Monday, April 12, 2010

Coca Cola Chocolate Pan Cake

This past weekend was exactly what I was craving. It was the perfect balance of relaxation, productivity, family time, a little girlfriend time, a glass of wine, a mug o' beer, a lot of home organizing & plenty of outdoor time in our quaint, sweet town.

On a previous busier weekend, I made this cake for a small gathering. While I never drink soda, I was really intrigued. I would definitely make this again since it was really moist & delicious. It was also pretty easy to make for a cake from scratch. I LOVED that I only needed my whisk!!

 A chocolate lover would fall for this cake.

Coca Cola Chocolate Pan Cake

{ Printable Recipe Here }


• 2 cup(s) all-purpose flour
• 2 cup(s) granulated sugar
• 1 teaspoon(s) baking soda
• 1/2 teaspoon(s) salt
• 1 1/2 cup(s) miniature marshmallows
• 1 cup(s) (2 sticks) butter or margarine, cup up
• 1 cup(s) Coca-Cola
• 1/4 cup(s) unsweetened cocoa
• 1/2 cup(s) buttermilk
• 2 large eggs, well-beaten
• 1 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract


• 1/2 cup(s) (1 stick) butter or margarine, cut up
• 1/3 cup(s) Coca-Cola
• 1/4 cup(s) unsweetened cocoa
• 1 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract
• 1 package(s) (16 ounces) confectioners' sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 13 by 9 glass baking dish. In large bowl, stir together flour, sugar, baking soda & salt. In 2-quart saucepan, heat marshmallows, butter, cola & cocoa over medium-high heat until bubbles form around edge of pan. Remove from heat; continue stirring until marshmallows melt.

Pour marshmallow mixture over flour mixture; with wire whisk, stir until well combined. Whisk in buttermilk, eggs & vanilla until blended. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean. Transfer to wire rack.

Meanwhile, prepare frosting: In 1-quart saucepan, heat butter, cola & cocoa to boiling over medium-high heat. Remove saucepan from heat. Add vanilla & stir until butter melts. Place confectioners' sugar in medium bowl. Pour hot butter mixture over sugar. With wire whisk, stir until well combined. Set aside until ready to use.

Stir frosting well; spread over top of hot cake immediately after removing from oven. Cool in pan on wire rack.

{ Food for Thought }

Check your cake at 40 min but you may need to cook it a bit longer like I did, anywhere up to an hour. The sides were perfectly done but the middle was still very moist & loose at 40, so you may want to cover it if you need to go longer.


Scary Mommy said...

I've heard of this, but have never made it. You have convinced me that I must!!

Kristina P. said...

How can you possibly go wrong with Coke and chocolate?

Ronda said...

I agree, how can you go wrong with coke and chocolate? YUMMO!!

Gloria Baker said...

A friend of mine make this. This look absolutely yummy!!! Nice recipe, gloria

angie said...

Chocolate coca cola cake and Mini pancake muffins? I'd better wipe the drool off my chin and go make dinner lest I die. :)

Lazaro Cooks said...

This is the kind of creative cooking that inspires me. Great recipe. A new way to get coca-cola down my gullet. This recipe is dangerous. Cheers!

Erin said...

Yum! Making it Sunday!!

starnes family said...

How do you not weigh 490 pounds? I would be such a mess if I could cook like this!

PS - I just started a book club.....come over if you'd like to join.

xo, Casey at

Venus and Mars said...

Wow, now that's different. Will put this in the recipe book !

Nana said...

This sounds so good right now.

Nana said...

This sounds so good right now.

Embrace the Uncertainty said...

This looks very interesting! Reminds me of when I made clementine cake - something different! I think I will try it this week since I have to bring something to a get together!

Chef E said...

In honor of my father, and only that reason will give me an excuse to eat this cake, and the fact chocolate is in the title- He lived for a coke daily, but I found RC Cola and Pepsi my savior (although now I drink no soda)...

Looks good, and maybe paired with a DP for breakfast like I ate when I would sneak it before high school, you could hear my mom yelling at me four blocks away as I ran down the street with a chocolate bubbly smile!

BeautifulDisaster311 said...

Hey, girlie! It's been awhile! Hope you're doing well. This cake looks amazing!

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Oh wow! That sounds and looks good. I love Coke so this would be the perfect cake for me. :)
Your apple turnovers with soda in were delish. Does the soda make it gooey? That's how I like my dessert - gooey.

Sara said...

Yum!!! I wish I didn't drink sodas. I'm a sucker for Sonic cherry cokes! And cherry limeades!

Pam said...

I've never had this type of cake before but I am sure I would love it.

Coco said...

Ive made this! Love it. Nothing is better than a yummy chocolate sheeth cake. And I'm not even a sweet eater.

Stereos and Souffles said...

Yummy, gonna try this. People think it's odd that I make my BBQ sauce with diet coke. Wait till I serve them a diet coke cake!

Mikki said...

YUMO!! Now if I can figure out how to switch it over to GF I'd be set. Or maybe not.. this would be worth it!

I haven't stopped by in awhile. Hope you are doing well!

Kathleen said...

This sounds really yummy. I've had it on my to make list for a bit. I guess its about time!

Maria said...

what a fun cake!

Reeni said...

I have been intrigued by soda cakes - I have a root beer one I bookmarked a long time ago. It looks super moist and kind of fudgy! Happy Belated Birthday to your hubby! I was surprised at his age - he doesn't look a day over 35!

Unknown said...

I made a calendar with my class this year that included recipes for cakes that they brought in. One student brought in the recipe for a coca cola cake. Not drinking soda made the cake sound disgusting. Seeing that you are in the same boat and tried it out I may have to see what this is all about. Thanks for the recipe.

The Blonde Duck said...

This looks so good!

Tam said...

HI How are you guys? Hope all is great! This cake looks delish!

Hope Easter was a great one!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I will have to try this one. It sure looks delicious.

Kameron said...

My diet is making it hard for me to read your blog!! Ha! I just want to eat everything, but I can't. Well, at least Inot if I plan on getting some semblance of my pre-baby bopdy back! After that I will make all of these goodies!

Simple Daisy said...

If you can imagine...I am not much of a cake girl:)
But I am sure I can think of a few people who would love this recipe!!
I'll be sure to pass it on!!!

Ma What's 4 dinner said...

What a cool idea! Of course it would be super moist and super sweet. Why didn't I think of this??? I'm so excited to try it.

Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

Lot-O-Choc said...

Oooh wow this looks so good, yummm!

Chef Chuck said...

I could not have said it better, Life Is Sweet~~

Melissa Lester said...

Ooh, yum, I am bookmarking this one!

Angela said...

Yum Steph! That looks like I could eat it right off the page! Great pic. I am craving cake now!

Unknown said...

The icing is what sounded scrumptious to me. One stick of butter... you know how I feel about butter? Passionate : )