Monday, December 1, 2008

Fried Zucchini

Wow, what a great 4 day weekend with family! Lots of eating & drinking so I am definitely feeling that it's time to take a step back from the over indulging & focus on some balance as well as exercise!!!! We spent some time at Downtown Disney, enjoying the movie Bolt as well as the fairly new T-Rex Cafe. Just think Rainforest Cafe except with dinosaurs & wooly mammoths, since both were built by the same company. There's also one in Kansas City.

Yesterday I had family over for some appetizers so this Fried Zucchini was the 1st to come to mind. It is so delicious, plain & simple, and one of my favorite fried appetizers EVAH!! If you take your time with the breading, you will feel like you were served this out at a restaurant. By the time the breading is golden brown you can be sure the inside is perfect!

4 zucchini (each will make 8-10 pieces), skin peeled
1-2 cups all purpose flour
2 cups Italian seasoned bread crumbs & Panko
Garlic powder
Dried basil
Salt & Pepper
4 eggs, whisked
Vegetable oil for frying
Grated Parmesan cheese for sprinkling
Sea salt to taste
Marinara sauce for dipping (optional)

Halve the zucchini crosswise, then cut each half into 4-6 pieces depending on how thick the zucchini is. Lay pieces on paper towel & sprinkle with salt. This draws out all the moisture and will make for a perfect texture. I leave out for a couple hours. Combine breadcrumbs, garlic, basil, salt & pepper & place in a dish for coating. Place your flour in another dish with a little salt & pepper. Then whisk the eggs in another deeper bowl with a little water. Have your flour, eggs, & breadcrumbs in an assembly line, in that order.

Coat the zucchini in the flour, shaking off excess. Using a fork, roll zucchini around in egg until coated thoroughly. You never have to get egg on your hand with this method & your breadcrumbs stay dryer. Roll zucchini in breadcrumbs until coated then place on wax paper & set aside. Repeat with remaining. I like to refrigerate it for a few hours as it allows the coating to stay on.

In a frying pan, pour oil to about 1-2 inches in depth, over medium heat. When the oil is hot enough, fry zucchini until golden brown, about 2 minute on each side. Transfer sticks to a plate lined with paper towel or a cookie rack. Immediately sprinkle with a little salt & parmesan cheese. Place on a nice platter & serve with some marinara sauce, if desired.

My Thoughts:

Allow yourself a good 1/2 hour to bread 32 sticks. It takes time but very well worth the effort. 


  1. Wow-- it's only 7am here and I'm hungry for these already! These are one of my favorite appetizers! I'm definitely trying this recipe!

  2. See? Told you.

    Clicking for the printable recipe, as always. It won't be too long that I'll have an entire LLL cookbook. Of my own. Until you publish one for real.

  3. My mouth is watering. I want some right now. I know its 9AM but still, I think they would make a good breakfast after breakfast.

  4. That really looks good! I just love spending time at Downtown Disney when we're in town... wish I had a place like that here :)

  5. That looks so good! I cant wait to try that. I love zucchini so fried would be even better!

  6. Oh this is my fave! Sounds so super yummy.

    Jason Mraz was in town last night at the best venue EVAH. Yes, I'm stealing your word. I wanted to see him so bad but no dice. Maybe next time. You just come here, or I'll go there. We'll eat, drink, and be merry with Jason. Not ina stalker kind of way, just an admiring kind of way. LOL

  7. I find that if I refrigerate my breaded zucchini for an hour before frying, the coating stays on perfectly.

    Great recipe!

  8. I haven't had fried zucchini in forever and I LOVE it!!! Thanks for the recipe!

  9. Yum Yum. I found you on another blog and it seems we have a lot in common not to mention where we live. I am close to DT Disney and my hubby loves to cook and I love to eat it!
    I'll be back!

  10. Now THAT looks delicious! I will most certain try this recipe SOON!!

    I plan to grow some zucchini this spring and this recipe will especially come in handy.

  11. I live in FL, and I love food! We have sooo much in common! LOL

    Seriously though, I'm excited about finding your blog via Jewel Street's and am off to take a quick look around.

  12. I love fried zucchini those look great.

  13. I wish I liked zucchini although technically I've never tried it...It looks so good though! Anything fried looks good!

  14. sound delicous- and I'm with you - I NEED a BIG diet for the next couple of weeks - The T-Rex restaurant sounds like a great place - my son would adore it!

  15. I LOVE fried zuchinni! I am making fried ravioli this weekend, for my cookie exchange.

  16. mmmm!

    i am so hungry. and worn out! (long weekends = fun but tiring!) will you come and cook these for us? lol we're a really fun family, i promise! :)

  17. Mmmmm, I love fried zuck-in-eye!

  18. What a great Thanksgiving weekend! That recipe looks totally delish!

  19. Once again---- Y-u-m-m-y!!! I'm starting think I am going to hire you as my personal chef...

  20. So yummy! We always fry squash every summer! My husband will hardly eat a veggie if it isn't deep fried! lol!

  21. Your fried zucchini looks yummy! Kudos on getting the Christmas decorations up. Your house looks beautiful!

  22. I need to know if BOLT was good!!?! Let me know! Sounds like a fun weekend. I haven't gone to T-Rex may scare Princess.

  23. Fried zuchinni and mushrooms, two of my favorite things.

    Hope you had a fabulous Turkey Day!
    Your house is just precious!

  24. I adore fried zucchini--and your's look particularly wonderful! I think Giada has a recipe for doing it with rice flour--I've never tried that, but it supposedly also makes an amazing crust on the 'zucc'!


  25. Ok, please. We've been "friends" for some time now. I think it is about time you let me in on your little secret. Coke? Smack? What is it that you take that keeps you from gaining 100 lbs??

  26. As a true Texan, I'll have to fry me up some zuccini immediately. I think it's the only thing I haven't fried.

  27. I second sassy stephanie's comment-- those look delish. How are you not 500 pounds?!!

    And your house looks awesome!

  28. I only partake in fried stuff every now and then. I have only eaten a bowl of cereal today and let me tell you, those fried zuc's look really good to me right now!

  29. What a great way to enjoy a vegetable:)

  30. I love fried zucchini - these look fantastic. I can hear the crunch from here.

  31. Whod've thunk you could bread that zucch early? LOVE it!

    I used to ride my bike down to Montgomery's Ranch House and buy an order of fried mushrooms & zucchini when I was a wee little thing. Man, I would crave that stuff. It's nice to know it's not too terribly hard to make it at home. Will HAVE to try! Yum. Yum.

  32. I love fried zucchini! I'll bet yours is the best ever.

  33. These just look darn good. I've never had it fried..yum!

  34. girl, you have sparked a love in my food life. i love fried zucchini and i never make it in the long slices. i just might have to go and get some. yummo!!!

  35. I love these... I have been meaning to try the bread crumb coated baked version... looks lovely.

  36. this is the only way I will eat zucchini!! you are so after my heart, I just know it.

  37. Thank you for this! My fav appetizer! Yummy!
    What a sweet day the 3 of you had. That place sounds awesome!

  38. I love fried zucchini. I think my mouth is watering...

  39. I'll have to pass for the first time.

  40. I'd love to try this, but will never make it. This is what my roommate was attempting to make when she set our apartment on fire.


Something delicious to say?