Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Little Boy.....

My little boy....

goes to Kindergarten in August.

And he's ready!

My baby can read.

He's not a baby anymore!

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


  1. he's precious...where does the time go?? his wife is so screwed though when she tries to cook, it will never be as good as his momma's!!

  2. oh he's so far ahead of the pack now!!

  3. That's great that he can read! Kinder will be a snap for him!

  4. OH my.. I still remember the first day of school for all 5 of my kids.. it was heart breaking. Be sure to take a picture of that first day.. trust me.. you'll cherish it forever.

  5. Since he can read, maybe now he can become your lil' sous chef...helping you with recipes and such. Brilliant!!!!

  6. O it happens so fast! Time to buy a backpack!

  7. Not only is your baby adorable, he can read??????????

    Um........I think I need to work with my son a bit. :)

  8. so exciting...what a little smarty!

  9. I was an early reader, so you have nothing to worry about. He'll turn out just like me! :)

  10. Awwww...are you getting misty-eyed yet? :

  11. Ahh, the aching joy. It's bittersweet, isn't it?

    Hurts but it's happy.

    You wanna cry while your smiling.

    This is the tweens of life that pinch us to let us know we can feel...and it feels good.

    Enjoy this summer with that sweet one!!!

    .mac :)

  12. He is so sweet, I just want to hug him! That is great. If he can read now, he is going to TAKE OFF in school! Don't be sad when he goes, just think of the socializing he is going to do!

  13. He is all grown up! And GORGEOUS!!!

  14. he can READ! that's awesome! he sure IS ready! and so precious.

  15. Wow! So fast - don't they get big SO FAST!?

    (Love the look of those spinach appetizers below...)

  16. That's AWESOME!!! What a smarty pants! :)

  17. Awww, what a cute post - they grow up so fast!

  18. Ahhh! Its such a mixed emotion to see your baby growing up...and he'll always be a baby to YOU!

  19. He can read? Oh that is so wonderful : ). I hope he keeps his love for reading all thru school! It really is such a wonderful thing! He is getting so big! Congratulations on his graduation!

  20. The dog is huge now. Holy crap.

  21. OMG! No! Really? Kindergarten?
    CUH-RAZY! That sweet little Tristan. That is great that he can read AND that he is ready. What a big boy! Mama, you better watch out, he's going to have all of the girls swooning!


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