Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I Got Tagged - 7 Things I Am

Kimmers tagged me to write 7 things about myself. If you read only one, jump to #7 because this one was unexpected & gave me hysterical laughter. Thanks Kimmers, this was my first Tag & I enjoyed it!!! I tag Jennifer, Buried with Children, Deanna, Angela, Sassy Stephanie, Courtney & Tam. If you've done it before, no worries.

1) I don't love chocolate like many women. I can pass it up a million times & if there was no chocolate left in the world I would be ok. Sorry to my PMSing Choco-Loving sisters! If they made a movie about me it would be called Like Water for Cheetos. I just love my chips! 2) I have struggled to like my present job since the day I got here, 3 YEARS AGO! But I do believe I am here for a reason, other than learning time goes by WAY TOO FAST! I feel like if I can make it here I can make it anywhere. Seriously, God is testing me & once I can prove to be a more patient & gentle soul in this crazy place, where NOT being a more patient & gentle soul is understandable, then I can move on.
3) I cry about 3 times a week, whether it's from a true story of loss I heard about, a touching moment with my family or a movie or book. I was planning to write this morning that I haven't cried since Friday night when we watched Rambo (the awful things they did to the villagers/children) but I forgot about my tearjerking experience reading Anne Brashares' The Last Summer (of you and me) on Sunday. I read it in less than 24 hours, crying all the way. THEN, this morning I was surprised by some tears on my way into work as I listened to what sounded like a sad autobiographical song off of Jason Mraz's new CD. Great CD by the way.....

4) The only fantasy/dream I have connected to my passion for cooking & entertaining would be to own a quaint cafe like this one pictured here. A charming space where I can serve up delicious nibbles along with beer & wine, & make people feel the things that I do when I walk into a place like this: comfort, happiness, guiltless indulgence, strong friendships, exploration & discovery, life dancing on my tongue, beautiful music in the air....

5) I LOVE to grocery shop, & I don't ever look at the prices. If I want it, I get it. Before you hate me, a big reason for that is while the visit is one of necessity, it is also my main luxury. Ya see, I don't ever buy myself shoes or clothes. I own 3 bras - black, white, beige, because that's all I need. Luckily, my husband buys me most of my shoes & some of my clothes (without me around (he's got great taste)) so I don't go around naked. Me? I just love me some gourmet goods.

(This morning, I dropped off the pail with the napkins & Peruvian grilling sauce, to Tammy in an effort to cheer her up. She loves food in pretty packages too & I thought this pail would go great with her adirondack chairs on her patio)
6) I LOVE the family I have. Terry & I talked about having 2 children but once we had Tristan we found ourselves perfectly content. We have the time & resources to do the things we want to & life is just good, so why change it. We're also very lucky to have both of Tristan's grandparents living 25 minutes away, & on the same block!!!!!
7) And for the final thing about me. I am laughing as I write this because I had to email my sister asking if it was true if I almost got kidknapped once or was it a twisted story in my head. After all, I once grew up thinking I went to Mt. Rushmore when in fact there was a place we visited in New Hampshire that had a little Indian statue on the mountain. I get confused.....
Anyway, while my sister confirmed it was true someone walked off with me when we were little but I was retrieved shortly thereafter by my big brother, she suggested a few other things to write about myself. I laughed so hard at her delivery that I just needed to copy & paste her response. I guess this final one has quite a few facts about me.

"I would say almost getting kidnapped is on the list. I can also say these 2 things:

you picked up a baby squirrel thinking he was sooo cute; maybe not so cute when it took a few of us to pry his claws out of your skin/shirt. Tears began to fall from your eyes.

you decided to ride your bicyle on a family day outing with your father and sisters, and really had no clue how to use the brakes yet. Driving a bike downhill, towards perpendicular traffic, when all of a sudden, dear old dad rode past his two older daughters riding on one bike with a banana seat, like lightning, and in the nick of time, grabbed your handle bars before the on coming cars clocked your ass.

Or you can write how in a game of Manhunt, you got scared by someone who jumped out from behind a car, tripping over the concrete walk, busted your chin open, and your older sis carried you up 3 flights of stairs!"

And this is my dearest sister Lauren who shed further light on who I am:



  1. thanks for the tag! i have to read the pork recipe below...then i'll go fill out my 7 things. :)

  2. YOU CRACK ME UP! Thanks for the tag--I am so bored at work today--going to do it now!!

  3. Great to learn a little more about you! I love to grocery shop too, it's a sickness. Only problem is, is that my husband is SUPER picky so he never likes the fun stuff I buy.

  4. I think that I will try the tag. I am up for a challenge. But I am so saddened to here about how you feel about chocolate. Oh well, I won't hold it against you. ;)

  5. Thanks for doing the tag! these are great - picking up the baby squirrel is soooo something I would have done as a kid. Hahaha, who am I kidding, I'd still do it if one would let me get close!

  6. Hi Stephanie and thanks for tagging me too! I loved reading more about you. And that's a gorgeous pic of your family. You guys look so happy!

    I will respond soon on the tag. I need a break from work, LOL! I keep hoping we'll get one, but these last couple weeks have been nuts.

    Oh and I totally agree about the grocery shopping. Some things I am careful about pricing or will buy generic, but that's groceries, not food. You can't put a price tag on good food, LOL!

  7. This was hilarious...seriously.

    OK, I'll read the latest by Anne if you'll read Twilight. I did love her Traveling Pants series, so I'm certain I'll love her first "adult" book.

  8. Oooooooooooo. You buy what you want and you don't even look at the prices at the grocery store? That sounds so. . .naughty. . . that would either drive me crazy or make me feel like a whole new man. Maybe I should try it some time.

  9. I'm right there with you on the chocolate thing. Give me salty over sweet any day.
    Also, you are lucky that you saw the Man on the Mountain in New Hampshire when you did. He fell down a few years ago.

  10. Great post!! You were right....#7 was the best! Too funny! I liked #3 too. I think bing able to cry like that shows how much compassion you have.


  11. great post...things are crazy here with going to school rush. Hope you have a FAB week.

  12. I finally got to this and it was pretty funny what Lau said to you. I remember those things so clearly...we had some good times and not so good times, but boy they were funny NOW and not then. Luv ya, Andi.


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