Friday, November 6, 2009

C-C-C-hristmas is Coming.....

I's not even Thanksgiving & I'm busting out Christmas on you. But you know how fast time flies & it will be here before we know it. I also don't host Thanksgiving at my house & go very big on Christmas so it's time for me to get myself thinking & planning.

Last year I got a lot of "I wish I had thought of thats" so I thought I'd give you a review of last year/preview of this year. Just click on the links for details of my past Christmas ghosts, uh, posts.

Delicious edible gifts:

Decorating Ideas:

This was probably weirder for me to post than some of you to read because I still can't seem to get my head around Fall with 85 degree weather here in FL still. But it's coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!


Unknown said...

OOOH I LOVE Christmas... I mean LOVEEEEEE it... you could land a plane in our yard lol..I am so excited and cannot wait to get teh tree up before thanksgiving of course ..

Amy said...

I am right with you already thinking about Christmas. Every year the season goes by so fast that I don't have time to really do all of the things that I want to do. I am going to really try to be organized this year.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great ideas, thank you for sharing them with us. I love Christmas!

Michelle said...

Yeah....I love all the tasty gift ideas. I'm sure you remember that my hubby and I make apple pies as gifts, but not everyone gets one of those.

Erin said...

LOVE those pretzels!

tiarastantrums said...

girl it is JUST way too early for this for me!

Kristina P. said...

Such great ideas for gifts!

Pam said...

I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner!

I love the Christmas card idea - I would never have thought of putting them on a plant.

Betty Manousos said...

I love, love, love your Christmas ideas!!!
Have a great week-end!

Gloria Baker said...

I really love Chsritamas too!! and just today I was thinking what begin to podt about Christmas treats, lovely post and lovely bars
so nice gifts, have a lovely weekend, gloria

Lindsay Rudolph said...

I love the Christmas talk already! My husband and I were just asking the question last night, "When is the earliest someone has ever put up a Christmas tree?" I think he would get one tomorrow if he could!Thanks for getting us in the spirit of the season!

Anonymous said...

i'm with you on getting prepared for the christmas season NOW.

thanks for some great ideas...wrapping pictures in CUTE!

Yellow Beads said...

I will put one tree up this weekend and my second next weekend...since I will lose the two weekends at Thanksgivnig (we will be gone for 9 days!)

Kerstin said...

I love those chocolate dipped pretzels!! I can't wait for Christmas too :)

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures and I love Christmas - I love being Canadian we have early Thanksgiving so once Halloween is over there is nothing to think about except Christmas!!! I will for sure be stealing some of your ideas! It is warm here as well - warm for Canada!!! Happy Friday!!

Liz Mays said...

Squeeeee! Now I am SO excited!

Jen said...

you are right, Christmas is coming and this year, I am actually going to try and be ready.

Trixie said...

After reading your post, I am now craving chocolate. I love chocolate covered pretzels, and those look delicious!

I love Christmas! Those decorations are beautiful. I can't believe it is almost time to get the decorations out.

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

I am so excited for Christmas. We love decorating our house. The holidays are so much fun and now that my girls are getting older, I am looking forward to it even more!

Quasi Serendipita said...

That fudge looks fabulous! And wrapping up the pictures is a great idea!

The Mommyologist said...

I am really enjoying your blog and would like to give you the "One Lovely Blog" award. I checked your blog and I don't think you've gotten it yet. Please stop by my site to pick it up!

MsTypo said...

Those chocolate dipped pretzels look beyond tasty! Dinner parties are your house must be incredibly coveted!

Chatterbox said...

Wow! loved them all, especially the edible ideas.

It's always good to get some wonderful tips as far gifts go.

Thanks for sharing.

Keep up the wonderful work.


chow and chatter said...

thanks for visiting love you blog as well will follow

Tabitha Blue said...

Haha, I LOVE Christmas and don't mind thinking of it early. I'll actually be out of town for Thanksgiving so I'll decorate before I go so that I can come home to Christmas-y house! What a great idea to post these ideas early :)

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmm chocolate covered pretzels are my favourite!!!!

Coco said...

I made your fudge last year and almost made myself sick. YUMMY!!!

Not to be bossy or anything, but you need to post your holiday cocktails. They helped me through the holidays last year.

Tam said...

I love Christmas and all the decorations and food! Loved this POST...getting us all in the MOOD!

strokeofliving said...

Those chocolate covered pretzels are making my mouth water. Salty and sweet together...can you say favorite?

Ronda said...

You do such a nice job decorating for Christmas! I love how you wrapped pictures and hung them on the wall.
I can't even start to think about it yet. They would have to put me in a straight jacket if I started now before Thanksgiving! It's that damn fishing dinner the week before turkey day.
It will be o.k. I have it pretty much planned.
I hope you had a great weekend, and an even better week ahead!


Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

I'm not a chocolate freak like a lot of people I know, but there is something about homemade fudge at Christmas time. I just love it!

Melissa aka Equidae said...

love christmas...hiw early can i do the truffle bars and fudge?

Venus and Mars said...

Hey, made the Fried Spinach Rounds last night...they were amazing. I'm gonna have to dig deeper for more recipies. thanx.

Tabitha Blue said...

Oh Happy Birthday!! And it looks like you were a SITS featured blogger!!! congrats! :)

The Blonde Duck said...

Isn't it fun to go Christmas shopping in shorts?

Betty Manousos said...

Thanks for passing by and taking the time to comment.
Have a great time!

Susie said...

You really do it up:-) I hope you have as much fun in the planning process as I do:-)

Maria said...

I love all of your ideas. I can't believe the holidays are so soon!

Claremont First Ward said...

I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around it too. THose chocolate dipped pretzels are looking pretty inviting.........:)

Angela said...

Hey my dear sweet friend! I miss you TOO! I am so sorry I did not get by the blog this weekend or even email to say hi! We have had back-to-back weekends of houseguests, and while it is great to see family, it feels like I have been running my hiney off and done about 6,540 loads of laundry!!

Love the Christmas ideas! I am sooooo behind I have not done a thing. Sad, isn't it?

Will write soon I promise! Hugs!

Jingle said...

Those pretzels look fabulous and I love the clear jar candles!

Jessica Nunemaker said...

Wow. It WILL be here before we know it! Where the heck did the time GO?

Thanks for posting some interesting ideas. I am definitely going the homemade route this year for many people.

Also, thanks for stopping by my blog. ;) Glad your SITS day went so well!

BeautifulDisaster311 said...

Yes, Christmas is just around the corner and I am NOT ready! The malls have already put their decorations out (Santa was even there yesterday), and it won't be long before we start hearing Christmas carols on the local radio station 24/7. I don't think I'm ever ready for this time of year, lol.

Debbie said...

Every year I want to make some edible gifts and every year I don't. Maybe this year?

Life, Love And Lola said...

I think I'm gonna start decorating this weekend!

Yellow Beads said...

I let the kids put up their tree today!

Yellow Beads said...

I let the kids put up their tree today!

KK said...

OH, these are fabulous ideas! I love those pretzels, even I could do that!

Unknown said...

85 degrees. Get out of the city this instant! It is perfect today. 59 and crisp : ) I am loving it! I am sort of sad though because I am taking pictures of a couple on Saturday and there isn't a leaf to be found. Who likes pictures of BROWN dead things? No one. That is who... : )

Deanna said...

I love food gifts! I can't wait to decorate for Christmas.

rObrak said...

So Happy to see your blog! Thank you for posting and sharing your ideas. I love to cook and I love to eat. I can use your ideas this holiday. May we have a fantastic and blessed Christmas! By the way, I want to share also this lovely and incredible site, the Happy Tiffin You can also have an idea of Holiday gifts through checking this site. Suitable for people who loves to eat, camp, travel and who are a workaholic. ;-)