Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Who Lives in a Pineapple....

Under the Sea?


Uh, yeah, I've never been a fan of the little sponge, probably never will be, but my little guy is & that's all that matters, right?!

Plus, putting together the KrUsTy KrAb legos over a glass of wine can be quite therapeutic!

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


  1. My oldest wasn't allowed to watch this show until he was 4 or 5 due to some questionable material. They live in bikini bottom island? Now, my 19 month old and barely 3 year old can sing the theme song. My parenting strength has slipped!

    I actually think the show is quite funny......if you are forced to watch it. Very odd, however!

    Cute toys. Cute kiddo!

  2. So, I totally have a post about that new BK I Like Square Butts commercial, for Thursday. Nothing says kid's meals like a song about women's large butts.

  3. Geez. We are just now getting into Legos and dangit, sister.

    You spend umpteen million hours assisting in assembly...GREATLY assisting in assembly all to have them destroy it and watch those tee-tiny pieces scatter only to be lost forever under the couch and in corners where the dust bunnies eat them.

    I just don't remember Legos with my brother being this sophisticated.

    Maybe that was a good thing.

    Sheesh! I'm all worked up. Now I need a glass of wine!

    .mac :)

    p.s. You packed yet? :)

  4. You are so funny. This brings back so many memories for me! I used to dream about Legos, my son could sit for hours on end. I still have his big vat of Legos in my crawlspace! Have a great day.

  5. Fun. My kiddos have this set at grandmas. They dash in and head right for it.

  6. lydia used to love spongebob + i can still find her watching every once in a while. that must have taken forever to put together! {and now i so want pineapple}

  7. wine...i will remember that. that must be the key! cute!

  8. That is all that matters!! What a cutie!

  9. You are the best mommy in the world!

  10. The few times I've seen this show I somehow was drawn into it. So cute!

  11. thats cool. I so admire you for putting that together. I don't have the patients for legos or puzzles for that matter.

  12. Living in a pineapple looks kinda cool, maybe it's all the bright colors.

  13. I NEED this!! I have a little girl that's a serious Spongebob fan.

  14. I just laughed SO hard when I saw your comment at Angie's about being the 115th linker : ). You are so funny : ).

    You did a GREAT job on this project. Seriously, Lego's kill me!

    And isn't your son the CUTEST? I heart him : ).

  15. Great. Now I have the Sponge Bob song in my head.

    Your boy is a cutie.

  16. ! love that! those legos are SO CUTE!

    LL loves spongebob... and she is a bit young for it... but it is so cute hearing her try to pronounce his name... lol

    your son is going to be a heartbreaker! he is so precious!

  17. Looks like you had a "fun" time!!! Sometimes life is all about doing something that doesn't seem all the exciting to you just to make someone else happy!! Great job~

  18. Oh my goodness - those legos are amazing!!! :)

    And thanks for the lovely comments!

  19. What a crack up that there are sponge bob legos! I thought SB was kind of funny when he first came out, but now the sound of his voice drives me a little batty.

  20. My kids love spongebob also, so I will have to look for these when they get older.

  21. I know a little squirt that would LOVE this set!!

  22. If you are talented enough to put Legos together while drinking, you are my hero!

  23. oh that is cute and hilarious- My daughter is gah gag over Sponge Bob - since she was two years old!!

  24. yeah - not a huge fan either. maybe i'm getting too old to appreciate the humor?


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