Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Oriental Broccoli Slaw

Pg 377 of Twilight. Oh my. I can't spell out the words of the sounds I make when reading this so I will just say OH MY. They just finished up the thunderstorm baseball game.

Well, onto more deliciousness. I made this as a side dish to the chicken florentine sandwiches on Sunday night. I got it from my sister who got it from a friend & so on. We had it as a leftover side for last night's dinner as well. The balance between sweet & tangy is very satisfying. This is a must try because it's easy on the effort & high on the taste.

Oriental Broccoli Slaw

1 bag broccoli slaw
2 pkgs Oriental Ramen noodles, crushed finely
1 seasoning packet from noodles
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup oil
1/3 cup red wine vinegar
1/2 cup sugar

Mix broccoli slaw with noodles & sunflower seeds. Mix seasoning packet with oil, vinegar & sugar. Pour over slaw mixture & mix well. Refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours, preferably overnight. If you don't crush the noodles the bigger pieces will not become soft like you want them to.


  1. My fam loves this...never used sunflower seeds though. I toast slivered almonds. Yummmm.

  2. Okay, I am going to start sending my hubby to your home for Dinner. He bitches all the time that I don't cook enough veggies.

  3. Ok, OK! I'm going to give in and have to get this book REALLY now after this description. Ha! The slaw looks awesome. I'm making a grocery run tonight and the Florentine & now slaw have made the list! Yum - I'll let you know if I goof anything up. Ha! Have a FAB day!

  4. We love this salad. Love it with cashews or toasted pumpkin seeds too.

  5. I love this salad, it's so easy to make. yummy!

  6. We make something similar, but it isn't quite as easy. Good tip to use the broccoli slaw!! So smart...love it!

  7. I think I'm going to stop reading the first paragraphs until you are finished with your book. lol.

  8. This recipe of course looks yummy but I am waiting for the Edward chilled something....any ideas???

  9. I know the book is awesome. Just wait until you get into the others.

  10. I think you really should do a cookbook! Yum!!!!

  11. I have never tried this. It sounds good and interesting. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks again for stopping by mommys kitchen i always enjoy your commments. Ü

  12. Ok, that's it, I've got to read those darn books. They sound great. I can't wait to see the movie.

    Your dish looks superb. I love that broccoli slaw. I find myself using often. Have a good one!

  13. Well I just found your blog this evening and of course the first line about the twilight book caught my eye! I have read all of them and promptly told my family I was going to go live with the vampires, lol. My yougest said, "MOM, you know they arent real, right?"LOL. A girl can dream.
    Anyway I am so impressed with the hard work you have done here, I will be a permanent visitor and cooking up a storm!
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Big fan in Texas!

  14. That is one of my favorite salads! It is so quick to whip up for gatherings and it makes a lot. I think my recipe uses slivered almonds also, but otherwise it looks about the same. I like the noodles crisp, so keep them a little bigger and add them in just before serving.

    I am wondering about this Twilight series that everyone is talking about. You were right about "Serendipity," so do you think I would like those books also?

    Thank you for all your sweet comments on my SITS day, both at SITS and on my blog. You are such an encourager, and I appreciate you!

  15. I love this stuff...my sister-in-law makes it all the time.

    But I love Twilight even more...
    no big surprise there!

  16. Didn't I tell ya? Page 375 is where it really hooked me in:)

  17. The food looks great but YOUR opening with TWILIGHT and O yeah ALL our fantasies are about that MEADOW!!!!

  18. Oh the things you can do with ramen noodles. I have a cold noodle salad I make that's similar. I add diced chicken and peanut sauce.


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