Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Oh My Lucky Starfruit

Yesterday I picked up a Starfruit at the supermarket because I never had one & I wasn't even sure how to eat one. Well, I looked it up online & all I can say is, I can't wait to get some more today!!! They are delicious & if you never had one before you must try it. They're not too sweet but not too tart, and a whole lot of exotic!!

They are healthy, only 30 cals per fruit & full of antioxidants. When ripe, it is mostly bright yellow with light tinges of green.

Just wash. Hold it vertically (not shown above) to trim & remove the outer brown edges.
Then lay it on its side as in the above pic & cut crosswise into star shapes. A perfect little treat last night. All that's missing here is a nice glass of crisp white wine.

Click here for more info if you're interested.


  1. You know, I have had starfruit once or twice before but I have never bought one myself... I think that needs to change!! Will be picking one up sometime this week. It looks so delicious in the pic I can't resist.

  2. I have never had star fruit, I think that I will try it.

  3. I've never had starfruit, but it does look really yummy!

    And yeah, what kind of weirdness was that dream??? LOL!!!! I woke up and told Hubby about it and he just looked at me like I had gone nuts!

  4. I have never had one! Would I be able to juice this and add it to a martini? I might be inclined to buy some then!

  5. My parents have a star fruit tree. I'll have to get my mom to make one of her exotic salsa recipes using this fruit. YUM!

  6. i do love starfruit, it's so tangy! i remember using it for the first time in home ec class in 7th grade. :)

  7. My hubby would love it--he begs me to keep more fruit and veggies in the house--and I don't! (bad wife!)

  8. Love your comment re: Wentworth. A double date sounds FAB! One request...instead of going to a cafe, will you cook?

  9. I have seen starfruit lots but never eaten it. Perhaps I should. Would Cool Hand Luke eat star fruit?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today and commenting on how movie idols make me feel old.

  10. I've never eaten star fruit, but it looks like I need to!

  11. This is my 3rd attempt to post!
    Carambola is the proper name of this fruit. I do have a tree. Great description Stephanie!
    I'll work on that salsa and I'll post any other ideas I come up with.
    There's a mom and pop winery out east of Ft.Myers that makes carambola wine.
    Trooper Thorn- Cool Hand Luke would definitely eat star fruit but he'd likely cut it with some knife from his pocket then fling it and pin the hand of some bad guy against a wall before finishing it. I'm pretty sure he'd call it carambola as well.

  12. P.S. I can' remeber who said it but I'll be working on that starfruit martini!

  13. My little Gert ALWAYS heads for them in the store but I never guy them... why is that.

    Hmmm.. have to fix that next time we go!

  14. I love starfruit. My girls eat them, and it looks so "special" to them, like I handcarved it for them......


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