Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mexican Mojito

I discovered this drink last June at a restaurant on the way home from vacationing in Destin, FL. A day I'll never's THAT good.

5-6 mint leaves, torn up
Half of one key lime (cut into 2 wedges) or 2 regular lime wedges
3/4 oz 1800 Silver Tequila
3/4 oz Cointreau
1 oz Sweet & Sour Mix (we use Mr. & Mrs. T)
1/2 oz Agave Nectar Syrup (I find this in my organic section at Publix)
2 oz club soda

In the glass you will be sipping from, place your torn mint leaves. Squeeze the juice from your limes into the glass & then drop limes in. Take a muddler or back of spoon & gently smash the mint & limes together. This will release the oils from the mint as well as the lime rind. Fill glass halfway with crushed ice.

In a cocktail shaker with ice (just to make the alcohol cold) add your tequila, cointreau, sour mix & agave. Be precise with your measurements. Shake well, strain ice & pour into glass. Top off with the club soda. Makes one approximate 8 oz drink. 

Quadrupling the recipe can give you (2) 16oz drinks. Your glass will look like this before topping off with club soda.

{My Thoughts}

Precision is important with a drink like this so you want to make sure you have the 3/4 oz & 1/2 0z measurements. We bought a jigger for this purpose. Make one drink first & then adjust to your tastes. As for the agave syrup, it can be pricey but it's worth it. It's popping up everywhere as an alternative to sugar. It's great when used in smoothies so it won't go to waste!

If you're making more than one drink at a time, just do it the same way but double up accordingly in the cocktail shaker & then pour into each glass. I just highly recommend muddling the lime & mint into the glass you will be sipping from. I also recommend topping that glass off with the club soda rather than mixing it with the other ingredients in the shaker.


  1. A girl after my own heart!!!! I love mojitos and this one looks fantastic!!!!

  2. This sounds so good, I am a huge mojito fan, so I'm sure I'd love your version.

  3. I have one RIGHT NOW...after all it is five o clock somewhere...RIGHT?

  4. Can you come over tonight and whoop some up? Puuuleeeez??? :D Looks fantastic!

  5. Yum! Bet that would be good on a hot summer day.

  6. My friend and I discovered those not too long ago too. Ummm sooo good.

  7. Perfect for our upcoming warm weather in Texas!!!
    Love your comment, "a day I will never forget"....HA!

  8. For my 30th bday, I had a Marg's & Mo's party. It was so much fun and I drank a LOT of Mojito's.

    Yours sounds like it would be even tastier!! I think my recipe was just mint muddled with sugar, lime juice, club soda, and rum.

    I think I'll be needing to make some of these again this summer. Yummmmmmmmmm

  9. Forget about how it's just fun to say!

  10. I just recently had my first mojito and it was love at first taste. I can't wait to try to make this drink.

  11. Ooo, that looks really good. Reminds me of summer.

  12. That looks and sounds great. We used to go to Destin every fall - now we go to Seagrove.

  13. Oh these looks so delish! I want one right now!

  14. We had this cuban place by our old house with THE WORLD'S best (sorry, haven't had yours yet!0 Mojitorita. And, I know my rita. I seek out rita everywhere we go. I even visit a place in San Antonio every time I'm there JUST for their rita. Wonder if this is the same as my yummiest of yummy cuban version.

  15. Mojitos are so refreshing; reminds me of summer! I decided to grow mint last year especially for mojitos b/c its kind of expensive to buy at the grocery store. That plant is so hearty, even I, with my black thumb had so much I was giving it away all summer!

  16. Can I just come to your house and have one?! It sounds so intimidating to make!

    I *love* Mojitos.

  17. This actually is my husbands favorite drink! He'll be so excited if I make this for him now!

  18. I could go for one of those right now!

  19. I have never met a mojito that I didn't love. I've never made them though, but will soon be trying this. YUM!

  20. I am going to get the supplies and make one for Gary this weekend. He just found out that he has to work Saturday and Sunday this week so he is very bummed, but I can whip up one of these for him on Sunday night before he starts the new work week again : ).

  21. I LOVE the flavor of mojitos, a lot...but I just have such a hard time with the mint floating around. It's so pretty, but I don't like to eat green, floating things. :)

  22. You are so talented! That was such a SWEET Valentine's post, by the way!

  23. It's Friday! Too bad it's not 5:00...Cuz I totally need one of these!

  24. I have to say - my husband made one of these last weekend an I took a sip and I almost burned my mouth off and vomited!! I so can not drink!!

  25. Oh. My. Gawwwwd!

    This is one of my faves! I'm totally trying this recipe this week. That is, if I can find a muddler and jigger! LOL

  26. I'll take that NOW!!! Our hot water heater busted this morning so we are waiting on a (weekend) plumber to get here--not a fun expense!!

  27. Mojitos always signify the start of warmer weather for me, I'm excited to try this recipe! :)

  28. Ooo, yummy!! This one's going on the list to try, too! I have not had a mojito before (I know, I'm deprived LOL!) so I look forward to trying this!

  29. Mojitos are all the rage now here and very popular. Just not my taste. Enjoy the rest of your B-day and greetings from Africa.

  30. That looks like a good recipe, I wish I were a fan of mojitos, but like the other commenter, I have an issue with the mint floating around, it creeps me out. I know, I'm weird. Oh well. Happy birthday to you and happy SITS day again! I enjoyed my visit to your blog!

  31. I'm not a cook or a drinker, but I'm going to check out your post on white chocolate Macadamia muffins and triple chocolate cake. I am a chocolate lover!
    Congrats on your SITS day!

  32. YUM! This looks so good! Definitely on the drinks menu for next summer. :-)

  33. So I was at a restaurant last summer and had a cocojito (basically the same thing as a regular Mojito but with coconut rum and syrup) it is way tasty!

  34. I had my first Mojito this summer. It was a watermelon mojito and was very interesting. I LOVE your blog!

  35. Congrats on your SITS day and Happy Birthday! I'm so glad I found your recipe. I've tried making Mojito's and they tasted more like toothpaste than a cocktail. Can't wait to try this.

  36. Will have to try this one to. What a great blog! Love it!

  37. A sweet refreshing drink....if you like mint! Great instructions, you didn't spare the details.

  38. Happy Sits day! Sounds very refreshing!

  39. Ooooh, mojitos are perfect in the summer! Very refreshing.

    Happy SITS day!

    LBM xxx

  40. I had a patch of fresh mint growing in my herb garden. This would have been a great way to use a few leaves of mint.

  41. I love mojitos, especially the ones with a little sweet and sour. I like the extra sweetness!

  42. @cheapchichome. Muddler?! Well, you learn something new everyday. I think I'll stick to ordering these... Fantastic job!
    Happy SITS day!

  43. Oh man I wish I was a drinker because I know I would love this one! I'm such a pathetic lightweight that not too long ago I finally hung up my drinking belt in order to preserve my family name ;o)

    Any tips on building up my resistance?

    My best, Lynn
    Happy SITS day!

  44. MMMMMMM! May have to try this one for a party we have next week.

  45. LOVE mojitos but I just like to use fresh lime and just plain ole simple syrup because I'm cheap! Plus it simplifies things - try it sometime! You're right though, once you start drinking these you tend to want them several times in a row before you "move on" to something else. My memories of mojitos are of Miami and Key West - but Destin is one of my FAVORITE places to go in all of Florida too.

    Hope you had a wonderful SITS Feature Day.

  46. I am generally a wine drinker, but when I want a cocktail...Mojitos are in my top 3! These look like a great version. Thanks!

  47. I have been looking for a good mojito recipe and this one looks so yummy. Aren't they the best because they are sweet and refreshing?

  48. Yum--I like sweet, fruity drinks:)

  49. Oh now, this is fantasticness...I can tell we have similar pallets, but, I am like, 109% sure yours is more sophisticated than mine!

    But again Happys SITS AAAAND BIRTHDAY!!! Will enjoy checking out your blog for great recipes, especially with the holidays coming! Cheers!!!

  50. Mmmm...sounds good! I'm going to have to share this one with all my mojito lovin' girlfriends! Thanks! Happy SITS day!


  51. Congrats on being today's featured blogger. Dropping by from SITS.

  52. Again this sounds fantastic, gonna have to try it straight away!

  53. Happy SITS day! Congrats on your day.

    I love mojitos! The problem with mojitos is that they turn into me wanting a caipiroska! Those are SLAMMIN! In case you've never heard of what is, here's a link:

    but the original is a Caipirinha and the link to that is:

    Delicious, delicious brazilian drinks!!!! Enjoy and congrats again!!!


  54. Can't wait to try this. Thanks for the recipe. I know I will be back often. Have a terrific Birthday.

  55. Looks like a fun one! Enjoy your day in the SITS spotlight & Happy Birthday too!

  56. niiice :) i want one!!

    happy SITS day!

  57. Interesting! I would have never thought to sub rum for tequila! I will be trying this one soon!

  58. Mojitos, mo' problems... ;-)

  59. good. And the agave syrup makes all the difference...great in margaritas too!

  60. My husband loves mojitos. We'll def have to try this out. :))

  61. Mmmm, mojitos with tequila! What a great idea!

    Alex aka Ma, What's for Dinner

  62. Mmmm, mojitos with tequila! What a great idea!

    Alex aka Ma, What's for Dinner

  63. YUMMY! Mojitos are my favorite so I'll be sure to try this one =) Happy SITS day!

  64. It's almost like a margarita-mojito - sounds yummy!

  65. I've never been a big fan of Mojitos but adding the Tequila might just change my mind. Sounds tasty!!

  66. these are amazing recipies - will def try them for friends, I don't drink - hmmm... oh well!


  67. This one looks SO tasty!
    Congrats on your SITS day!

  68. I love Mojitos but I can't handle Mexican Mojitos due to the tequila, I had to stop that stuff years ago, ha!

  69. I loooove Mojitos. Thanks for the recipe! :)


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