Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wordful Wednesdays

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Because I'm a dork & I try to combine tasks, even when they're pleasant ones, and because I go into withdrawal if I don't post about food, here is my photo for Angie's Wordful Wednesdays. These are Tristan's party invitations for his birthday coming up later this month. Inside are regular store bought invites so to doctor them up & get a little crafty, I put some Ben 10 color inspired M&M's in a little candy bag, secured with ribbon, & then tied through a hole in the top corner of the envelope. Of course, these don't work for the invites I had to mail but I am sure the kids at Tristan's school liked the surprise in their cubbies.

Again, I am not THAT crafty, don't do scrapbooking & all but I do like to kick things up a notch sometimes. 2 years ago I made Tristan's invites from scratch which I will post soon. It was different of me to do that but I enjoyed it & was proud of them. Give them a reason to come to the party, ya know, aside from being Tristan's friend. Hah. Click on photo to enlarge.

And in the middle is my steamed asparagus w/ parmesan that I make often. Thank God for this because it's what got Terry to stop eating it from the can. For a long time I told him I can get it just as soft, which is what he likes. Finally, when I made it & he approved I was able to stop buying it from the can.
Steamed Asparagus
Place asparagus in steamer basket. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, garlic powder. Steam for 15 minutes on medium heat. Sprinkle parmesan cheese & let steam for 5 more minutes until parmesan cheese melts.


  1. The invites look great - the asparagus threw me off for a moment but I recovered. Great recipe!

  2. Love the invites - my son would go nuts! He loves Ben 10!

    Mushy asparagus - agh! Can't do it! Makes me gag!!

  3. the dark. Ben 10???

    Asparagus from the can? Mushy? ew. Me likes it crunchy but me does not like the "asparagus pee".

  4. Love you site and thanks for posting on mine. I wish I were a cook, hope to get some simple ideas from your site. My husband does the cooking and it tastes great. He considers himself to be quite the "Mr. Food". Love the invitations, nice to branch out into unknown territory occasionally. Will do that with your recipes!

  5. That asparagus looks yummy!

    I didn't know I liked asparagus until after I got married! My mom never made it!

    Nice invitations!

  6. mmmm...that aspargus looks yummy! And the M&M's on the invite do too:)

  7. Everything looks awesome. Yum, asparagus.

  8. Cute invites!
    The asparagus looks delicious. I would NOT even try to make asparagus mushy for my husband. That is where I would draw the line....yuck!

  9. Very creative! I love the invites!! So fun!! And asparagus is my fav!

  10. The invites are adorable. I LOVE asparagus....probably my favorite vegetable, and I make it this way as well. Asparagus from the can just isn't the same! :)

  11. The kids will love the invites! I too, love asparagus, but haven't tried it with parm cheese...will have to remember to try it that way.

  12. super cute invites!!!!

    asparagus is one of our favs too. i steam in a pan with italian dressing right in a skillet. it's awesome!!!

  13. Adorable invites! Can't wait to see what else you come up with the party - especially the food! I'm in the process of planning my twinkies' 1st birthday and its a lot of fun.

    The asparagus looks awesome!

  14. The invites are adorable...what do you mean you are not crafty???

    I have a love affair with asparagus. I eat it several times a week. Thanks for the recipe.

  15. We're not into Ben 10 here yet.. but the invites are adorable anyway...

    Could you please come cook for my husband? I am such a picky eater, he ends up deprived and if he wants something good he has to cook it himself...

    thanks for checking me out on my SITS day!!

  16. What's with guy's and canned goods? My husband WILL NOT eat spinach unless it's from a can (Popeye brand only??)! He thinks fresh spinach just isn't very good and he likes it mushy!

    Thanks for stopping by the blog today, I was beyond thrilled with the kitchen!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. A food blog, what? I am in heaven. Thanks for stopping by I will return you and I share a passion for the foodies.

  19. There you go again with one of those recipes of something that I wouldn't normally eat, but because you made it sound so good I'll have to try it.

  20. You crack me up. The asparagus in the middle.. hahahahahaha

  21. This is totally how I make asparagus. FINALLY--I'm at your level! Well, when it comes to asparagus, that is.

    How far are you in your reading? I hate to pester--but I just have to know!

  22. Such a simple and cute idea for the invites. I am sure the kiddos were elated!

    Yummy asparagus. I make something similas but I roast he asparagus. Think I may just try steaming. THanks!

  23. Such a simple and cute idea for the invites. I am sure the kiddos were elated!

    Yummy asparagus. I make something similas but I roast he asparagus. Think I may just try steaming. THanks!

  24. that aspergrass (as my hubs says) looks good I will try it thanks!!

  25. Cute invites! My husband likes asparagus mushy, too - no steamed crunchiness for him. He likes drinking the canned liquid out of the can, so I'm not sure I'll get away from cans . . .


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