Friday, October 24, 2008

Southern Cross Fried Chicken

As with ribs or meat sauce, we all tend to have a recipe we don't stray from no matter how good someone else says theirs is. Well, this fried chicken recipe is just that for me.

Click Here to Print Recipe

My Thoughts:
I don't keep a close eye on the clock because usually when the outside is done & to my liking the inside is done as well. I have also kept the skin on as well as taken it off. Your preference. Also, since the magic comes from the pkgs of dressing mix & instant soup, I may have increased it by 50% in the past. Taste your flour to make sure there is a strong presence of these 2 ingredients!!!!!
** I have been unable to find the instant tomato soup mix at my supermarket & heard it was at WalMart. I've used tomato bouillon instead with great results but since I now have to go to WalMart for Bob's sauce I may as well pick some of this up too!!!!

**** ****

TGIF !!!!
Have a great weekend everyone. Notalotta plans this weekend which I am loving but we're having my parents over tomorrow for lunch so I plan to use them as my guinea pigs for a few new things I'd like to try. Have a great one, be safe & love those close to you.

Oh, I mentioned balance last week. Two things I ask myself each day is, WHAT must I get done today & WHO can I reach out to today. It may be a friend I haven't spoken to in awhile or quality time spent with a loved one. This way, I get to do the things I need to but without missing out on the people in my life.

1 cut up chicken
2 cups flour
1 pkg Good Seasons Italian Salad dressing mix
1 pkg Instant Tomato Cup of Soup **
Salt & Pepper

Soak chicken in buttermilk overnight or as little as an hour. Combine flour with dressing mix & instant soup pkg. Remove chicken & roll in flour mixture. Fry in vegetable oil on medium to medium high until golden brown & cooked through. Can take between 25-35 minutes for larger pieces. Once done, drain on paper towel & season immediately with a little salt & pepper if you desire.


  1. blog hopping!!! the food looks so good! and i love the book your reading!!

  2. TGIF! hope your weekend goes wonderfully! :)

  3. I would never in my life think to use tomato soup! That is a trip! The chicken looks yummy - another one I'm printing out!

  4. Oh my that does sound yummy. I am just way too lazy to deal with fried foods though. So, you can put this on your lists of "things to make for Sassy". K?

    Have fun this weekend! Sometimes notalotta weekends turn out to be the best ones!

  5. I have never used tomato soup before. I have to give this a try.

    What was the name of this ranch you went to? It sounds divine!

  6. I LOVE fried chx - my kids love friend chx - I will try this - and since all your recipes are awesome - I know this will be too!!

    Love your two questions per day!!

  7. Have a great time with your parents! There is an award for you at our blog!!

  8. UMMM YUM! I will definitely try this! And have a great and relaxing weekend!

  9. I never would have thought about the dressing! Sounds delicious.

  10. I sure hope you get paid to cook. You make the most mouth watering dishes! No lie!

  11. I have to say, I LOVE FRIED food, but will only cook in my fry daddy. I am so afraid to cook on teh stovetop with grease!

  12. I "clicked here" for a printable recipe. As always.

    Girl...please come visit. We will discuss Twilight and The Hunger Games and drink Blue Moon and eat fabulous food and, and, and...

  13. Have a great weekend. The fried chicken looks so good. I've never made fried chicken, but I think I can do this! :)

  14. Umm that looks so good, my oldest son has been bugging me to make fried chicken. Yours looks so good.

  15. Oooh oh so yummy. When are you coming over? Ha! Ha! I love the two questions you ask yourself. :o) Have a great weekend my dear!

  16. Hi .......great blog ...found you by rollcall on SITSA.

    Didn't know what I was having for dinner but the chicken looks awfully tempting - only problem is Walmart is 35 minutes away !

    ...wish my dinner menus looked like yours !

    Thanks for the great recipes,


  17. Hi .......great blog ...found you by rollcall on SITSA.

    Didn't know what I was having for dinner but the chicken looks awfully tempting - only problem is Walmart is 35 minutes away !

    ...wish my dinner menus looked like yours !

    Thanks for the great recipes,


  18. Hi .......great blog ...found you by rollcall on SITSA.

    Didn't know what I was having for dinner but the chicken looks awfully tempting - only problem is Walmart is 35 minutes away !

    ...wish my dinner menus looked like yours !

    Thanks for the great recipes,


  19. omg, tomato soup!? haha I would have never thought to use something like that..this sounds so good!
    Oh..about the amish obsession...hmmm..dunno really..I just love the simplicity of the lifestyle, so calm and laid back..I guess..ofcourse not easy..but I like that there is always something to do..mend clothes, harvest the garden, bake, teach the children, etc.
    Maybe one day I can visit Amish Country...:)

  20. I have never made fried chicken, but I think I may try to tackle yours- yum! Have a great weekend!!

  21. What interesting ingredients to put into the flour. The chicken looks amazing.

    What a fun weekend away with your husband.

  22. I am scared to fry anything but on another note, I hope that you have a great weekend.

  23. My husband will thank you for this one! Looks so yummy! Anything deep fried goes over well here!

  24. Wow - I didn't know there were so many out there who hadn't tried to make fried chicken. Mine NEVER turns out like my grandmother's, but then whose does [besides you, probably :)]

    Yep, I checked you out via Melissa, too. What a HUGE compliment, eh?

    God Bless,

  25. Have a great weekend doing what you do.

    I love your balanced approach. Love, love, love it!

    Oh, I am halfway done with the last book. Keep your eye on the mailbox. Something is coming your way!

  26. Finally. I waited so long, they checked me into a nursing home. Lol.

    I have to tell you that I saw the preview to Twilight. It looks like it might be good.

  27. That fried chicken looks like it's TO DIE FOR!!! Have a great weekend!!

  28. that looks so good.

  29. I love the last idea! about balance, I need to do this too!

  30. This fried chicken recipe sounds interesting and delicious! I'm a Texas gal so this recipe ought to be an interesting take on our fried chicken. Thanks for sharing!

  31. I am loving this fried chicken! Have a fantastic rest of your weekend!

  32. I swear, I need to come be your neighbor. I'll supply the drinks, and cheer you on as you make wonderful food.

  33. Hi I just found your blog and really enjoyed checking out your recipes! I can't wait to try some of the recipes for my family. I'd love to add you on my sidebar of places to visit. I will definately be back here often to explore some more of your blog. Have a great Sunday.
    Mary Ann

  34. I am NOT the cook in my house...but my husband loves new recipes! Great ideas!

  35. I always dip in buttermilk when I am frying chicken, but I never add that dressing mix or the tomatoe soup! Can't wait to try it! I love your goals for each day. So beautiful! Hope your week is wonderful!

  36. That sounds GOOOOD!! I may have to use those ingredients and see if I can come up with something YUMMY!

  37. Friend you haven't spoken to in a while? That's me! You can cross that one off your list. Sorry it took me 2 days to get here. Where did the weekend go?

  38. Yummy... this looks amazing... thanks for sharing


  39. That recipe looks so yum, but I doubt I'll be cooking it since my husband is deathly allergic to chicken. Wish I could!

  40. Looks yummy. Hope you had a wonderful weekend and I love the 2 questions you ask yourself daily!! Great... I may steal that! :)

  41. Seriously, how do you not weigh 900 pounds? :) These are all sooooo good.

  42. Seriously, how do you not weigh 900 pounds? :) These are all sooooo good.

  43. Tomato soup? What an interesting idea! I've never seen tomato buillion either.

    Hope you had a great weekend! I've been out of the blogging world for the last week working on cranberries and quilts! Good to be back salivating on your blog!


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