Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wordful Wednesday

Before 30 minute meals, Rachel Ray ran her own gift basket business. Prior to Everyday Italian, Giada was a food stylist for the Food Network.

Well, way before Live.Love.Eat, 4 1/2 years to be exact, I, too, set out for greatness. Take a look my friends. This is the woman behind the apron.

I never did get to Hollywood that day but I received something far greater. The ability to incessantly laugh at myself no matter how many times I watch this over the years as well as the joy & laughter from my son as he watches me do the robot to one of his first loves in music, The Wiggles. And a reminder that if I ever stop being silly, to just start right back up again. Toot toot chugga chugga my friends.

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


  1. I love it. You are so awesome and so should be on to Hollywood, baby!

    I love your giggle!
    You son must adore you for that silliness!!

  3. Ha! Toot toot chugga chugga big red car - I travel near and far to that song every night!

    Gonna drive the whole day through.


  4. Awesome video. I love that you have the guts to share this. I love it! You ahve a great sense of humor, what fun!

  5. How funny. Love it!!! BTW, I read the Shack this summer. Loved it.

  6. LOVE IT!

    I also love that you are on a Giada kick. ME TOO! I tivo her now and watch in the evening now too. I can't get enough. I have an obsession with nutella and prosciutto.

  7. i don't understand- there's a blank block in your blog?!?

  8. LOVE. IT. The 'hammer' was great... I too, have danced that well!!! :) You must be set for greatness!

    Oh, I still haven't finished The Shack and I remember that every time I visit you!! How are you coming on it?


  9. So hilarious... i just love it... i think you should re-consider Hollywood!

  10. You are hilarious...and adorable! I watched 3 times! haha!

  11. I loved every second of that! You are on to Hollywood!

  12. Oh that is too funny! Good for you!!!

  13. You know your a mom when you know every word to the Wiggles! Loved the performace, I was singing along too!

  14. ahahahaha, thats great!!!!! I can just imagine your son laughing his booty off at this, my kids get a huge kick out of me embarassing myself ( not that you shold be, lol) Thanks for sharing. great blog! ( also I reallllly want to take a bit out of that prosciutto pinwheel, it looooooks goooood!!! Leah 5girls1boy.blogspot.com

  15. You are to stinkin' fun..
    I loved it.

  16. What number do I call to vote for you?

    Can I steal your living room please.

  17. You earn so many points for sharing that with your bloggy friends! Awesome:)

  18. Oh Stephanie, was that the running man I saw in there? Wow, you have some serious skillz! : )

  19. I'm giggling as I type! I loved every second of that! ENCORE!

  20. I cannot wait for my kids to wake up so I can show them this. You definitely should have been paid for this, but maybe knowing the enjoyment you bring to others is payment enough? :)

  21. u rock it out sister! we'll be dancing along with you today on this one!

  22. OMGosh thanks for the laugh this morning. You are crazy...lmbo!!!

  23. Get down girl, go 'head get down...

    You have officially rocked my world for the day. Nothing else will even come close, I'm convinced.

  24. I think Hollywood is still waiting for you! You are hilarious!

  25. There is something to be said about being able to laugh at yourself. Thanks for sharing that!

  26. I should have sent you the Self Portrait Meme, you did it anyway and the video was great! I knew you were fun!

  27. omg that is so cute!
    Your so awesome! hahaa

  28. this is awesome!! you are the coolest mom! :)

  29. I didn't know it was possible to love you more than I already did, but know I do : ).

    I have to make an appetizer for our Bible Study tonight, so I sat Gary down at the computer on your blog and told him to pick something : ). I know anything that you recomend will be a hit!

  30. Ok. I think we are going to go with the shrimp puff pastry thingers, or the sausage wontons. HOW CUTE are they? Or the tomato mozzorella snackers. Hmmmmmmmm. Gary is excited. He is looking at more things now. Like the meat. He said "A man needs MEAT" Whatever : ).

  31. You rock. You also reminded me that I need to stop taking myself too seriously. You wouldn't be able to tell that from my blog but sometimes I become 'stick up her whatever' girl.

  32. Oh that is GREAT! I love the robot!

  33. Can't wait to show this to Ryder - he will LOVE it. I'm glad to see you have some moves sista! I'm WILLING rythem into all three of mine - because they sure aren't going to get it from Daddy.

    Oh - and if you don't already - you MUST get all of Jack's cds. There is no way to just pick one fave. He's playing now...

    Thanks for making me laugh - silly will get you through lots of good stuff!

  34. I love this! hahaha I pulled out some of these moves at the Gala I went to the other night. haha Fun Stuff

  35. I love this post. You are so funny!

  36. LOVED this! So great that you can not only laugh at yourself but that you let us laugh too. :)

  37. Haha. Love it. You must be a fun mommy.

  38. I think I'm at that exact same 'hump'... at the same spot.! He's still in the Shack and they're still talking. Hopefully I'll finish this weekend too! :)

  39. Oh, I love you. And, I'm totally confident that you are headed for really big things! Rachael Ray is way over, anyway ;)

  40. Now that's hilarous! Thanks :D
    And I remember the Wiggle Days so well. My first was a fanatic and sang The Big Red Car song all the time.

  41. LOL! You silly girl.....With talent like that, you should be more than a blogger star! :)

  42. You are hysterical! (And you owe me a new laptop...I think I just ruined mine when water shot out my mouth from laughing.)

  43. Love it! Thanks for stopping by! A magical WW to you!

  44. So cute, you should have sent it in to American Idol. I swear you would have made the show (well, it MAY have been one of the first ones with all the auditions to laugh at, but still) Not saying it was "bad", just fun!

  45. You crack me up! I think I used to do a similar dance a few years ago.

  46. I am so impressed that you put that out for the whole world to see! I totally want to be like you when I grow up...dancing queen and all! =)

  47. That is hilarious! Those are some serious moves. Move over Wiggles!

  48. So cute! We love the silliness around here too. My husband makes sure we have at least a little of it each day, but unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, we don't have a video camera to record the fun.
    Glad you posted that!
    By the way, noticed you are reading The Shack. I read it at the beach this summer and loved it.

  49. I love it, I love it, I love it! Did I see a sprinkle of Running Man in there?!?!?


  50. Ha!Ha!Ha! The Robot! That's great. I'm sure Hollywood is dialing your number as we speak.

  51. THAT IS AWESOME.... I love it. I so do that all the time but no one will video it for me... LOL

    Great Job...


  52. That was AWESOME!!! So so so funny!!!!

  53. You made me smile! It was neat to hear your voice in that clip. I miss that in reading everyone's blogs.

  54. Looks like I'm not the only one who enjoyed this! Thanks so much, I needed that smile today!

  55. That....was.....awesome. 'nuff said.


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