Thursday, January 29, 2009

Zucchini Pie

Easy post, easy recipe. This is a simple throw together to have around for house guests who may want to munch on something in between meals. I made this awhile back for my sister & her beau & am just getting around to posting it. There are so many variations to this & I like this one just as much as any. I am a big zucchini fan so this is a great way to use it up!

3 c. zucchini, sliced thin, with skin on
1 c. Bisquick
1/2 c. chopped onion
3/4 c. Parmesan cheese, grated
2 tsp. parsley
1/2 tsp. salt
Dash oregano
1 c. oil
4 eggs

Mix all ingredients together in large bowl. Pour into greased casserole & bake at 350 degrees until brown & firm, about 35 - 45 minutes.

See you tomorrow for Not So Fat Fridays!


Tam said...

OOO At first glance it looks like a Frittata. YUMMY it also looks like something good to have on a wet rainy day..LIKE TODAY!

brionyskerjance said...

this looks delicous! i love pretty much anything with zucchini in it...but I think I would have to leave out the onions :)

Tina Butler said...

Oh wow I love Zucchinni. I would like this but dh would not. Guess i could eat the whole thing by myself. LOL

Erin said...

Does this taste super eggy??

Simple Daisy said... you're talkin'!!! This looks yummy!!! I love zucchini..especially straight out of the garden in the summertime!!
Take care~

Maria said...

Now that looks delicious!! I loce zucchini, what a great way to use it!

Anonymous said...

I too love zucchini so will have to give this a try..
I'm played around with the idea of trying zucchini for a mock apple pie.. have you ever tried that? I bet you couldn't tell the difference.

Kristina P. said...

This looks so interesting!

Pam said...

I just happen to have zucchini and bisquick. I may have to make this tasty looking pie. I love your serving dish.

Jen said...

that looks really good and it is so different. I have never seen anything like this.

Claremont First Ward said...

I usually get lots of free zucchini, so it's always nice to have new recipes to use them with.

FROGGITY! said...

that's beautiful! seriously, turned out gorgeous! tasty too i bet...

Jessica said...

You're right! That IS easy! And it looks really pretty too. Could be used for a brunch? YUmm!

tiarastantrums said...

once again - looks delicious

Melissa said...

YUMMY...of course (like you always do)!!! I guess it's like a quiche, huh??

Anonymous said...

Oh my freakin goodness that looks delish!

Ever had a zucchini muffin?

~Marie~ said...

Hmmm... what do you have recipe wise for zucchini bread? My mom makes wonderful succhini bread, but she can't find her recipe. And I want it for myself. And since she has MS, she has trouble remembering how to make it.

Carrie and Jim said...

I have never seen this but it looks so yummy. I think I like it too b/c it doesn't take very many ingredients.

Ronnica said...

That looks delicious and easy!

sassy stephanie said...

My girls love "egg pies". I will have to give this one a whirl.

Coco said...

I love zucchini too! This would be excellent for a shower dish as well. Yum.

What variations would you recommend, I have never heard of anything like this?

Debra Owen said...

Sounds yummy! I might have to try this one soon. So I'd love to know your SuperBowl menu!?

Michelle said...

Mmmmm.....looks yummy!

Wendelyn DeMoss said...

I too love zucchini but our grocery store had really bad zucchini lately and some days none. I will keep this recipe for a few months from now. Do you think I could substitute yellow squash?

Jason, as himself said...

Hey Steph! Thanks for volunteering to cater my virtual b-day party at the Biltmore in Santa Barbara! If you wouldn't mind, could you just off the top of your head rattle off a quick menu and post it on my post for today about food? Then in my next post I'll post it for everyone to see. If you have a second. Remmeber, money is no object.


Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

Hello. I have some awards for you at my blog.

Unknown said...

This looks very good and very easy : ). I love it : ).

Deb and Blake said...

If only I had zucchini I would be making this as I type! Yummy!

Mary said...

I mouth is watering right now! This look delicious...thanks!!!

Debra Owen said...

Steph, I have to tell you that I made this yesterday, and it was A.MA.ZING!!! Loved it! Thank you! I'm making it again today for a small Superbowl get togher!

Angela said...

Yum! I love zucchini (and I like your new header too!) - and I also like the dish you baked this in. You have some of the coolest cookware and dishes, girl!

Woman Interrupted said...

I used to make a variation of this recipe and serve it as an appetizer at room temp cut into squares; thanks for bringing it back into my life! My family prefers the zucchini grated instead of sliced. I also squeezed out as much water as I could before adding it to the mixture. Great recipe!