Thursday, February 12, 2009

Club Med-iterannean Baked Chicken

Welcome to another Not So Fat Friday. I almost called this dish Fridge Door Baked Chicken because I created it in order to get rid of some things on my - yep, you guessed it - fridge door. You know the stuff I'm talking about - half jars of olives or roasted red peppers that you haven't used up, or the bit of shredded cheese left in the crisper. 

I call it Club Med-iterranean because I worked as an au pair in the Bahamas Club Med for a month when I was younger. And the olives & roasted red peppers give it a mediterranean flair.  

This dish has a little more fat than the others I have posted but they are healthy fats from the olives & olive oil. Just a little bad fat comes from the cheese but use sparingly.

2 thick boneless chicken breasts
Salt & Pepper
About a cup of roasted red peppers from jar, drained
2 handfuls of fresh baby spinach
2 tblsp of kalamata olives or your favorite
1 tblsp of olive oil
Mozzarella Cheese
Herb stuffing mix or bread crumbs (optional)
White wine or chicken broth (optional)

Pre-heat over to 350. Split the chicken breasts to butterfly them & pound thinly with a mallet, until flat & uniform. Season with salt & pepper. Set aside.

Combine roasted red peppers, spinach & olives in a bowl. Toss with olive oil & sprinkle with a little salt & pepper. Spoon mixture over one side of chicken breast, top with a little mozzarella cheese. Fold over other side of chicken. Sprinkle with salt & pepper & top with just a little herb stuffing mix or bread crumbs.

The cheese below was asiago but I used mozzarella after & it was much better! Just didn't get a picture of it.

Place chicken in a baking dish & pour a little wine or broth in the dish. This is optional, I just think it keeps the chicken moist & gives a steaming effect. Bake for about 20 minutes or until juices run clear. Ovens will vary.

I had leftover filling & chicken so 2 days later I made a little more but this time pan fried the chicken in just a tiny bit of olive oil. I didn't bread the top & just turned it carefully to cook the other side. It was equally enjoyable but if you're cooking for more than 2 it's easier to bake!

Have a great weekend everyone! 
And Happy Valentine's Day!!!!


  1. sounds yummy! thanks for sharing! I have been visiting your blog for couple weeks, I love it. I enjoy cooking and eating good quality food too!

  2. Your fridge is definitely stocked differently than mine!

  3. oh my gosh, i really wish i hadn't already started dinner for tonight. this looks so good!

    have a lovely valentine's day!

  4. Kool!! I have everything I need to make that and LOL a lot of it is on my fridge door too.. peppers and olives to name a few.. and now I know what's for my lunch today.

  5. You always make dishes that have me drooling!

  6. EVIL! PURE EVIL! This looks fabulous! I just finished lunch and now I am hungry again!

  7. I LOVE this recipe and I can't wait to try this out. You used some of my favorite ingredients.

  8. Just thinking about kalmata olives makes me drool!

  9. So colorful! This looks great and my hubby loves calamata olives. Will have to remember this one for a date night.

  10. wow i love all the colors, such a pretty dish and it sounds delicious!

  11. That looks fabulous. I will have to try it this week. Thanks!

  12. Hooray for not so fat fridays! It's my favorite day of the week!

    Now, if I could just stop cooking and eating, it would help me lose those last 10 pounds of pregnancy weight!

    Happy Valentines day!

  13. I love anything CHICKEN and I will try this soon! MUST try this soon!

  14. YUMMY. This will be a perfect dinner for our lower carb nights.

    Have a wonderful Valentine's weekend. Take lots of pics.

  15. This looks really delicious, love the colorful filling!

  16. You won a giveaway at my site. Please send your address to me at ksfamilymail(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  17. I love your site for two reasons, Steph. One, you always manage to make me hungry, and two, you always tell me what I am going to be having for dinner that night.

    It is great and never fails. There is happiness in some certainties in life.


    PS: Your new header looks wonderful!

  18. looks delish as usual reading that you were an au pair at Bahamas Club Med for a month ....just wondering why only a month ? I went to a few Club Med's when I was "younger" I even won the CLub Med Maritinique Queen contest LOL ! Dang - so proud of that LOL

    The mimosa night with your girlfriends looked fun true that a night with a girlfriend no matter where, always helps.

    Have a Happy Valentine's Day ...I can't imagine what's on your menu ...but hope you're getting treated.


  19. Ok that looks AWESOME!!!! I am printing it right now.

  20. That looks and sounds delish!!

  21. That looks so good!! I found some yummy breadsticks over at Mrs. D's and I'll serve them on the side with a salad. What a yummy dish! And really not too complicated. Great dish for two. Thanks!!

  22. oh my goodness! i totally missed this! YUM!!

  23. Oh, how did I miss this one. It looks so good. I think I will try it this weekend.

  24. Ooooh this looks so good!!!

  25. This looks awesome too! I love anything Med and this looks so springy and healthy (but still a nice hot meal). We'll definitely try this during workout week!


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