Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Steamy Affair

He makes my life easier.

He works hard so I don't have to.

And he makes me happy.

I'm in love

Oh if the walls could talk......................they're just jealous!

{You can believe all the hundreds of amazing reviews on Amazon. As for the very few bad ones ~ they're from people who don't know how to chew gum & walk at the same time. If you don't have an ideal everyday floor cleaning system for tiled floors then you need this! Ask me anything about it, it's just too easy!}

Isn't it time you had a steamy affair!!!!!!

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


Kristina P. said...

I will have to check this out!

Jen said...

I have one of these and I totally love it too.

Ronda said...

Oh boy, that is what I so need for my tile in the kitchen. I sweep, then wipe down. I want that!!


Stephanie said...

Ohhh I wondered if those really worked. Good to know! thx

Mommy Mac said...


No vinegar and water with the old flospy mop?


There's something better than that?

NAW. No way!

Been out of blog touch as of late, but I am back on track!

Sometimes there is just not enough hours in the day, I tell you!

.mac :)

April said...

I've been wondering if those things worked...looks like they DO! Happy WW!

Heather said...

I'm drooling a little ;-) I may have to check that out.

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

Ooooooooo I need something like that!

Anonymous said...

I definately could use one of those..
Did you do the wood floor too? My whole house is hardwood and ceramic tile.. what a sweet baby it would be if I could use on the wood too.

FROGGITY! said...

i heart your floors. we so have the same taste!!

i LOVE bissell. i have a hand held steamer and i LOVE it!!!!! so maybe i need to invest in one of these???

Anonymous said...

I need to check this out also!

Maria said...

I need to get me one of those! It even looks fun:)

Sweet Pea Chef said...

I need one of these!

Jaysi said...

It's like you read my mind! I am going to have to check this out!

Unknown said...

A steamy affair, ha ha, that's too funny! Yes, steam mops are the best!

tiarastantrums said...

does it really work on the hardwood floors?

Unknown said...

Awesome...I'm going to have to check this out. It was JUST about the time when I needed to get on my hands and knees and scrub the tiles floors and this sure would be EASIER!

Angela said...

I love these teaser posts you do. You crack me up, girl!

We need something like this in our house. Does it do well on hardwoods as well as tile?

Muthering Heights said...

Good to know...your floors look great!

Pam said...

My hardwood could use this! Thanks for the recommendation.

Kacey said...

Oh you have me rolling sista! This is hilarious and I am SO jealous...I NEED this. And so does Brian...you know its true. ;D This grout is only going to stay white for so long...

Woman Interrupted said...

I must know more...I would do anything to avoid the old mop bucket...well, almost anything.

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Really? I may need to look into this. Do you guarentee that my floors will look like yours? :)


I can't concentrate on the product because I'm too busy staring at that beautiful tile!

Joy, via Welcomistas

Coco said...

I have stained concrete, hmmmm, I might have to look into this!!!

Love your tile by the way!

Debbie said...

Still, that looks oddly like work!

Elizabeth said...

Ooohh, girl, I KNOW! Goodbye BROOM! Isn't it the nicest thing ever? I have the SAME THING!

Claremont First Ward said...

I haven't tried this, but it looks like a must have.

My jumpstart giveaway is today. Be sure to enter. There's only one other entrant so far! :)

Darla said...

We have a steamer too - LOOOVVE IT.

Michelle said...

Steamy affair.......very clever! I have one of those to and they are awesome!

Life, Love And Lola said...

I'm way over due for a Steamy Affair!!!