Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chicken Empanadas & SITS Loving

These came from Paula Deen & when paired with the soup/chili from yesterday it was a perfect meal. I find that the Food Network recipes & sometimes Paula's are way off in measurements so I always make sure to read the reviews. I wasn't susprised to see that the mixture was enough to fill rounds from 4 pie crusts.

For more delicious Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays, please go visit Blessed with Grace.

3 cups chopped, cooked chicken (I used Rotisserie)
1 (8-oz) pkg shredded Colby & Jack cheese blend
4 oz cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup chopped red bell pepper, closer to diced
1 jalapeno, seeded & diced
1 tblsp ground cumin
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 (15-oz) pkg refrigerated pie crusts

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly grease a baking sheet. In a large bowl, combine the chicken & next 7 ingredients. Unroll 1 piecrust onto a lightly floured surface. Roll into a 15-inch circle. Cut out rounds, using a 3-inch cookie cutter. Re-roll dough as needed. Repeat procedure with remaining piecrusts. Recipe stated this would yield 12-15 total but I was able to get 16-18 out of the dough. There was also enough mixture leftover to make another 16 or so. You might want to purchase another pkg of pie crust to use up mixture.

Arrange 1 round on a clean, flat surface. Lightly brush the edges of crust with water. Place 1 heaping teaspoon of chicken mixture down the center of the round. Fold the dough over the filling, pressing the edges with your fingers. Repeat with the remaining rounds & chicken mixture. (Up to this point, the recipe can be made ahead and frozen for up to 1 month). Arrange empanadas on the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes.

My Thoughts:
My first batch took just about 15 minutes. However, when I made more 2 days later I made them a few hours ahead & put them in the fridge. They took a little longer to cook & I also placed them under the broiler.

Click Here for Printable Recipe
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Today also marks the SITS Blogathon. The SITS sistas have introduced me to so many wonderful people & have taken this community to another whole level of camraderie & unity, in a time of life when we need it the most. They do this by encouraging comment love & featuring a blogger each day.
There are so many I could & want to mention but these are some of the lovely ladies I have been so lucky to meet in the past few months.
Lula - Her wit & cultural intelligence amaze me & she has incredible persuasive skills. If it was not for her I would have never read Twilight. Rhea - her writing is creative & many times I have to close out the comment box, ponder, than go back before I know what to say. Tattooed Minivan Mom - she's one of the fairly newer ones & she cracks me up. I love that she is not afraid to show all of her sides, one side is crazy but all sides very cool! And Sassy Stephanie - it was bloggy love at first comment. She's sassy, I try to be sassy. She's just one fun, cool lady!!!!!
Also, Seven Clown Circus - Angie is just a heart full of joy. She's someone I respect & truly admire. I share a lot of her perspective & I love how she looks at life. Deanna's Corner Cooking - I simply love her simple recipes. I have made many so far & they're all home runs! Hello Dahrlin - Angie is a huge cook but even more she is an awesome person. We sometimes go back & forth on the side to gab. We have quite a bit in common & I know we would be girlfriends who sipped martinis if we lived closer.

Thanks SITS for all that you have done to bring women closer together!!!!!


  1. ummm on word.... AMAZING. I will have to try these. I am so excited I found your blog as I am converted to a regular reader :) Keep up the good work.


  2. Ready made dough...now THAT I can do!

    Ah hem...guess what I did last night! HOMEMADE chicken and dumplings...stock and all!!!

  3. Those looks delightful and tasty. Just printed the recipe. Can't wait to try it out.

  4. I am printing that one for sure, yum!! :))

  5. Ooo now that sounds like the perfect meal. I think that I will make this this weekend.
    BTW, I have a ton a green peppers to use. Can you e-mail me some ideas as to what to do with them. I could really use the advice. Thanks
    Oh and I am so glad that I found you through sists recipes. You are my favorite recipe blog. I can't tell you how many of your recipes that I have made.

  6. What a fun dinner idea! You can fill them with so many things!! I love it!

  7. These are delicious! I've tried my hand at the and although they were incredibly yummy they were not as pretty as yours! Ha!

    Can't wait to check out some of the blogs you mentioned. Woohoo! Thanks for helping get my bootie in gear to clean so I can blog surf during nap time. :o)

  8. These look yummy - hubby loves this kind of thing, so I will definitely try 'em!

    And thanks for the SITS shout out! Hugs and love (and virtual martinis) back at ya!

  9. Oh, yum! We love empanadas, but I haven't made any lately. I'm going to have to put this on my menu. :D

  10. Awwww! You are one of my favorite SITStas too! I am so glad I haven't amde plans for supper tonight because I am definitely making those empanadas. They look like they would be perfect to put in the lunchbox too.

  11. Hopped over from Lula's blog!

    I love empanadas of any kind--sweet, savory, yummmmmmmm

    I'm in trouble now that I've found you...

  12. I have never had a savory empanada. But I love everything encased in dough, so I'm sure I would love these.

  13. I've always been so intimidated by empanadas. But if you and Paula say I can do it, then I can do it!!

  14. Your blog always makes me hungry! I'm printing out that recipe to try. Me and pie crust are friends.....I can even make it from scratch!

    Happy SITs blogathon day!

  15. yeah I think I will pass on this one. ;)

    Happy SITS blogathon!

  16. YUM. I love empanadas and I've never tried to make them because they seemed difficult. I will have to now, you've laid it right out! Happy blogathon day!
    Oh, I'm reading The Shack too, have you started crying yet??

  17. I LOVE your blog! Now I understand why you've received so many SHOUT OUT's via other bloggers today! I can't wait to read more of your blog! SITS rocks!

  18. Yum, I've never had them with cream cheese in the filling, sounds great! If you have a Goya frozen food section at your supermarket, they sell the rounds already presized for empanada-making ease! Ten to a package so you don't have to cut out from pie crust.

  19. YUM! i found you today at SITS! I am so excited, you have wonderful recipe ideas. Enjoy the blogathon today!

  20. Hey bebe! What's the haps?

    Thank you for mentioning me in your post. It's a lot of fun to write and even more fun to "converse" after.

    Empanadas look delish! My "sorry butt" printed out that recipe too.

    Dang you CW!

  21. Those look delicious! I'll have to try it on one of my "cheat" days. Stupid diets! Hope you're having a great blogathon day! Yaya for SITS!

  22. I envy your cooking energy. Seriously. It always looks SO easy, but I lack the planning ahead skills:(
    I count you as one of my fave SITS finds and linked to you today.

  23. Happy Blogathon Day!! So glad for SITS or I never would have found you- and your INCREDIBLE recipe for pumpkin crisp!!! Can't wait to give that a try...

  24. Yummmmmmm...I've always wanted to make those! Because I sure love eating 'em, lol.

    Happy Blog-a-thon!

  25. I love empanadas and can't wait to try this recipe!

    "staycation" LOL!!! I like that!

  26. I am printing this out and making it for dinner tonight! Looks yummy.Thanks!


  27. I am printing this out and making it for dinner tonight! Looks yummy.Thanks!


  28. Happy Blogathon Day from one SITSta to another!

  29. mmm... they DO look good. I'm thinkin I'll try those this weekend with Mr. Picky.
    Thanks for making it downloadable like.
    I'm tired; this blogathon is wearin me down..

  30. Wow, great blog! You might just inspire me to fix a decent meal for my family!

    Enjoy the blogathon and have a smooth day...

    :^) Anna

  31. ..while drool is running down my chubby little chin , I am printing this off and making these tonight!!!BRING ON THE CARB-FEST! yeah-baby-yeah!

  32. I am also maybe "borrowing" your way-cute comment side pic..
    hope ya don't mind :)

  33. I am excited to have this recipe. Thanks for joining up, today. Also, I am a SITSta. Glad you were able to participate in the blogathon. Hope you win something!

  34. Delicious recipe and thanks for the shout out! I like your SITS post!!

  35. yummy! Those look delish. Stopping by from SITS, and sure I'll be back!!

  36. bloggy love and empanadas... does it get more perfect than that?
    happy blogathon!

  37. Your empanadas look much better than mine did!

  38. whoot whoot! empanadas!


  39. Girl, you can pair up SITS with Chicken Empenadas anytime.

  40. The empenadas look amazing. I've only had them once and loved them. I never thought of making them myself.

  41. What a great post! I love the looks of those little empenadas. They look crispy and delicious all at the same time!

  42. I can't wait to try these empenadas. They look wonderful!

    Happy SITS day.

  43. Hey! I'm new to SITs and having a ball with this blog-a-thon!!

    Off to check out your blog!!

    And YUM-O!!!

  44. They look so delicous! Going to try these!

  45. Happy SITS Day! I can't believe I'm just now finding what I've read to be one of the best recipe blogs out there. I'll be back!

  46. Yum! I think those empanadas would be a hit with everyone in our family. I might have to try those for a game night sometime soon. All your recipes I want to try are really piling up!

  47. What could be better than a little empanada and a little comment love??

  48. I have to tell you that I tried the Pumpking Crisp.

    WONDERFUL!! And I actually used spice cake mix instead of yellow (that's what I get for *thinking* I had yellow cake on hand and didn't want to go back to the store). Thank you!

  49. You know I heart you in an ENORMOUS WAY!!!!!

  50. My husband lived in Chile for a couple of years and LOVES them! I will have to try this recipe!

    Thanks for sharing!

  51. I am so glad to see this recipe uses bought pie crust. I cannot make pie crust no matter the recipe and after so many failures I gave up. Yet, I am always hearing people bad mouth store pie crust. I have been vindicated since you OH cool and creative cook have included this pie crust on your post!!!!!

  52. Ooooh, this looks delicious! I really like empanadas. I'll have to add this to my recipe box.

  53. This looks good and relatively easy. I like that you can freeze them, especially being single and not able to eat that large of a meal. Question: if I bought a rotiserie chicken, would that be enough for 3 cups? I tend to avoid touching chicken on a bone (just one of my quirks), but would be willing to make an exception on this recipe. Thanks!

  54. Hey, Hope you had a Happy SITS day!

    Are you trying to draw comments with food? Yummm.

  55. These look really good...thanks for sharing this recipe...and for visiting my blog. : )

  56. Yeah for SITShood!! It is so fun to visit so many new blog and meet so many new friends!! I can't wait to try some of your recipes.

  57. YUUMMMMM... this recipe looks WONDERFUL! i CAN'T WAIT to try it!

    Oh, and thanks for the birthday wishes for Zach.. he LOVED all of the attention. ;-)

  58. So when ARE you coming to Savannah to EAT at Lady and Sons? ?????? LOL I have tons of catching up to do in blogland!

  59. Quite a turn out I must say. Haven't eaten those in sometime. The last time I had some I burnt my tongue. Damn cheese.

  60. HI! Just found your blog through SITS. This looks delicious!! Off to find more yummy recipes.

  61. Your recipes always make my mouth water. I should always read your blog on a full stomach!!!

  62. Hey Hey Hey!
    Happy Blogging!

  63. Look at you comment queen! : ) Congrats to you.
    On a side note, I haven't forgotten about you. My blogging has slowed and on top of that I'm still not getting your updates. What's with that? I miss your blog. I guess I'll just have to keep checking in with you, updates or not!

  64. Hi, I'm new to this....but love your posts! Could you send your spreadsheet that you used for losing weight with your friend.?

  65. These empanadas look delicious. Another one of yours I need to try. This one looks easy and I like the prep ahead option.

  66. I don't know how I missed this post! Where have I been? I am making these on Thursday night for Sofia's 2nd Birthday party at my best friend Jen's house : ). I am hearing the people sighing in delight in my head already : )!


Something delicious to say?