Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blogging: Doggy Style

For the past 2 weeks I have been taking care of our newest addition, this little guy ~

And there has been a lot of this going on ~

Good thing he likes to do it while I'm blogging!!!!

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


  1. Oh, get right out of town! He is soooo cute.

  2. Those are wonderful pics! We got a new puppy almost 2 weeks ago. I ove watching puppies sleep. The only thing better is puppy breath! Wonderful WW!!

  3. Those are wonderful pics! We got a new puppy almost 2 weeks ago. I ove watching puppies sleep. The only thing better is puppy breath! Wonderful WW!!

  4. My husband is sitting on the sofa next to me, and I showed him these pictures. He really, really loves him.

  5. So you are just dog sitting? And you have to give him back?

  6. That belly!! I just want to bbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaapppppppppttttt all over it!

  7. OMG - he is so stinking adorable!! Is everyone sleeping with him at night or is he okay now? I love puppies so much - but then they grow up!

  8. Awwwwww.

    What classic, adorable pictures. You could just squish that little puppy to pieces and nuzzle him in your nose. Cutie!

  9. OMGosh, that is hysterical. I love how puppies will lay on their backs.

  10. He is so stinking cute!! There is nothing like a puppy!!

  11. So so precious!!! I enjoyed each and every ONE of the photos. Especially the one with all three snoozing.

    My Wordful is all about three ships that went sailing across the seas to discover America. And they're all here in our city. [replicas that is]

    Come on over for a blog visit, I'd love to have your company today.

  12. Oh my, how cute is he?! Love the big puppy paws!

  13. How completely adorable!

  14. He is so adorable I can't stand it! SO so sweet. Love your new header.
    PS Loved your menu for Jason's party : ).

  15. Best pictures ever, Steph. Love the one of the three of them...with your husband holding Tristan's hand. How precious is that?

    Love your blog make-over, too!

  16. Isn't he adorable?! My daughter was oohing and ahhing over him.

  17. **steals your puppy** hes so darn cute!! how do you ever punish hi for being naughty?? **snuggles with the baby**

  18. btw, i love the new look!! great job!!

  19. Well isn't he just the sleepiest little puppy ever!!

  20. Too funny!!
    All the pictures are adorable!
    Happy WW!

  21. I love how he just sprawls out all over the place. He is way too cute!

  22. That is too cute! Our dog, Moose, is an English Bulldog that WAS the cutest puppy on planet Earth BUT then he grew up to drool, stink and eat EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING in his line of sight!

  23. Just like a little newborn. He is precious!!!!

  24. Hey been crazy busy around here but wanted to stalk over and SAY AWWWWWWW....I love the pics!!!!

  25. that is the cutest puppy ever!!! i love it when they lay on their backs with their feet in the air haha!!

  26. ohmygoodness I NEED another one! :) love him.

  27. That is the cutest dog ever!

  28. Like any infant right? Probably only wakes to eat and poo! ; )

    What a cutie!

  29. That is the cutest flippin' puppy I have ever seen!!!!

  30. OMLord he is so stinkin' cute. Love the belly shots.

  31. That is just downright gorgeous!

  32. What a sweet pea! Love that face.

  33. Oh he is a CUTE doggie! I want to run his tummy!

  34. I wanna smell some puppy breath and give kisses on the round belly!

  35. What a cute little guy. My husband is NOT a pet person, but I have always grown up with an animal in the house (dog or cat). I'd love to get one someday and that little puppy is too cute!!

    1. What kind of do is that?
    2. How big will he get?
    3. Is there a reason you chose a male over a female?

    That's it. He's just so cute I want to take him home!

  36. OH I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!! He is precious!!!!

  37. That dog is the sweetest. I have an Alapaha Blue Blood Bull Dog, she looks an awful lot like your puppy and I must say she has been the best dog I have ever had.

  38. How stinkin cute is that!!!! Our Bulldog doesn't like to cuddle but rather lay by himself on the cold tile floor or on the carpet touching something but not us!

  39. Hi! I don't know if I've ever posted here, but your blog is on my blogroll!

    Your puppy is so cute! I love his tummy!!!

  40. HILARIOUS. I can't believe how much he SLEEPS. Ours=notsomuch.

  41. That is just about the cutest thing EVER. He's just adorable!!! I love how comfortable and at home he is - he wouldn't sleep in that position unless he felt safe wtih you guys! You're doing an awesome job, mom!

  42. OK, I seriously want your dog! My boys would be so happy! Cutest pics too girl. Have a great night!

  43. SUPER CUTE!!!!! These are adorable pics! Your son is just precious! Sleeping pics are so sweet.

  44. I just watched the Dog Show this weekend on Animal Planet (yeah...I won't explain that one. hehe.) and I am lovin' the dog life! Your little addition is just too cute for words!

  45. going to add to the gushing :) how adorable! what a cute pair they make, too. wondering, what kind of dog is that? a bulldog?

  46. actually read your previous post and answered my own question {english bulldog} ;)

  47. Oh my that is the cutest thing ever!! I love his little pink belly!

  48. He is the cutest puppy ever! The fact that he sleeps while you blog makes him even cuter!!!

  49. That puppy looks like the most silky smooth puppy I have ever seen. So cute!

  50. These pictures are adorable...and my insomnia could use a little sleepiness right now. I bet if I had his little warm body curled up next to me, I'd be out in a flash:)

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