Friday, January 30, 2009

Chicken & White Bean Chili - Not So Fat Fridays

I found this in Good Housekeeping & thought it was perfect for Not So Fat Fridays. I enjoyed it even more than the Turkey & White Bean Chili I made back in December because this has salsa verde as well as cinnamon in it. The turkey chili has more of a tomato base to it & lots of chili powder. Both are easy, simple & tasty so you can't go wrong. I absolutely love this topped with yogurt & some avocado!!!!!

4 tsp olive oil
2 lb ground chicken
1 tsp salt
1 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 to 3/4 tsp ground red pepper (cayenne)
1 16 oz jar mild salsa verde
2 cans (15 to 19 ounces each) white kidney beans (cannellini), rinsed & drained
1 can (14 to 14 1/2 ounces) reduced-sodium chicken broth
2 tsp dried cilantro for garnish (optional)
Sour cream for garnish or yogurt (optional)
Sliced avocado for garnish

In large saucepan, heat 1 teaspoon oil on medium-high until very hot. Sprinkle chicken with 1 teaspoon salt. Add chicken in 2 batches & cook 7 minutes per batch or until chicken is no longer pink, stirring occasionally & adding 1 teaspoon more oil for second batch. With slotted spoon, transfer chicken to medium bowl.

After all chicken is cooked, add remaining 2 teaspoons oil with onion & garlic to pan. Cook on medium 5 to 6 minutes or until browned, stirring occasionally. Stir in cumin, oregano, cinnamon & ground red pepper; cook 1 minute. Add salsa verde, beans, broth & browned chicken; heat to boiling on high. Reduce heat to medium; cover & cook chili 15 minutes to blend flavors. To serve, garnish with cilantro & sour cream or yogurt and avocado. Makes about 8 1/2 cups.

Well, it was an eventful week. Since my medical insurance terminates today from being laid off we were able to fit in 6 doctor appointments, including my 1st mammogram & Tristan's 1st trip to the dentist. While I really didn't mind my boobs being served like a souffle, we didn't fair as well at Tristan's appt. We had to abort mission before we even took x-rays. However, we came home, watched some you tube videos of what a child can expect & then tried it again the next day with better success.

I do recommend going as early as 4 since the doctor was able to see a spot on Tristan's tooth that we can prevent from turning into a cavity with a little extra effort. Have a great weekend all!!!!!


  1. This was a good reminder to me! I have to make Kaish a Dentist appointment ASAP!
    PS The chilli looks great : ).

  2. yummy recipe! thanks for sharing! my husband LOVES chili and these kinds of dishes are perfect this time of year!

    be sure to check out the free giveaway friday!

  3. This looks great can't wait to try it...

  4. Girl...the recipe looks great and it is a must try for ME!

    OK did you see my post earlier this week about going to the DENTIST? MY Little GUY is 5 and we have a cavitity...BUT HE loved the Dentist and asks to go back everyday. HE LOVED the x-ray machine they have there where you stand up...he said he thought he was an AUTOBOT...LOL LOL
    We go again on the 23rd to get the little cavitity all taken care of and I am not so sure about his loving the Dentist after that!!!

    I am glad Tristan was better the next day.

  5. oh poor little guy! Dentists are scary! Sounds like you got in right at the perfect time tho! I love not so fat fridays!

  6. I love white bean chili! Delicious!

  7. The chili sounds lovely!

    Glad you could get those in before the insurance is over. My daughter started seeing the dentist when she got her first two teeth. Don't know if we started early or what, but it was a good thing we did. She's had some front teeth problems in connection with her soft cleft palate.

  8. The chili looks fantastic. It's cold and foggy today - perfect day for chili.

  9. Sounds good, I'll have to add it to my list this week.

  10. This looks so good.. and I love the dish you served it in.

  11. That chili looks great...perfect for a chilly night.

    I don't blame Tristan about the dentist. I hate going to the dentist. I flip out in my mind since it's probably not acceptable for someone in their 30s to go ballistic in the dentist chair. However if it was, I would! It's awful!

  12. i love chili! this sounds fab!

    have a great weekend! thanks for posting this, i really want to try it!

  13. oh this looks so perfect on a cold winter day!!!!!

  14. wow...yum! i am by no means a cook but every time i come to your site i want to learn to be one...hahaha

    this looks great!

  15. Oh my goodness! Have I told you how much I LOVE Not-so-fat-Fridays??

    How could this NOT be good with Salsa Verde (my FAVORITE)!!!

  16. Good for you getting things done and just in time. Sorry to hear about you losing your job, hope things work out!

  17. Last time I took Ned to the dentist, he screamed the whole time and all the poor guy did was clean his teeth! Then he had nightmares about it because he was shouting out "no, no, don't clean my teeth"!!

    Sorry that you have been laid off, I totally missed that post. I think you should start your own business Miss Chef!

  18. Hello! I'm visiting from Jason's blog and the menu for his birthday sounds divine! I can't wait to try everything!

    I'm a bit of a foodie so will be "favoritizing" your blog for future cooking extravaganzas!!

    Nice to meet you!

  19. Yummy. I am trying this next week. Looks delicious!

  20. I am just not a fan of white chilli's. It just seems wrong to me.
    Anyway, what a day getting all those appointments in. Whew!

  21. Excellent recipe, as always, but I was especially interested in the dental tip for kids. Great to know the benefits to sitting down with your little one to watch You Tube videos before going to the dentist. I would never have thought to look there. Thanks!


  22. That looks so good, I love White Chicken Chili!!!! Yum, need to make this when I get back home.

    Aww, I'm sure the dentist can be a scary place!!! Glad it worked out well. I'll have to try that youtube trick.


  23. Printing out this one too. You always have the best recipes!

  24. This chili looks scrumptious & I can taste it now! Thanks for sharing. I think this one will be made this weekend!

  25. Another great recipe. I so want your ability to cook!

    In regards to the dentist.....wondering if you took Tristan to a pediatric dentist? We do so for our kids and I think it makes all the difference. Video games, kid decor, etc....they're pros.

  26. That sounds so yummy! Gonna try it.
    Hope the dentist appt. goes o.k.

  27. Good for you for getting him used to the dentist. Mine have been going since they were 3 for check ups every 6 months and they aren't a bit afraid anymore.

    I love anything with salsa verde in it.

  28. This looks wonderful! Great site.

  29. I'm terribly sorry to hear about your lay off. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    That chili sounds delicious. I'm going to try it. I don't eat red meat and I love salsa verde.

  30. One door closes and another one opens...maybe that will be the case with your job situation!!

    I never know how to use ground chicken, so I can't wait to try this (I bet chicken italian sausage would also be great in this recipe.)

    Check out my Chicken Chili recipe on my blog from Nov '08. I won a chili cook-off with it!

  31. Beans beans give me more beans, I love um!!

  32. Thank you honey, honestly that was such a delicious and satisfying bowl of chili.I think with the addition of the salsa verde just did it for me! I will without question make this for my family.... believe you me, we need to warm know what up here. I love the pretty bowl as well. I sure would love to go shopping with you for kitchen utensils etc...when the economy is faring a bit better again of course!
    Times are tough and I hope you can get your medical insurance sorted out some way.

  33. Nice looking chili and I love the bowl it is in!

  34. Hi Sweetie! I'm still around. I stopped that particular blog for a bunch of reasons. The most important one being the anonymous "stalker".
    Give me a call 941-544-7346
    Hope we get to see you soon!

  35. That's a lot of appointment-ing, but I'm glad that you were able to get it in before you were dropped!

  36. This looks great, I love white chili. The salsa verde is a nice touch.

  37. this looks so yummy! and im so glad it's light!!

  38. Congrats on squashing (LOL pun intended, LOL) in all those doc appointments. I'm making the rounds myself this month and next before any (hopefully) pregnancies!

    PS this dish sounds yummy! I have a "white chicken chili" dish that I make that is similar. We love it in winter.

    Hugs girlfriend!

  39. This will be one of my favorites.


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