Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sweet Stuff & Summer Night Tea

With Tristan starting kindergarten at a new school next year & having been at the same pre-school since he has been crawling, it was my intention to familiarize him with the new school way ahead of time by going to some of the shows the kids put on or even visiting during school hours this year. So, it was a very nice surprise this past Sunday when, as we were passing by purposely, I saw the doors wide open with smiling people outside getting ready for their church service.

We went in, explored & peeked into all the classrooms. I couldn't be more excited to see Tristan's positive response, especially since he cried a couple of months ago as we passed by & pointed out his future school. It also brought back some sweet memories of my own of those colorful classrooms with artwork everywhere & letters & numbers all across the top of the wall where it meets the ceiling. This excited feeling stayed with me the rest of the day. A sweet, wonderful mommy moment.

On to other sweet stuff, here is a recipe I got from Deanna's Corner Cooking for a tea. I didn't mean to get all fancy with the punch bowl but it made so much that it was the only thing I had to fit it all. The kids enjoyed it at the BBQ as did I when I mixed with just a touch of vodka.

Summer Night Tea

1 (10 ounce) package frozen strawberries, thawed
1 ½ quarts boiling water
3 family sized tea bags
½ cup sugar
1 (6 oz) can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed & undiluted
1 (2 liter) bottle lemon-lime carbonated drink, chilled
Garnish: fresh mint sprigs or slices of fresh lemon

Place strawberries in blender, process until smooth & set aside. Pour boiling water over tea bags. Cover & steep 5 minutes. Remove tea bags, squeeze gently. Stir in sugar, lemonade concentrate & strawberry puree, chill. Stir in lemon-lime beverage just before serving. Serve tea over ice. Garnish, if desire.


  1. We are going home to my parent's house this weekend. I think I may make some and take it with me.

  2. Oh my goodness what a gorgeous picture! Love it!

  3. that sound like a lovely tea.
    BTW, last night I made your chicken with sweet pepper sauce and it was awesome. I am so excited b/c I took the leftovers for lunch today before my hubby could.

  4. The tea sounds very nice and I love your photo!

  5. SOUNDS SO GOOD and YA know The South is all about GOOD TEA! YAY!

    I have to catch up we have been busy getting things ready up here in case of evac...BLAH...NOT fun!

  6. Mixed with just a touch of vodka. You're my kind of girl!

  7. Oh, I can't even think about Kindergarten--ha!!

  8. You'll have to let me know your thoughts after you watch it - I'm telling you, it is absolutely hands down the best speech of this campaign given by any of the candidates thus far!


  9. BTW - that looks delish!

  10. Summer Night Tea sounds wonderful! I love your presentation.

    I was sad the when my oldest was old enough to leave our pre-school and venture into the big school. I felt like I was leaving our safe little cocoon bubble for the harsh real world. It all turned out great, but any way you can ease the transition, for you and him, is a great idea.

  11. You're so not prying. Comet is my step momma. My real momma died when I was 13. Life on the tail raised. I'm blessed to call both my mom.

  12. I think the punch bowl is a nice touch- tea can never be tooo fancy. That reminds me- I haven't been to tea with my mommy in a long time. I'll have to check the tea map and correct that!

  13. That looks gorgeous! You know, as I am from England I am a tea drinker. Tea with hot water, milk and sugar tea, not what you Americans call it! When I first came to America, the idea of iced tea or anything else repulsed me. Now, I just love it! I lived in Texas for too long I think!

  14. I really enjoy how you mix in your stories with a great recipe!

  15. Thanks so much for visiting me on my special day…I could hardly sleep the night before I was so excited!

    Lee :)

  16. Pass it on to your husband that he is a lucky man. I don't know if you're really Rachel Ray or Martha Stewart, but damn. How do you do it?

  17. That tea looks good and the picture is beautiful. Great job. I felt the same about my son and he is loving Kindergarten we are into week 2. He now tells me goodbye and gives me a kiss. I am so excited for hime.


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