Tuesday, January 6, 2009

When One Door Closes...

Although I wasn't begging for it to be me, I was a bit relieved today that it was me. After 3 1/2 years of being miserable in a place I didn't really belong, this can only be a good thing. Right?

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


  1. If you've been unhappy that long it HAS to be a good thing. Hope you find a job you love!

  2. I think you have the right attitude! I am reading a book about that very topic right now...I'll let you know if it's good and you can have it! Good luck!

  3. I'm with Casey. If you've been unhappy for that long, it's got to be a good thing. I'm sure another door is just waiting to be opened.

  4. You know they say when one door closes another one opens. I hope the next door leads you to the job of your dreams!

  5. See, I told you that your New Years resolution should be to find a new job!!!

    I'm sure something totally better is around the corner.

  6. when a door closes a window usually opens... and the scenery outside that window tends to be much more beautiful than that front yard outside that old door... :)

    you most definitely have the right attitude! many blessings...

  7. ABSOLUTELY! You have a wonderful attitude about this. You should be happy in the workplace. You deserve it. Good luck!

  8. Oh I hope it is a good thing. You know, you should really be doing something in food. You would make an awesome party planner/caterer

  9. It must be if you have been unhappy for so long. As cliche as it sounds - when one door shuts another one opens!

  10. i completely agree that if you have been unhappy, then there will be better things that lie in wait for you just up ahead. good luck finding something you love!

  11. You have so many gifts, this is an opportunity to find something else. I will keep you and your family in my prayers that the new doors won't take too long to open!!
    Bless you!

  12. Bittersweet. I hope that you find something that you love.

  13. Hello? Food Network? I have this friend Stephanie...

    I'm sending you big {{{HUGS}}} my dear!

  14. Blessings come in many different forms. I hope you find something you love. There is nothing worse than being at a job you hate.

  15. I was trapped in a job like that. I hope this leaves you open to greener pastures:-)

  16. Any ideas what's next for you?

    I vote for starting your own catering company. :)

  17. Ahh, I'm sorry about that, but if you weren't happy, it's meant to be. Take some time, blog some more, and figure out what is best for you!

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  20. Sorry about the multiple comment. Being my impatient I clicked many more times after the first one didn't post immediately. Then they all came up at once. I tried to delete them, but don't know if it worked!

  21. Well wow.. 3 1/2 years! And yes if you were unhappy this is good. Good luck!

  22. Sounds like a blessing in diguise to me! Hope you find something that is a better fit! Much luck!

  23. I hope you at least got a decent package with the deal. Make up for some of the misery?

    Good luck with wherever the new road leads.

  24. Severance Package are the TWO HOT WORDS for this POST! Then the word UNEMPLOYMENT PAY...USE it! It is there for a reason! Then with that all complete...it will give you time to come visit Savannah! LIKE the way my MIND works???? Take care my friend...the BEST IS YET TO BE!

  25. oh, this is terrible - right? not good? But I guess you get to spend more time cooking and creating gorgey food!

  26. What we women sometimes go through. I don't know your work situation, but I know what it is to be out of place, miserable and not knowing exactly what to do about it. God will guide you through and you will find what he has planned for you. I had to move 900 miles away from my hubby for two months to get a job that I absolutely adore. Now it's two years later and I can't believe it took me so long to take a leap of faith. Good luck!

  27. Hi, there! Love your blog....just left you an award on mine. Keep up the great work!

  28. So, is it "Congratulations" then? I'm not quite sure. But I do hope you find something else that you will enjoy! And I'm totally checking out your Fridays! I just started weight watchers and am already running out of interesting keep-my-attention dishes!

  29. I tend to agree. There's no reason to stay and be miserable.

  30. What did I say at the beginning of the year? Get Published! Make a recipe book! I would totally buy it and then have my husband cook all your amazing food for me. :) Best of luck to you Stephanie.

  31. Glad that it's something you want. Time to open some new doors. Good luck on your next endeavor!

  32. Can't wait to see what the future holds for you behind the next door!

  33. Best of luck to you, we have been struggling with this the last year with my husband. It's too bad to see all of this go on, but sounds like it was time for a change for you! I'll look forward to seeing what's next for you.

  34. Everything has a reason. Hope everything turns out for the best. Hey, I never got that "guy" recipe you promised either.

  35. I admire you for staying at the job for that long if you were miserable with it!!! That shows stamina.

    My Wordful is an update on Winston's Ladybug stool. Come on over if you can, I so love visitors and their comments!!! Happy day to you.

  36. Whoa! Sorry????
    What are you planning on doing??

  37. Well, pardon me for being bold, but maybe this is God's way of saying, "Write the cookbook!"

  38. When one door closes another opens is right...I wish you all the best.

  39. if you are happy, i am happy....if your not, can you please be happy?? ;) here's to not being miserable!! **holding up my glass to you**

  40. That is an excellent way to look at things. Yayy for fresh starts!!

  41. Good for you... for your attitude and your new opportunity!

  42. well, well, well, where do I start. I'm in the exact same boat. my last week, while on maternity leave, days before xmas, I got the call from HR about getting laid off.

    You told me you're a ny girl too so you totally get that we work! But, I'm in the same place you are...do I go back or do I stay and hang with my little boy!

    I love the cartoon. pretty funny.

  43. This will probably lead to some pretty great new opportunities for you! Good luck!

  44. Cute cartoon....and you are right, if you were miserable, then this can only be a positive step!! Good luck in whichever way life leads you!!

  45. Oh Steph. Sorry to hear. Even if it is somewhat welcomed, never an easy adjustment. But you are right. Another door is waiting for you.

  46. I can sympathize completely. I hope you find a job you love soon.

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  49. Woops... my computer froze and I kept hitting post and it posted my comment 3 times... Sorry about that.. I deleted two of them.

  50. I am sorry to hear that....but not.
    Now you can post all day long!! Good for me.

  51. I am sorry to hear that....but not.
    Now you can post all day long!! Good for me.

  52. Awwwwwe! I am so sorry! It sounds like you are okay with it though! Now you can stay at home, cook, post, and all that good stuff!

    Check my blog soon! I have awarded you! :)

  53. hopefully there's a better job awaiting you!

  54. I hope 2009 holds new opportunities for you to use your gifts and follow your passions, and I will be praying that your purpose becomes clear. Blessings to you, friend!

  55. Great outlook! I am certain 2009 will bring you happiness and fulfillment.
    Happy WW!

  56. I hope that this allows you to "follow a dream". I wish you much success in 2009.

  57. I'm glad you are keeping positive!!

    I do hope 2009 brings you better things your way, friend!

  58. good attitude, really, during these tough times! :)

  59. I hope you're happier! That's a shame that you got laid off though. These are tough times.

  60. Being happy is the most important thing.

  61. I didn't work for 5 months after I got laid off. It did give me alot of time to do things I'd been wanting to do but it did rack my nerves near the end- i didn't want to delve in deep into my savings.
    4 positives right off the top of my head-
    1- you can wow us all more with great eats
    2- you can come visit me and LLL
    3- you can write a cookbook
    4- spend more time with your sweets!

  62. I was just about to write a comment very similar to Life on a Tail of a Comet, but will refrain. Instead, I will say, out with the old and in with the new. Hopefully you received some sort of compensation package that will allow you the funds to pursue your talents in the food industry. If not a cookbook, then how about The Next Food Network Star TV show? I see only great things in your future! :)


  63. Now is the time to do something nice for yourself before your next venture begins!

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  65. I love your attitude! I will be praying for you! I want you to contact your local news station and see if you can do a cooking segment : ). Wouldn't that be a dream job?

  66. WOW!!!! Email me with details girlie. Now we have time to DEFINITELY GET TOGETHER, no excuses!!

  67. I can remember that feeling of being in a job I hate. There's not much worse.

    I hope all works for you and find a better place to spend your days.

  68. Layoffs are sometimes a blessing in disguise...take advantage of the situation

  69. Losing an income always sucks...but happiness, and your sanity, are what is really important. I have learned this through my different jobs, both good and bad. But when you dread going & being at work...no one wins.

    Good luck!

  70. I need some of your positive attitude!! And I agree about Food Network!

  71. I'm sorry to hear about this, but glad that there is some relief in it as well. Good luck on your job hunt!

  72. Move over Giada. Live Love Eat is coming to town.

  73. I think you're right. 3+ years is too long to be miserable!!

  74. Whoa, oh my gosh Steph! I am so sorry I did not see this sooner! I think I just chatted with you the day before. Geez. I am so sorry - but if you may be happier in a different job, I know you will find one that is just right for you! I will keep you in my prayers. And I will be back to chat and read more tomorrow - love and hugs to you!

  75. Oh wow, sorry to hear the news. Layoff's seem to be uppermost in everyone's minds here in Austin as well.

    You seem to have such a gift with cooking and ideas. Have you ever considered a job catering or working for yourself?

    Good luck!

  76. hey lady, it's been forever...but you will find something, trust me.
    i was laid off from a place i hated and now work at my dream job...so keep faith. :)

  77. Hi, I am stopping by from SITS. I am happy for you and just know that you will find something that makes your heart sing!
    We have them coming around in about 2 weeks and I so hope it is me. I'm ready to move on with my life. Let's toast to that!

  78. Sorry to hear about the lay off. But you have such a positive outlook so I think great things will happen for you.

  79. I'm sorry - I'm behind on blogs and just now catching up.

    I'm happy you're at least a bit relieved. I truly believe things happen for a reason. I'm sure it will all work out for the best.


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