Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Afternoon Delight

Since I'm going back to work next week I've been thinking of a 

gorgeous male 

I'll be meeting for lunch everyday.

It's convenient he lives right down the street for those 

afternoon quickies!

If you haven't already, meet Nash, the 5 month old Bulldog who's

become part of the family.

For more adorable pictures of Nash, visit here

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


sassy stephanie said...

He is so stinkin' cute. Love the new header, too!

Simple Daisy said...

So cute!! How could you not love him?!?!
Dogs are the BEST!!!!

Kristina P. said...

Seriously, so cute. The bulldog that is on our calendar is adorable. So fat!

FROGGITY! said...

AWWWWWWW! He's such a precious little stud! :) Seriously, how can you handle the cuteness??

The Nice One said...

Oh my he is ADORABLE!

Aubrey said...

He is just the cutest puppy ever! Adorable!
I better not let my hubby see. He wants a bulldog very badly!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

So I think that is officially one of the cutest dogs I have ever seeen!!!

Ronda said...

OMG!!!! Can I have an afternoon quickie with Nash too? You have no idea my love for boxers and bulldogs! They are the best. I was raised with boxers. When I had my daughter, found out she was allergic to dogs. So my husband brings home a "POODLE" 2 years ago. (non-allergetic.) I have always hated poodles. When I saw her, she was only 2 pounds. It took me awhile, but she grew on me. Well, all I can say now is just mushy stuff!

Kacey said...

Nash is getting SO BIG! And he is just precious and the perfect date for those afternoon quickies. That is hilarious! Now I'll have that song stuck in my head.

tiarastantrums said...

that dog cracks me up!

hey did you change your header again?

Nicole said...

OMG he is adorable! I love bulldogs and want one soooo bad. Lucky you.

Casey's trio said...

So funny! And he is a lucky guy to have you visit him at lunch everyday:)

Ritch in Love said...

That face is to die for!

Cecily R said...

Is it weird to say he has an expressive face?? So cute!

Anonymous said...

Your lunch buddy is a cutie!

Heather said...

He is adorable! My husband wants one so badly!

Hootin Anni said...


I just wanna hug him and kiss him. He's to sweet for words.

My Wordful is posted now. Thing is, the photos aren't of good quality this time since I had to photograph them through the dining room window.

Happy Wednesday to you.

Erin said...

Hes gotten big!

Amy said...

I would run home to see him in a heart beat. I am doing a Round Robin event on Friday April 10th. If you want to stop by then. I will have details about this event later on this afternoon.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, Nash is TOO CUTE!!! my hubby wants a dog like that!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your new job and enjoy having lunch with that gorgeous hunk.

Anonymous said...

What a great looking guy! :-)

Stephanie said...

Awh. He looks like a charmer.

Anonymous said...

He is too cute! I have a 14 week old yorkie. He is the love of our life. You are right he completed our family!
Thanks for sharing!!

Pami said...

he is adorable I would be grabbing those quickies too, how cute, love his name

jo@blog-diggidy said...

*kisses*hugs*snuggles* aaawww i just wanna hold him and squeeze him!! ;)

~Marie~ said...

Nash is adorable! I love the one with his tongue out! <3

Momisodes said...

What a cutie pie! That face is adorable :)

Cupcake Dessert said...

he is just so cute!!!

Stereos and Souffles said...

Nash is so cute!! Love the name too.

Susie said...

He's just beautiful!!

Pam said...

He's gotten so big! Still cute as a button.

Lula! said...

I LOVE Nash. He's so fabulous. And rightly so, since he belongs to y'all.

Scary Mommy said...

Eeeeek! I love him!!!!

Rachel said...

He is too cute for words!

Congrats on the new job!

Unknown said...

What a cutie! Those will be some fun lunches.

michelle matthews said...

Ohhh he is just too cute!!!
Great post! Cracked me up!

Claremont First Ward said...

He IS a handsome fellow! :)

Angela said...

Oh my goodness he is so cute!! My bulldog WAS cute when he WAS little too! ha!

Michelle said...

He is still looking pretty darn cute. Tristan is still cuter though. :)

Reeni said...

He is the sweetest thing!

Jen said...

what a great lunch date!

annies home said...

he is darling

Michelle said...

Oh what a cutie! I love looking at bulldogs. His expressions are just priceless!

Angela said...

LOL oh my gosh, he's so adorable I almost can't stand it. WHAT a CUTIE!!

Pixie sends kisses!

Keri said...

Awe, he's so stinking adorable! I just love the picture of him sitting with his leg out. Too funny!

Chef Chuck said...

I understand, I do it daily myself!
That's a cute dog!!

Cheeky Kitchen said...

What a DEEEElicious lunch partner. SUCH a cutie!

(And, last week you stopped by and asked how long a post takes me. Usually between 1 hour and 3. It ALWAYS takes longer than I think it will. Arrrgh. I must need a faster computer!)


Cheeky Kitchen said...

What a DEEEElicious lunch partner. SUCH a cutie!

(And, last week you stopped by and asked how long a post takes me. Usually between 1 hour and 3. It ALWAYS takes longer than I think it will. Arrrgh. I must need a faster computer!)


Miranda said...

Aww. LOL

Love how he's posing for the last pic..hilarious.

Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day.

Have a good one.

Meghan said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for saying hi! Very cute puppy! He's grown so much since January!

Coco said...

He is precious and getting so big!! Cute post.

LOVE your Mexican tile floors. That is what I am doing in my next house.

Elizabeth said...

I LOVE him... AND your floors!

The Blonde Duck said...

I just want to blow rasberries on that belly...

Gisele did my blog. I can hook you up with her info. She's SO talented and works so cheap for what she can do. She's just remarkable.

Courtney said...

He is too unbelieveably cute! I just love his little bully tongue! :)

Life, Love And Lola said...

Holy Cuteness! Can I have him???? Pretty Please with a Mojito on top??!!

Anonymous said...

We have an English Bull Terrier.
I can relate to your puppy luv!

very married said...

he IS a handsome guy. love him!

Life, Love And Lola said...

Seriously...Can I have him please???

Debbie said...

He is so cute! I bet you have great lunches together.

Carrie said...

You shouldn't be so selfish and SHARE that little beast with me!!!

Oh sweet wittle wubbzy wubber boy...

Unknown said...

I can't believe how big he is getting. What in the world. Everything we love grows....

Tabitha Blue said...

Hahahaha. He's too cute!!!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

he is precious! i wanna cuddle him!

missy said...

oh my gosh....he is a cutie!!!!!
we have 2 bullies.....our female is mostly white with a few dark spots.....our male is almost a year old.....oh my is he ever a wild man from time to time!!!!!

Costa said...

Awh. He looks like a charmer.