Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Staycation....All I Ever I Wanted

Canceling a mini vacation on the Gulf Coast last week meant creating little adventures with my little guy, right here.

Scenic boat tour around Winter Park, FL:

{My little guy Tristan}

{Christmas decorations adorning trees}

{Beautiful homes}

{Tom Hanks filmed a movie here}

And this could only mean one thing:

{don't let the personalized bowling ball fool you}

Tristan's 1st try at bowling:

Not shown is the walk Tristan & I took into our town, 2 1/2 miles each way with a stop for lunch. My little guy just kept on going, not once wanting to relax in his stroller.

Sometimes being close to home is all the R&R one needs!

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


Carrie said...

Wow! What great pics!

I love bowling! I pretty much bowl like Tristan though...

Muthering Heights said...

It looks like a lot of fun! :)

Cecily R said...

Oh, I agree...it looks like the best kind of vacation!!

Kristina P. said...

Those homes are incredible!!

Sarah said...

Great photos! Some of our best vacations have been spent close to home.

Michelle said...

Staycations are the best! You got some great photo's and a personalized bowling ball?? I'm seeing you in different light now. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry your dad was sick and hope he's better now.. it looks like you guys had lots of fun without leaving town.

Unknown said...

This sounds like the funnest vacation ever! That boat ride seems wonderfully fun! Those houses are amazing! Tristan's tan is amazing. I can NOT believe you are that tan already in Florida. We are PASTY white in Pa! Send me some of your sunshine please! Pretty please?

Tina Butler said...

Somtimes staying home is the best part. You really can find things to do that you never noticed before. YOu son is just the cutest.

Mommy Mac said...

Great creative thinking spelunkin' the nearby treasures...

It's about the time together not so much the place...especially for little ones!

How'd Tristan fair bowling??


Lula! said...

I love your personalized ball!

OK, that sounds kinda funny...but you know what I mean.

And I love that y'all walked to and from town. That's how memories are made. He will never forget that.

Kameron said...

I know what you mean. i have my own bowling shoes, but pretty much stink at it anyway! i always have to tell people not to be fooled by the shoes! Waht a lovely week you guys had!

brionyskerjance said...

i'm sorry your trip had to be canceled but it looks like you had an amazing time!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

what a fun day and cute lil guy!!!

Susie said...

Those pictures are awesome, and that little Tristan of yours--BEAUTIFUL!

Unknown said...

Your son is gorgeous! And what a lovely staycation!

Hootin Anni said...

He's mighty handsome! what a great tour you shared with us.

My Wordful this week is all about the birds and bees...errrr, um....maybe birds and cats. Is it Superman in the sky? Come find out.

Maria said...

Great photos! We are going to Palm Beach in May, have you been there before?

Erin said...

I have always wanted to take the winter park boat ride!
Looks like fun!

sassy stephanie said...

Fun! We had our own little staycation. I think we overlook the great things to do in our own backyards!

Cheffie-Mom said...

Looks like your little guy had an awesome time! Great ideas Mom!

Aunt Julie said...

I think staying home and hanging out is often WAY more fun than going on vay-cay. What sweet snaps...thanks for sharing!

FROGGITY! said...

Great post!! Gorgeous pics and looks like fun!!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos! Stunning!

~Marie~ said...

Looks like you had a great time! Sometimes, stay-cations are a great thing.

Jen said...

You are right, sometimes it is more fun just to stay home.

Reeni said...

Your little adventures look so fun! Your son is so cute!

The Blonde Duck said...

My husband always tells people his favorite place to vacation is home!

Kiera said...

What a fun way to spend the weekend. I miss Florida. The weather is so accommodating and the scenery is gorgeous!

Melissa Lester said...

Sometimes it is fun to plan a staycation so you can stop to appreciate the sites in your own backyard that other people travel great distances to visit. It looks like you had a great week!

Coco said...

That sounds like a wonderful Spring Break!
Your guys are too cute.

Great pics.

Unknown said...

Looks like so much fun, sometimes "staycations" are the best! I miss bowling, I haven't been in a while. Now I wanna go! : )

FROGGITY! said...

to answer your housewives question:
i LOVE jill. she's my fave.
love ramona b/c she's a spazz!
i sometimes like bethenny...
i cannot stand alex.
REALLY don't like luann-- like her the least.
i think kelly is a weirdo.
what's your run down on them?

Anonymous said...

Exactly! Sometimes when you go away for vacation you need time to relax once you get home. This way you get both!

Deanna said...

Love a great staycation. We had one last week too and we loved it. If I could find someone to come in and clean like at a hotel it would be next to perfect!

Jessica said...

It looks like you had a nice time with your family on "vacation." Right now, with a 3-year-old and a 16-month-old, vacation is more work than being at home. ;) Winter Park, FL...that sounds ridiculous! ;)

Simply AnonyMom said...

Look like fun was had by all!

Jenni said...

Love the pictures from the boat ride! WOW!

Heather said...

It's nice to just vacation at home! It looks like he really enjoyed himself! Makes me want to go bowling!

Angela said...

Looks awesome Steph! It looks so nice and summery there (of course). It's finally warming here, but we're into four straight days of predicted rain. Great for the landscaping, but not my head! Meanwhile, to console myself, I made a yummy, summery salad tonight.

Hope hubby is feeling better! Love ya!

Nana said...

The staycation looks great, so does the orange roughy. -

Life, Love And Lola said...

What fun! That's not really your bowling ball is it? LOL!

Or...If it is YOU GO GIRL! I can't bowl to save my life!

tiarastantrums said...

looks like a fun week

Unknown said...

Good Stuff. Way to step up and make it happen.