Thursday, March 12, 2009

Breakfast at Stephanie's - Not So Fat Fridays

I'm no Audrey Hepburn but you get an open invite for breakfast at my place for Not So Fat Fridays. I have coffee when I first wake up but after I finish my morning walk/jog I like something healthy but satisfying. Lately, I have been picking one of these fresh start goodies. 

I saw this recipe at Netts Nook. You'll feel just peachy after this!


1/2 cup low fat milk
1/2 plain yogurt
1 cup frozen peaches
1 tablespoon honey
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
pinch of nutmeg
pinch of ginger

Blend all ingredients together. Use crushed ice if you'd like. I like to sprinkle a little cinnamon on top.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 


Sometimes I like a change over the traditional closed omelet. This one looks pretty because you can see your fillings & all the pretty colors.


Fresh baby spinach
Tomato, chopped
2 tblsp salsa
1-2 eggs, lightly whisked
Garlic, basil, oregano
Salt & Pepper
Gruyere cheese (or whatever you have on hand)

I make this a little different each time depending on what I have in the house. First, heat a small pan with cooking spray. The size of your pan dictates the size of your omelet. Saute your veggies. In this case, you would throw in the mushrooms first since they take a bit longer. Add the spinach & tomato since the spinach will wilt in the time it takes for the tomato to just warm through. Sprinkle with a little garlic, salt, pepper, basil & oregano. You can give or take whatever spices you enjoy.

Add the salsa. This is optional but I had leftover I wanted to get rid of. At this point, spread your veggies out around the pan. Lightly spray your pan again, especially around the edges of the pan like you see below. 

Pour your eggs over the veggies. As the eggs settle, take your spatula & scrape down the edges since you don't want that ugly thin film that develops. Put your heat on medium for a few minutes. Tilt your pan around so that the uncooked egg on top slides to the edges & underneath, then switch to medium low for a few minutes so that the top of your omelet cooks through without the bottom getting overdone. 

Just before the top looks like it's not shiny & wet anymore, sprinkle just a little cheese over the top & some basil. Slide your omelet out onto a plate. If it doesn't look like it wants to cooperate, just put a plate over your pan & turn your pan upside down. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I like it stacked!

Sometimes I just want that drippy egg & some heart whole wheat bread for breakfast. Toss in some color from the spinach & tomato & I know I am starting off the day right.


Fresh baby spinach
1 thick slice tomato
1 large egg
Salt & Pepper
Whole wheat English Muffin
About 1 tblsp shredded Colby Jack (or whatever you have on hand)

In a pan coated with cooking spray, cook your egg to your liking alongside the spinach & tomato. Sprinkle with salt & pepper. Toast your English Muffin. Stack it however you like & sprinkle with cheese.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Tonight I am having some family over for a Mexican themed dinner so I better get my meds & get to cleaning! 


  1. yay for Mexi Fridays!!!

    Bfast is my FAVE kind of food. These look so yummy. Unfortunately, I am the only one here that likes veggies in my eggs.

  2. This looks like a great meal! I love the idea of the smoothie, and eggs are my favorite breakfast food.

  3. Oh, everything looks so wonderful! And that smoothi! Talk about INDULGENCE. This gives me ideas for a nice Sat or Sun breakfast when the family can eat together. BTW, check out I blogged about the freebies my son came home with. You would be a perfect candidate to host a party. They send out free food for the occasion.

    Have a great weekend!


  4. Those all look so good, but I think I'm going to have to try that shake out. It's calling to me.

  5. you are killing me today...could you please post a terrible dish that wouldn't make me lick my monitor???

    i need, ok, want, them all! NOW!

  6. Oh my goodness!!! I'm on the way.. I want a bit of everything.. and don't forget to fix me one of those smoothies. Yum!!

  7. So delicious! I really need a smoothie.

  8. Mmmmmm... breakfast at your house sounds delish!!

  9. YUMMMMMMMMMMMM! I am with B... licking the monitor. Hubby's gonna be mad. LOL

    Seriously, you got my number with that omelet!!!

  10. We had smoothies this morning! The peach pie smoothie sounds DEEEEE-LICIOSOOOOOO!!

  11. everything looks so delicious. can you tell that i am starving ?

  12. yummy!!! thanks for sharing!!!!!
    have a great time with the family...and a great weekend!!!

  13. yum...i am all for the peach smoothie, i'm not much of an egg person but the pictures look great!

  14. I made the family your egg sandwich for dinner the other night. YUMMY!!!!!

    That smoothie looks delicious.

    Have a great weekend hot mama!!

  15. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Eggs! Those dishes look delish! Have a great weekend!

    Oh and Mexican! YUM!

  16. The omelet looks really good! Love the peach pie smoothie too. It's so much healthier than the real thing.

  17. Somedays I don't even like you because your food looks so much better than mine! Maybe it is the black background. I'm heading into the kitchen to paint everything black:)
    And yes, I am joking. I always like you.

  18. I LOVE a good breakfast sandwich and you always outdo yourself!! Yummy! I might even make those open-faced omelets for breakfast the next time we have guests!

    Thanks again!!

  19. I felt like I was watching fireworks or something there.

    Mmmmmm. Ahhhhhh. Ohhhhhh.

    Everything looks so good!

  20. Even breakfast is a big occasion. Good stuff. I all looks very tasty.

  21. I'm starving now! LOL Brian makes a smoothie almost every morning so I will def pass this on to my honey. And the omlet??? Oh omlets are my FAVE!

  22. OR....

    you could just come over and make me breakfast in bed!


    That's the one I choose!

  23. O yeah I missed this! Anything with HONEY in it is all I need! I am a honey snob though...Tupleo for me! LOL I will have to bring you some from Savannah whenever I come to FLA! LOL

  24. These look GREAT! I love breakfast food (even for dinner sometimes) and these omelettes/sammies look yummy!

    Hope your weekend Mexican dinner went well! Ours was last night and everything was yummy. Having leftovers for dinner tonight!

  25. the smoothie looks oh-so-yummy! I'm a smoothie kinda girl.
    Glad I found you through SITS. Love your recipes and your blog.

  26. Oh man for a big breakfast fan like me, these are some great recipes. I now need a reason to have ppl over for brunch!

  27. I would choose the smoothie, they are all great ideas though!

  28. I could eat breakfast food anytime of the day. It's the best!

    I so wish I had an omelette right now. ;)

  29. That smoothy looks amazing! I can't wait to try it.

  30. I want to come over for breakfast. Everything looks divine. : )

  31. yum! i am going to make that peach pie smoothie very soon!!! i have been looking for a little 'healthy' variety.

  32. the smoothie sounds really good but that omelet looks wonderful!


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