Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Everybody Wants to Go To Heaven

This video takes about 15 seconds. Watch it and see what makes my heart sing each day. 

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


Tara Bennett said...

Be still my beating heart!

Simply AnonyMom said...


Jessica said...

Okay laughing out loud..He is awesome!!

Michelle said...

I can hear your heart singing! Such a cutie pie!

Unknown said...

Now that's priceless.

Hootin Anni said...

Love it!! The smile at the end is just too good for words!!!

Come on over and visit with me and my very wordful Wednesday post...I just couldn't stop shivering this morning....errrrr, ummmm, chat-at-at-chatting away!!!

Deb said...

our next american idol! very topical for this week! very, very cute.

mommytoalot said...

How absolutely sweet.
I love his little twang..do i hear a country musician in the making?

Jen said...

Oh my, beautiful! From the mouths of babes.

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...


Kameron said...

That is so sweet! Good little singer you've got there too! :o)

mommy4life said...

Better than most of the contestants on Idol last night!

Cheeky Kitchen said...

Oh, lovely baby. HOW is it that our children are so utterly delicious?! Little snugglers.

Thanks so much for sharing!

Lorina said...

That was adorable!

tiarastantrums said...

great singing

Tam said...

YOU have the cutest little guy EVER! How are things going? When is your last Day? Chin UP and it all is going to work out...still think we should think about FOOD NETWORK!

Claremont First Ward said...

I need to install something to be able to view this...but I'm guessing it's a must..I gather your little guy is the main attraction.......:)

Lump said...

awww I smiled big at this. :)

Anonymous said...

how cute!! good song!!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

ahhh, that is too precious! that would make my heart sing too!

Jaysi said...

That is adorable! What a lucky mom you are! Thanks for sharing your little piece of heaven today!

Kacey said...

I LOVE IT! I just want to squeeze him! Ryder loved watching the video too - he thought it was very entertaining. :o)

KimmyJ said...

OMGoodness, that is precious, just precious!

debi9kids said...

OMGosh! How sweet! What a fantastic voice filled with such joy!
Made my day too!
Happy WW!

Rachel said...

How could it not...with a voice like that...he is adorable!

Anonymous said...

That was so much fun! I love how he ends it "don't you know that?" LOL

Pam said...

Too cute.

Tabitha Blue said...

Haha, way too cute!!! I just love hearing kids sing!!



FROGGITY! said...

I HAVE A HUGE SMILE RIGHT NOW! Cute! What a joy to you he must be! Thanks for sharing.

Mary said...

Such a cutie!!!

michelle matthews said...

Absolutely precious!!!! He is so adorable! Listen to that voice! How fun!!!

Baby Favorite said...

My heart would be singing, too. It doesn't get any better than that!

Scary Mommy said...

Oh, my God-- is he just the cutest thing ever or what?!!!

Susan said...

Absolutely A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E!

Unknown said...

Oh. My. Gosh. He is so precious! Precious to the max! I want to go to Heaven for sure!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

It really does not get much better than this. I love it.

Also, was he adding a bit of his own "accent" to the lyrics? Totally made me smile.


Smores for Breakfast said...

You need to save that for the day when he gets married so his fiance can see what a cutie pie he is!

Anonymous said...

How absolutely adorable.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Way too cute!!!!

Real Live Lesbian said...

That is beyond precious!

Angela said...

SUCH a cutie!!

Hope you are having a great weekend! We are going to some friends' this evening, but I will check in tomorrow and say hi!

Yellow Beads said...

hehe ;) Cute.