Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lemony Lime Fruit with Fresh Mint

Since everyone gained a few pounds yesterday from the cheesecake, I thought I would play nice & post a delicious healthy treat today that I made this past weekend to bring to my parent's house. After chowing down on BBQ ribs, this was a nice way to have dessert without continuing with the fat-fest. I can't tell you how refreshing & tasty this was. 

A simple fruit dish, yes, but what the lemon lime soda does to the fruit as it sits & chills for a bit is somewhat magical. If you don't like mint, go ahead & make this without. I just tossed my leftover fruit with some soda last night to enjoy for lunch today, without the mint or the orange peel even. 

6 cups assorted fresh fruit
1 12 oz can diet lemon-lime soda
2 tblsp chopped fresh mint
1 tsp finely shredded orange, lime or lemon peel

In a large serving bowl combine fruit. Stir in soda, mint & orange peel. Cover & chill for 2 - 6 hours, stirring occasionally.

~ My Thoughts ~

I used watermelon, pineapple, grapes & strawberries. As for the orange peel, I just zested an orange for 1 tsp but it wasn't shredded - no biggie.

See you tomorrow for Not So Fat Fridays for a nice meal, including a simple salad & healthy dressing.


Kacey said...

That is a gorgeous salad! We love fresh fruit & mint. I'm so curious about the soda. I'll have to give this a try for sure. Especially since we're trying our hardest (well, that is not really true) to be good {ish}. :o)

Doublebanker said...

How come you gave the measurement for the soda in ounces instead of "seconds". :)

Erin said...


jewelstreet said...

Ooh, I am trying this tonight. I have some fresh fruit, and this is something my daughter will love. Yay! I bet I could even have this as a little afternoon snack.

Anonymous said...

Healthy dressing? Isn't the salad healthy enough?

Rachel said...

What does the soda do to it?
Who would have thought adding soda to fruit salad. Looks great.

Unknown said...

So is mint the new thing. I was watching Top Chef last night and they used it on some fruit desert.

Maria said...

The fruit salad is gorgeous! I would of never thought of using soda!! Genius:)

Kiera said...

What does the soda do to the fruit? Im dying to know!

Tam said...

We are huge fruit eaters and I will try the soda. I love a recipe that I have that is lemon juice with honey and poppy seeds on fruit...that I use all the time but this will make a nice change up especially for the summer!!!

OK so have you started writing your cookbook each? YOU know you could put one together and start selling it here on the blog. With your computer and great pictures you take....print them out and you could put them in some type of binding....OK I went off on a tangent but it is a thought????? JUST A THOUGHT...if I was closer I would so help you with it!

Melissa Lester said...

Oh, that looks so delicious! I'm avoiding sugar for a while to get my sweet tooth under control, but this could be a healthy alternative to the desserts I crave. And who could feel deprived eating something as lovely and refreshing as that fabulous fruit?

Coco said...

That sounds perfect for hot Texas summer bbqs! Yum.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

what a unique and refreshing idea!

FROGGITY! said...

Now that is almost too pretty to eat! But I WOULD eat it for sure... nom nom nom.

:) Go girl! Hope your weekend is happy...wait, it's Thursday... I'm a little off... ahhh.... well, hope your days are happy!!!

Pam said...

What a tasty fruit salad - I love the addition of mint.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful to look at, tasty to eat and just my kind of foods. I'll have to give it a try.

Chef Chuck said...

Thank You, I need some lighter food your right!
That look refreshing.

~Marie~ said...

I would have to make this without the pineapple because I am allergic to it... But it sounds so yummy!

Michelle said...

Doesn't that look like summer on a plate?

Lula! said...

I didn't even read the post or the recipe...yet...I just saw fruit, Sprite, and mint and immediately scrolled down to print. I knew it'd be fabulous.

OK, going back to read the full post now...

Baby Favorite said...

YUM! That looks scrumptious!!! I must try it soon.

I think of you every time I make your banana bread recipe (like last night again). I have so many of your recipes bookmarked. Thank you!!

Unknown said...

I love this! Simple, easy and delicious! I have a whole slew of leftover fruit from Kaishon's fruit kabobs. I will try this tonight. Thank you!

Melissa said...

y-u-m-m-y!! i will try that out this weekend...we are big (HUGE) fruit eaters in our family, so this will be a big (HUGE) hit!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds yummy!

Mary said...

WooHoo!! meat-free and simple ;o)

Jen said...

Oh I so miss fresh fruit. You are so lucky to have it all year round.

Real Live Lesbian said...

That is RIGHT up my alley! I can't wait to try it! ;)

Thanks so much for this recipe!

Scary Mommy said...

I love this. We've been eating a shit load of fruit and I'm trying to spice it up-- this is perfect!

Stella's World said...

I don't have your email address! I'm having dental work Saturday(I know unusual), I'm excited for you to come visit w/ LLL and myself!(if you can -bring Tristan)

Wendelyn DeMoss said...

I love it how you are always coming up with something new and different. Great ideas!

Deanna said...

Fruit salad. Yummy! Yummy!

Sweet Pea Chef said...

Healthy AND beautiful!

Angela said...

Beautiful Steph! And such a nice change of pace for this time of year.

Hey, if you get a second (or maybe you have already posted it on your blog somewhere?) can you let me know how to do the printable recipes?

Thanks bunches!!

Yellow Beads said...

I wish I would eat more HEALTHY stuff like this.

sassy stephanie said...

What a pretty dish.

Jenn said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and for recommending this fruit salad! It sounds amazing, I'll have to try it but probably without the mint.

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Ajwa dates
everyday fruits