Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Meme for Youyou

Today, I combine a meme (list about me) passed along to me from Another Online Mom with my Wordful Wednesday contribution hosted by Angie. The meme requires me to post a picture of me & my beautiful child followed by a series of questions & answers below.

This is really one of my favorite pictures of the two of us from November '07. It was at a park in Mt. Dora where they were having a Thomas the Train event. I remember feeling good because I was just getting into these jeans again after not wearing them for way too long. I was actually on a cleansing right at this time. And Tristan, my dear Tristan, looks happy as he always does! I have about 6 more lbs on me now so I need to keep looking at this pic for motivation!

1. How many kids do you have? 1
2. What is their age? Just about 5
3. What time do you usually start your day? 5:45am
4. What do they eat for breakfast? Combo of either Turkey bacon, waffle, raisins, banana
5. Do they get to watch T.V.? Yes
6. What's their favorite activity? Although limited, Playstation with daddy
7. Do you get a break during the day for some "you" time? Lunchtime
8. How do you end your day? Saying the prayer, reading & falling asleep with Tristan
9. What's your best parenting advice or tip? Love with all my heart, laugh a lot & have patience!

Wordful Wednesdays hosted by


  1. Yea, I definitely need some more patience, ha!! That's my nightly prayer.

  2. Very sweet picture! My aunt/uncle live in Mt. Dora.

  3. great post...and i wish i only had 6 pounds on me...i think my poundage is like 10. yikes.

  4. Very cute pic! And I hear you - my current (ahem) excess poundage is up to 12. I must do something about it and quick!

  5. 5:45, ouch! That is early!

    Cute pic, love his face!

  6. I have one of those motivational pictures too. I wish I could blow it up and cover my mirrors with it until such time as I actually looked like that again.
    Happy WW!

  7. What a cutie! I love the name Tristan too. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Great post! It is always fun learning a little bit more about people.

  9. I can't get past the part where you said you start your day at 5:45 AM...I don't think I have a brain at that hour.

  10. Oh, but I loved this! So fun...so cute! And, for once, it didn't make me hungry! HA!

  11. Enjoyed this post! I also wanted you to know that as I have visited sites, your comments are always so positive and fun! I love visiting your site...What page are you on now????

  12. What a fun post, he is such a cutie!
    PS-Thanks for visiting me. I love meeting new blogging friends!!!!

  13. OOO great MEME!!!! GREAT PICTURE and your SON is SO SO SO CUTE!!

  14. I can see why it's one of your favorite pictures. You both look so happy, and he looks so much like you in it. Reading more about you was fun in the meme, too! I'm so glad you've been participating in Wordful Wednesdays. :)


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