Monday, August 18, 2008

MOnkey MOnday!

Because of the weather threat to the Keys, we decided to stay at our friend's house in Boca Raton for the weekend. Tara has been my best friend since 7th grade in New York, so spending the whole weekend with her & her husband was a blast. The weather was beautiful as we knew it would be the calm before the storm. We were more concerned with traffic, gas shortages, pending Keys evacuation & just thought it best not to go TOWARD the issue.

Tara & Tom are huge animal lovers so in addition to two dogs & a few sugar gliders, they have a pet monkey I was so excited to meet. In addition to monkeying around with Peanut, we had a delicious breakfast at an outside cafe, went to the beach, ate at one of my favorite open air beachside bars, napped, tried a couple martinis, laughed until I cried, enjoyed an outstanding late night steak dinner (first time having a bone-in filet mignon & dinner at 9pm) & realized just how much I missed Tara. The weekend ended up being just as fantastic as we had set it out to be, it was just in a different locale.

Here's Peanut sporting her diaper. She is actually much smaller than she appears in this photo. She won't ever get to be more than 1 lb. So small in fact that she sits comfortably on the bill of my husband's baseball hat. We know!
Tomorrow, I will post photos of our weekend including my
new profile picture!
Happy Monday all!!!


  1. I love monkeys! How cool that they have one as a pet! Glad you had a great weekend! I'm preparing for Hurricane Fay.

  2. So glad it ended up being a great weekend, even with the locale change.

    The monkey is great--trying to picture how tiny it is!

    Thanks for your comments over at my place--I'm envious of your settled state! ;o)

  3. Tara is as cool as Ross...a pet monkey...that's way cool!

  4. nice! my hubby would freak if there were a tiny monkey he could play with....he's wanted a monkey as a pet for as long as i can remember... :)
    i'm glad you had somewhere safe to go!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog and your great comments about running. my second 5K is this Saturday!!!!

  6. Too bad about your trip to the keys. I have never hear of the Full Moon party, but now have put it on my "thing to do list" - Sounded awesome.
    The Keys, Key West in particular, is my favorite vacation spot. Good thing you were able to make the best of the situation.

    We are preparing for the storm too....

    Regarding Jillian, The same thing happened with me,I kept checking back with her and she had not poste. Then, her blog went private. Honestly, I am a little concerned and worried about her. Her last few posts broke my heart. And now I am just left wondering.

    Have a great week!

  7. I hate storms, and you think we'd be used to them, uh? Glad you had a nice weekend!

  8. She's way teenier than I thought. How neat to be able to spend the weekend with your great friend.......and her pet. Did the monkey behave the whole time? :)

  9. Monkeys scare me....

  10. Good move on not going to the keys this weekend.
    I like monkeys in pictures but I don't know about one as a pet- the rumor is that no matter how nice they start out they eventually bite.

  11. Wow, a pet monkey. That is all I can say to that.
    Stay Safe. I will keep you in my thoughts.

  12. A pet Monkey....too cool! Heres to hoping the weather does not get to bad!

  13. Oh my goodness, that monkey is hilarious in the diaper! That was my childhood dream to own a pet monkey. Looks like a little sweetheart!

  14. how cool, a pet monkey...awesome!!!

  15. OMG - so cute! Especially love the diaper! I want a monkey!


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