm.... so hard to pick.. I love so many things... okay just one...Meatloaf!

shortmama said...

Oh yum love food and cookbooks! One of my fave things to make is chicken enchiladas, from the good ol' BHG cookbook, mine is just a bit different though

Dee said...

hmmm...favorite? I'm food in general. But I'd have to go with Chicken parm...or Pad Thai...yum..I havent had thai food in FOREVER!

Heather said...

count me in! i'm a big fan of cooking nowadays, but my favorite will probably always be sloppy joes. :)

Heather said...

Oh, I LOVE cookbooks!! And I had to print the shrimp recipe. I need some new dishes in my rotation.

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

I am not a natural cook but I love to cook and enjoy trying new things. My latest obsession in the bisquick cook book and my favorite recipe so far is the Cheesy Tomato Beef Bake. soooo good!

Brooke said...

nothing beats my mom's meatloaf and mashed potatoes!

Jen said...

I love cook book and think that you can never have too many. count me in!

Anonymous said...

Oh I LOVE cookbooks and you can never have too many!

Sharlene said...

There is no such thing as too many cookbooks!

The Blonde Duck said...

I LOVE the cowboy's cookbook you have!

Jessica said...

Whoa! What a load of posts!! My favorite dish...that's a toughy, but I'd say a recipe for baked cod that I got from Cook's Country magazine. Living in Iowa, fresh fish is super expensive, so I buy frozen and this dish is really good.

Thanks for the chance to win!!

Jessica said...

Oh, and you're already on my blog roll. You were actually the first foodie I added to my list. Thanks!!

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh my goodness. How could I pick just one recipe. Anything you make sounds divine to me, so your cookbooks must be GOOD. :) The thai shrimp is making my stomach growl as we speak....congrats on being one of the "cooking" blogs that SITS has on their site now!

B said...

I love a good fish recipe any day of the week.

Lana said...

as always... a great recipe and beautiful pictures!

Ritch in Love said...

Loving the cookbooks Steph!

Amanda said...

Those are great book. We are trying to branch out of the norm in our house those would sure help!

Ronda said...

Great site! One of my favorite "special" dishes to make is Seared Scallops, with shallots and a cream sauce with a little mustard and white wine and chicken broth, served over any kind of pasta--YUM!!

Unknown said...

Yummy cookbooks!

Nazarina A said...

OOOOH! I love the color on that shrimp dish!!! Delish! It seems to me that we were both celebrating coconut milk in two very different ways!

Mrs4444 said...

Okay...I'd love anything healthy, but loaded with flavor (low on the carbs and calories, though!)

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I'm so into making new items each night and would love some new resources for ideas! Thank you so much!


mom2kmjx2 said...

I love to cook and try new things, but the little people in my house don't. To bad, I cook and sometimes I want different things lol. my favorite dish is from pampered chef called bar b que chicken pie without the pie crust lol.

mom2kmjx2 said...

forgot to add, adding you to my blogroll.

Renee G said...

I make a vegetable dish from one of my Italian cookbooks that is always a hit. It includes green beans, carrots, onions, and garlic. It's delish.


pampered said...

i have too many dishes i love to choose just one...tequila shrimp,marsala chicken with portobellos, green chicken enchiladas, caldo de res, posole, cochinita pibil...mmm yummy

missy said...

oh my gosh.....foood...i love it!!!!
let's see.....taco soup, chicken parm., cheeseburger chowder, manicotti....any past really...see i told you i could go on and on!!!!!!

missy said...

oh my gosh....where have you been all my blog life....i love your blog!!!!! i added you to my roll....oh my blog roll!!!! i am not a comedian....really i am not!!!!!

Yellow Beads said...

I would be one of those people under a rock! I have haerd "SITS" but never knew what it was about! ha.

Helen Ruth said...

Hey, long time no see! Thanks for dropping by. I just haven't been cooking fancy lately, because my spouse is diabetic. If you have any diabetic dishes (to die for) I'll be back with a plate and fork! ;-)

Keep up the good work. You've been getting great reviews!


Maria said...

I love cookbooks, I am obsessed! The shrimp dish looks amazing!

Karen said...

I would love these cookbooks! My favorite dish right now is a simple taco soup, it's just so nice in the winter!

Jenn said...

Haha the Cowboy Cookbook recipe made me laugh so hard! I collect cookbooks so I would LOVE to win of my fave recipes is Cheese Stuffed Shells

Deborah said...

My favorite recipe is for my home-made ravioli: I make the ricotta cheese, toss other stuff in it and use wonton wrappers. Such lightness on the tongue! asthenight at gmail dot com

FROGGITY! said...

mm mm good!

Amanda said...

Already entered yor contest. just wanted to stop by and tell you that I have added you to my blog roll. Came back today and was checking out your recipes, and L-O-V-E them.
I can't wait to explore more!!

Anonymous said...

Pad Thai or Good Ol' Chicken Tortilla SOup!

ashlomb at yahoo dot com

Debbie said...

I'm not sure how I missed this post but that shrimp is killing me! Do you eat this well daily?

Anonymous said...

Am I too late muffin pie?

Anonymous said...

Wait, I forgot to mention that today is my mom's birthday and I promise to cook her something from the books if I win!

Tabitha Blue said...

Bummer... did I miss the contest??!! I would love a couple of your fav cookbooks!!
