Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wonton Purses

These are one of my favorite little appetizers that I have been making for years. I made them on New Year's Eve with ground chicken but I have to admit the pork sausage are my favorite since they are best with a little bite to 'em. With that said, I will be trying them with turkey sausage next time to stay with the healthy theme as they are steamed.

(1) 12 oz pkg pork sausage such as Jimmy Dean
(2-3) green onions (scallions), diced (I use a bit more)
(1) tblspn soy sauce
(1) tblspn hoisin sauce
(1/2 tsp) minced garlic (I use 1 tsp)
(1) pkg wonton wrappers (freeze leftovers)
(1) small bowl of water

In bowl, combine all ingredients except wrappers. Mix well. Place a few wonton wrappers on clean surface & wet edges with water, using your fingers. Place a little more than a tspn of filling in center of wrapper. Gather edges of wrapper up & together to make a pouch. Filling does not have to be totally enclosed.

Place a collapsible metal steamer rack in a large wide pot. Fill pot with 1/2 inch of water. Spray steamer rack with nonstick spray. Bring water to a simmer. Working in batches, arrange dumplings on rack an inch apart. Cover pot with lid or foil & steam, about 8 minutes. Watch the water level & add more as needed. Serve with soy sauce, duck sauce, chili garlic sauce (my fav) or hot chinese style mustard.

My Thoughts:

If you don't have a steamer you can use a large shallow pan & place a cookie rack or toaster oven rack across the pan & then cover with tin foil. The recipe calls for 1 tbslpn but I find this to be too much. I use less so it makes more than 24 wrappers.

{Click Here to Print Recipe}

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And for a little more goodness wrapped in small packages here's a couple of Tristan; playing baseball up at Grandma's & Grandpa's & just chilling at home watching his DVD.

For more Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays please visit Lisa at Blessed with Grace!


  1. I am always hungry when I leave this blog. Can't you hand out samples?! :)

    This is one my to try list now too.

  2. Those look so yummy. I love wontons any way you can make them. Thats a cool shot of Tristan getting ready to hit the ball.

  3. Looks great. Love the pictures Tristan. How cute! Have a great week.

  4. that tristan is so cute!!! my kiddos love grandma's house! i'm sure he does too!

    as for the wonton's...my chinese friends made them with me last year and we literally put them in a skillet with some oil and heated them, almost like frying. they were delicious...and it added a little crunch to the wrap. and lemme tell you, there's an art to proper "pinching"! ha!

  5. I love won tons! The purses are super cute! Happy New Year to you! Your son is such a cutie!

  6. What is better than a tasty treat in the form of a dumpling? A fun recipe and oh-so-timely, given that the Chinese New Year will be celebrated on January 26th this year. Thank you!

    I adore how user friendly your site is. Just like epicurious.com...print your recipes and go. So great.


  7. Oooo... my boyfriend's mom (who is from Thailand) makes these on the regular. Everytime he goes to see her, he brings home a huge gladware thing of them and soy sauce. They are usually gone within a day ot two. LOL

  8. OOOO yeah! I seriously think we should call you Giada! YOU need to get on the FOOD NETWORK! DEAR FOOD NETWORK....I am STEPHS MANGER and WE are ready to TALK! FOOD NETWORK THIS IS YOUR NEXT STAR!

  9. yummy on all accounts!! ;) be blessed!!

  10. those look so cute and delicious!! Your little man is so cute!

  11. If we lived closer I would be bugging you for leftovers ALL THE TIME. ;)

    Tristan is such a doll!

  12. Yum; I love anything with wontons!

    Tristan looks so content with his earphones on!!!

  13. what a sweet little guy! love the couch shot, he looks so focused on whatever he is watching!

  14. How precious! Tristan & the purses!

    How perfect would those little wontons be for girl's night. You coul dplan a whole girly menu around them. Love it! ;o)

  15. I'm trying to lose the pregnancy weight and when I come to your blog I start salivating. Im excited to see your post on friday!!!

  16. These look so yummy : ). I love all things won ton now that I have discovered the crab rangoon recipe. I didn't even know where they were in the grocery store before that.

  17. I love Wantons!! And these look easy and excellent.

  18. Those look delicious and elegant. I have never made any before, I may give these a shot.

    Yeah, tough loss last night for the Bucks, but I am with your DH, at least it was a good game!

  19. Ohhhh, those look so good, and I bet the turkey would be delish... they'd have a little more kick but still healthy. Yum. I don't have a steamer, but may still try another way.

    Your small packaged cutie pie is adorable swinging that bat!!



  20. Wow these look wonderful! Happy TMTT!

  21. You always get my mouth watering. Sounds so delicious!

  22. I could so use some of those right now.

  23. I have always wanted to try making something in a wonton wrapper...for some reason they scare me. :)

    And Tristan is something totally cute in a little package! :)

  24. I love these!! I am looking forward to trying this recipe - my husband and kids would enjoy these too.

  25. Those are so cute! Like tasty little gifts!

  26. Tristan is SO CUTE! Lvoe the pics!

    Those wontons sounds yummy!!!

  27. I have recently become secretly addicted to a good dumpling! These look fantastic and I have yet to try making them myself. You have inspired me!
    Thanks for sharing this.

  28. Any chance a double boiler would work? These sound delish!

  29. Yummy Steph! These look like so much fun (and such a nice change of pace from all the holiday dishes. I love Asian food after Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mexican or Spanish is another nice variation too.


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