Monday, October 13, 2008

Golden Chili w/ Caramelized Onion & Sausage

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

There were 5 successes to come out of the kitchen this weekend so I am very happy. Whether this is a chili or soup, it's now a favorite in my house & made a perfect dinner when paired with chicken empanadas I made. I will post those tomorrow! This recipe comes from Sweet Peas & Pumpkins. Thank you Sweet Pea Chef!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how delicious this is & I love that the chick peas & creamed corn get pureed to give this soup its wonderful consistency.
My parents came over for dinner last night & I even served this chili in miniature bowls along with some more empanadas as a little appetizer. They could not get enough!!!! There were also Apple & Thyme Martinis involved which I will post this week as well.

2 onions, chopped
1 tblsp olive oil
4 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 jalepenos, deseeded & minced
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tblsp ancho chili powder (regular is fine too)
2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp ground oregano
1 1/4 pounds (one package) of Turkey Italian Sausage
2 cups of chicken broth
2 - 15 oz cans chickpeas
1 -15 oz can pinto beans
1 - 15 oz can creamed corn

In a large stock pot, heat the oil to medium heat & add the onion. Cook until carmelized, about 10 minutes. Add the garlic, jalepeno, cumin, chili powder & oregano, cook for another 2-3 minutes. Add the sausage, breaking it up with the spoon into small pieces (make sure you remove the casing first to make this easier). Once the sausage is browned & no longer pink inside, deglaze the pan by pouring the broth into the hot pan. Scrape the pan to get all those yummy bits off the bottom.

Add 1 can of the chickpeas & the pinto beans. In a blender, puree the 2nd can of chickpeas & creamed corn. Add the mixture to the chili. Simmer for about 15 minutes, or until the chili is the desired consistency. If it gets too thick, just add some chicken broth or even a beer to thin it out. Top with shredded cheese, sour cream and green onion.

Click Here for a Printable Recipe

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  1. This looks yummy - i had to stumble it and let everyone see it.

    Nice work.


  2. *sigh* I'm so tired of you showing me up with these creations when I fed my family chicken nuggets last night!!

    Hunger Games is on my list. Sigh*again. As soon as I finish the last "book". I just finished hunting for the first time.

  3. This could be a nice variation to the usual chili recipe I serve. I plan to post that in the next week or so.

    And I really want to see "Fireproof." Our young marrieds class from church is planning to go, but I think the timing is not going to work out for us. I have heard, though, that it is a must-see!

  4. That looks AMAZING! I hope I can get P to eat it.

  5. That looks so good right now, with the cold weather.

    And I'm making your pumpkin cobbler thing for a dinner party this weekend. I'll tell you how it goes!

  6. I am sucker for a good chili recipe. Yum!
    Also I have been hearing a lot about that book. I may have to try it out.

  7. I "clicked here" for a printable recipe...and I will be making this the first day it feels the least bit cool. You are slaying me with all these recipes, girl. But it makes me HAPPY!

    Give me your Hunger Games scoop once you finish, please!

  8. This looks so good. It's different from any chili I've ever made before. It's cold and rainy today - a bowl of this would be the perfect lunch.

  9. Hi C.W.!

    Sounds like you had a great weekend!

    Can I have a martini please? An apple martini a day....

  10. Looks yummy! Can't wait for the empanada recipe--I'm sure it's diet friendly right?!

  11. I want ot come to dinner and eat out of cute bowls. :o) Glad you enjoyed the movie. I'll have to see if/where it is playing here. Glad you had a FAB weekend!

  12. yum (as usual!)

    i cannot wait to see fireproof... have heard good things about it! hope you're having a happy monday... i am living off coffee right now ... maybe we'll get some sleep tonight, eh?

  13. Looks so delish..(as always..) I wanna come eat at your house! haha

  14. Yum, that loks good. My & my Hubby saw fireproof this weekend too! It was wonderful, I can see how it can help alot of people!

  15. I was wondering how that movie was. I'm glad you liked it! The chili looks delicious.

  16. It will be about another week before it cools off enough here to have soup of any kind for dinner. But when it does I will have to try this!

  17. Looks awesome!

    PS Another friend of mine recommended Fireproof and I loved the trailer, so that is one we will definitely add to our Netflix. I have to blast Hubby out of the house to actually go see movies, so now I just add to Netflix! But I can't wait to see it.

  18. Yummy, yummy, YUMMY!

    Good stuff once again by you. Puts my Trader Joe's chicken pot pie, warmed in the microwave nonetheless, to shame.

    On another note, if you want a Halloween card, email your addy at

  19. This looks delish! Inspired by you, but without one of your recipes, I made some fabulous baked macaroni and cheese this weekend. I even took step by step pictures so maybe I will do a post this weekend! The recipe called for truffle oil. I didn't have that, do you?

  20. Lucky girl, I never get to see movies anymore! Only DVDs at home. I have heard Fireproof is a really good movie. I have watched the trailers and read reviews. I think it would be a perfect movie for me and The Husband. He is really into movies that have a good message.

    Oh, and the chili looks good, too (hee hee)

  21. I have heard great things about that movie, so guess I really need to go see it with hubby!

  22. Steph, I am so glad you liked it. Thanks for the shout out!

    I wondered what "Fireproof" would be like...good to know you liked it so much!

  23. 5 kitchen successes in one weekend? You're a go-getter!

  24. My husbands mouth was watering after I read him the ingredients. I guess it will be next on the list!!! Thank!!

  25. I've heard great things about that movie... we have yet to get to it... but I want to!!

    The chili sounds so good. I've been thinking about chili alot lately, a perfect fall/winter staple. This looks like a great twist that I NEED to try :)

  26. Apple-Thyme martinis? Do tell! I LOVE chili and I'm excited to try this variation!

  27. Good stuff. I've been hearing alot about that movie. Maybe I'll get off my butt and check it out.

  28. Sounds really great! I love chili, and there are so many different ways to make it. White bean chili is great and I love making chili with all different kinds of vegetables.

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