Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's Been a Good Day So Far

New Year's Day Prayer for one and all

Dear Lord,

So far this year I've done well.

I haven't gossiped, I haven't lost my temper, I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or overindulgent. I'm very thankful for that. But in a few minutes, Lord, I'm going to get out of bed, and from then on I'm probably going to need a lot more help.


(not an original)


  1. Yippers!! that prayer fits my feelings too.
    Happy New Year

  2. Ha! I always break my resolutions before the day is up. I'm pathetic!!

  3. Too funny and so true! Happy New Year!

  4. I read the Shack. Make sure you give a review I'm interested in what other people think of it.

    I've been so grouchy today. Not sure what my problem is but not a good way to start off the new year.

  5. That is fabulous. Can I say this prayer every morning? Love it! Happy New Year!

  6. Hahaha! Exactly! Happy New year Stephanie!!

    When are you going to publish your recipe book? That should be on your list of resolutions this year. Get Published!

  7. LOL! That should be my mantra every morning!

  8. That is a great prayer. It'll stay up there in my top 10 for sure! Happy New Year!

  9. I love that one... don't you just think that every morning??

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am still looking for that balance as well... yeesh.

  10. I just wanted to tell you that I've been checking out your blog for a while now and I really love your recipes and foodie ideas. Thanks for sharing them!

  11. Love the letter and the No So Fat Fridays post idea. First because then I can make your wonderful recipe on the weekend and also because I am getting back to it in the nutrition dept. as well! Have a great few days off and Happy 2009!

  12. Ooo! That's a good one! I should put that by my bed....

  13. I can't wait to see your Friday recipes!

  14. That is perfect! And I am sad to say, kinds true.

  15. GREAT prayer....that about sums up my day too... Happy New Year!!

  16. That is a good one! I started reading the post thinking, who is this girl, but quickly learned, oh yes, she is a lot like me. :)

    I love that you will be hosting Not So Fat Fridays in the New Year. I will definitely be back to check that out!

    I see that you recommend Giada's Kitchen. Have you also checked out her Family Dinners book? A good one!


  17. Love that prayer! Cracks me up every time.

  18. that is a really good prayer and I do need a lot of help.

  19. : ) I feel like this a lot. Like every day a lot!

  20. Not So Fat Fridays! I love it--since I'm going to be not so fat EVERYDAY of this year. And when I get all cute and thin like you, we are going to hang out and drink Blue Moon and eat fabulous food and I will have earned it with all the hard work I've done. Amen.

    And I love this little prayer--it is so ME!


Something delicious to say?