Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving...................

From My Home to Your Home!!!!!!!!!!

With preparing for guests tonight, this the best I can do. But really, in the end, and in the true spirit of things, all I want to say is thank you. Thank you for giving me more than you can imagine, for motivating me more than you know, and for inspiring me to be my best self. If you're reading this, then I am talking to you!!!!!

*** *** *** *** ***

I also wanted to share these cookies with you. I made them last night for Tristan's class & meant to take a picture to post about it, in case you haven't seen these before & were interested in making them. I borrowed this picture from Melissa at A Little Loveliness.

All you need is a package of fudge strip cookies, Reese's PB cups & some icing. Turn the cookie upside down. Use the icing to "glue" the Reese's PB cups to the cookie. Then draw a square with the icing. I used orange icing for mine.

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


  1. Happy Turkey Day! I like your house : ).

  2. I have thought about you as I've been cooking for Thanksgiving, as this is a great holiday for foodies like yourself. I hope you spend this holiday warmed and filled -- with good food and great memories! Happy Thanksgiving, my friend!

  3. Happy turkey day to you. You have a beautiful home and a lot to be thankful for :)

  4. Cute house! and I made the chili shrimp tonight. Sooooo easy and so good!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! Your front porch is inviting me to sit for a spell and enjoy a sweet tea. I think I'll do just that - thanks!

  6. A beautiful home for a beautiful family and a beautiful woman/person that I am really glad to know. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

  7. Love love love your home.

  8. Your house is lovely especially the porch. I can see many quiet moments reading in that rocking chair!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  9. This is probably one of your favorite holidays! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving! What a gorgeous house you have! May your turkey be spectacular (I know it will!)!! :)

  11. Cute cookies! Have a great Thanksgiving.

  12. Those are darling!

    I've been meaning to write you back to say THANK YOU for the wonderful instructions on fixing my blog spacing. That was so sweet of you! I haven't gotten to sit down and try it just yet, but I will soon. Maybe now that I have five days off from work! I appreciate your help.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving. What a great cookie idea...my kids would love these little pilgrim hats.

  14. What a beautiful home you have!

    Those little cookies are adorable.

  15. I have seen a bunch of variations of these hats and I love every one of them.

    Have a Great Thanksgiving:-)

  16. Cute little hats. My Little Bee is spying over my shoulder and said she wants to make some today!

    Have a great Thanksgiving my bloggy friend!

  17. What a cute house! I love the cookies! You always have the best food over here!! Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Hey,

    Love your front porch/front door. Nifty cookies too! (((HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!)))

  19. Happy Thanksgiving from me to you! I love visiting your blog each day. I'm making those hats for my kids, too, except I'm using marshmallows instead of the peanut butter cups.

  20. What a fun quick and easy recipe!

    Happy WW to you and Happy Thanksgiving!

    Thank you also for visiting my blog

  21. my boys will so want to make those. off to the store now! did you say i get to eat the left over pb cups?

    you've got a beautiful home. i hope you use that awesome front porch!

    happy thanksgiving!

  22. Happy Turkey Day! CUTE hat cookies!!!

  23. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!! Those cookies are so cute and all of your desserts sound heavenly! Enjoy your holiday!!

  24. I have never seen these cookies before! How cool is that!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  25. TOOO CUTE!!!! Toooo YUMMY also!

    Happy Happy Thankgiving!!!!

  26. Happy Thanksgiving! We had the Pilgrims Hats with chocolate dipped marshmallows tonight. They were YUMMY! These look really good to! And your dessert list is TO DIE FOR!

  27. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! I just printed off your hot artichole dip recipe and will be making that tomorrow:)
    The pilgrom hat cookies are too cute!

  28. I am thankful for you! Happy Thanksgiving! Your desserts sound delish! Homeade buttercream icing. What could be bad about that? : )

    Cute cookies! So simple!

  29. Happy Thanksgiving!
    I love your front porch!(obviously) I love rocking chairs on front porches, I knew we were kindred spirits!

    I love those cookies, too bad I looked this morning and can not do them for this year! I will remember them for next year. Perfect for kids.

  30. Happy Thanksgiving!
    I love your front porch!(obviously) I love rocking chairs on front porches, I knew we were kindred spirits!

    I love those cookies, too bad I looked this morning and can not do them for this year! I will remember them for next year. Perfect for kids.

  31. Happy Thanksgiving!
    I love your front porch!(obviously) I love rocking chairs on front porches, I knew we were kindred spirits!

    I love those cookies, too bad I looked this morning and can not do them for this year! I will remember them for next year. Perfect for kids.

  32. Your home is beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family too!

  33. Somehow I knew your house would look exactly like that!

  34. I love your porch!

    Those cookies are too cute.

  35. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Your house is beautiful!
    Those cookies are ADORABLE! SO creative!

  36. Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you too! And what a great cookie idea... and I love that it's easy!!

  37. you have such a beautiful home!!

    holy crap. those cookies are so cute. Now that is some EASY "cooking" that I can do. I'm making these even if it's not thanksgiving anymore. ;)

    hope you had a great turkey day!!


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